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[四级完型] 2012年大学英语四级模拟试题07

发表于 2012-8-14 10:05:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
& U7 v$ u# w3 q6 X% d1 b8 j9 s+ L) c% A' ~* T# p4 g4 W

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:05:13 | 显示全部楼层


 1.Consumers had better choose a provider of a credit card with_____________. 2 Z. b" s6 Q2 n0 Z+ j( c
  [A] the promise of giving their money back on their purchases . h& p6 F) I1 W5 f: ~* C
  [B] the rewards in the form of a check 7 k) ?3 L. g( Q, t4 G! p! `. q' k
  [C] a reasonable rate and reward for using their card
3 M4 m7 N' p: B  [D] the chance of giving their money back in a short time * ]( j' q: N) D& W, g* z
  2.If you do not pay your card off every month,___________.
  m- _3 E0 ^' S; C& a. [  [A] your rewards cards are free money + y# R/ X# U- u4 [7 V- I* h
  [B] you have to pay an annual fee
( e, p5 N! e4 C. a$ |1 K  [C] your reward is outweighed by interest - h0 l6 Q  N% c
  [D] no companies pay rewards ) n. y- }$ L" t9 S/ s9 ^8 G0 M: {
  3.If you of ten travel on business,__________. www.Examw.com) D5 Y- F4 Y: ^6 L
  [A]you’d beaer consider taking a cap with you
6 Y1 q% ~! [; ]. O% x- O  m/ X  [B]many rewards cards will not limit to you , Z3 y) v2 v* n( u, W$ ~
  [C]you will never come close to the limitation 5 H& _9 B9 o2 D
  [D]you’d better choose a higher limitation card
( M( Q+ F6 a1 Z& `  4.To avoid losing any points,___________.
  _2 v7 ?/ @$ c& X  [A]you have to purchase a car five years later 8 K* u* }! Q: J9 K" i% E5 |
  [B]you’d beRer purchase in the accumulating limitation 0 b8 d: _6 C' j4 W/ u5 p
  [C]you’d beRer select a card coveting years 1 and 2 ' F( ?; P  Q$ J4 r4 Q
  [D]you have to waste the two years points 9 F/ ^& T3 X3 K: M0 N" x* w
  5.What does the author imply by saying“rewards cards can be a useful option for the savvy consumer”? & |+ D1 Z+ \- q
  [A]Reward cards are helpful when people know them totally well. 0 A( S% ~/ q6 C/ q9 [8 X( b
  [B]Reward cards are useful only when people purchase with them.
$ u" K0 U6 l" e  [C]The value of the card will vanish from month to month in a short time.
0 J3 r  X2 m/ d# l  [D]Rewards cards will serve people with comfort and convenience.
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:05:14 | 显示全部楼层


4 V) G2 `$ p4 I# w- @  信用卡已被我们熟悉和使用,但大多数人并不真正了解它。本文主要介绍了积分信用卡的特点和使用方法,以及选择积分信用卡应注意的两个事项,最后文章提醒我们只有在全面了解信用卡的基础上,信用卡才能为我们提供便利。 + [& R5 b1 L7 @: e7 ]# p
9 c$ ~3 X/ b) o) T1 A& Z8 m  信息明示题。根据文章首段最后一句可知,消费者应该选择能够提供低利率或者积分回馈的信用卡,可知本题选C。
  O( F1 [: T' x& k# c  2.C : n( h3 F( x5 X" b
  信息明示题。文章第三段提到,当你没有按月还清卡上的债务时,你要支付的利息就可能会高于你的奖金,故选C。只有你定期交年费,才可以使用卡上的钱,故排除A;D项叙述过于绝对,与文章中Not too many companies表达不符,可排除。 9 \$ d2 `6 k" {7 }5 Y
  3.D 5 W, l* b- K/ ]2 v; [( ^
8 \* J* H* z) g7 j2 B) ?7 [  4.B 0 z& _8 s+ S6 u: F) R) x1 ^! T! [
3 e9 m4 K' @$ t  5.A
& d* X1 W2 l- i9 g) @. T  综合推断题。这句话的意思是:对于那些有见识的消费者来说,使用积分信用卡是不错的选择,言外之意就是说:人们对信用卡了解得越透彻,就越能享受到信用卡带来的便利,故选A。 </p>
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