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[四级词汇语法] 2012年英语四级考试词汇练习二十三

发表于 2012-8-14 09:56:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
11.How much per gallon is this _______?
  ]7 O# ^7 m- L# t9 t8 I' a8 d# o% f) h4 G* ^& g* d- U  U
A. poison B.pipe C.ox D.gasoline
% `# D' T5 D; L/ K* @3 m. i+ F  K" W  _
12.I couldn’t hear the program because there was too much _______.
9 q0 W; X9 b0 Q) H0 w% K# |* }/ ^( Q4 k0 l4 _5 s9 Y
A. grasp B.globe C.superior D.interference
# d7 m7 q( Q/ J7 m
8 P5 C9 w; I" H0 W+ b; y- T* K13.Thanks for the advice, but this is something I have to _______ out myself.
  }2 S. z% g; ]" v" y4 ]
; A) u! l( `* ]) e% FA. fulfill B.identify C.figure D.claim+ y" i9 g. s3 Z) W" l/ |$ p

1 `, p4 w% @5 G2 @8 C14.Mary was seriously injured in a _______.1 l1 H) J. P9 k

8 Z+ A7 N0 F6 U9 k2 U( b+ jA. collision B.geology C.manuscript D.pool
9 r& `' v/ o% f1 t6 M& c: w. G2 j* M% d! G  n  P
15.This 80-200mm zoom lens bears canon’s L designation, denoting a top-of-the-line lens built to extremely high _______./ U8 I6 K8 Z, i" ?9 m

! u& B. I* p( d: t2 }4 t8 V' IA. tolerances B.pitch C.possession D.purses5 I0 l5 `) }8 o6 m
11.D 12.D 13.C 14.A 15.A

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