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[四级完型] 2012年大学英语四级模拟试题24

发表于 2012-8-14 10:05:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年大学英语四级模拟试题246 B* z1 K) b7 l8 z; x7 @
Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked [ A ], [ B ], [ C ] and [ D ]on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding ( l! x+ K8 }0 d0 u0 g+ N
  letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center. www.ExamW.CoM$ u3 e  P# M3 |4 |$ E
+ _, u$ `, h5 u   Many people wrongly believe that when people reach old age, their families place them in nursing homes. They are left in the 67 of strangers for the rest of their lives. 5 P# Z7 F9 [0 b5 F2 K* B( i5 l
  Their 68 children visit them only occasionally, but more often, they do not have any 69 visitors. The truth is that this idea is an unfortunate myth--an 70 story. In fact, family members provide over 80 percent of the care 71 elderly people need. Samuel Preston, a sociologist, studied 72 the American family is changing.
9 T; U: b; E; C+ B! Y; A  He reported that by the time the 73 American couple reaches 40 years of age, they have more parents than children. 74 , because people today live longer after an illness than people did years 75 , family members must provide long term care. More psychologists have found that all caregivers 76 a common characteristic: All caregivers believe that they are the best 77 for the job. 中 华 考 试 网: F! N, I, [6 g. x; o  a' W
  In other words, they all felt that they 78 do the job better than anyone else. Social workers 79 caregivers to find out why they took 80 the responsibility of caring for an elderly relative. Many caregivers believed they had 81 to help their relative. Some stated that helping others 82 them feel more useful. Others hoped that by helping 83 now, they would deserve care when they became old and 84 . Caring for the elderly and being taken care of can be a 85 satisfying experience for everyone who might be 86 ..

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:05:13 | 显示全部楼层


 67. 1 y1 ^% }  ?5 I6 I5 j
  [A] hands
4 n$ }& A. c% O4 E$ W: r  [B] arms . F5 E$ u# [* G1 r0 Q/ ~
  [C] bodies 5 c( m. h7 h+ \2 O7 J. V; z# V
  [D] homes
( H4 R( Y/ E: H  68. 6 ?. X' G, _" ?, J% k. _
  [A] growing
  _0 b+ s' G' z$ j  [B] grown . i7 ^: Z1 h4 b) y3 N( |
  [C] grow
$ L, t8 X, ^  r. q7 U; J9 i* |) m1 @  [D] grows
4 S+ a7 _: B' y8 w$ |! e  69. [A] constant ' K# T7 s  P; w# I" D' ^3 x
  [B] lasting $ b+ ~- t1 S4 O4 w
  [C] regular
/ B& u* b7 ^4 c% d  [D] normal 0 }! u! p3 Y7 w8 {
  70. [A] imaginary / J8 {* ?" z9 X8 N; X
  [B] imaginable
! [6 t% B- U! M1 Z4 I, G1 V& }  [C] imaginative
8 s5 u5 k+ z$ h; e% z5 E  [D] imagery , \# u( F$ X- J- c: _5 A& m
  71. [A] that
) [, _& a; q& e, q2 ]% V0 p  [B] this
4 I* [8 z5 g6 m7 b" r" z6 \" d  [C] those 2 _1 C% z1 E, B. {2 X( U
  [D] these $ x, ^0 }4 N8 I
  72. [A] when . Y# t' E: \0 i: d9 n- L6 ^0 X
  [B] how 3 {+ D+ w6 G8 g8 n% i$ X) b
  [C] what - n, q/ J4 A& e# X+ q' f) \1 N
  [D] where
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:05:14 | 显示全部楼层


 73. [A] common 1 K: Q* U2 w& s1 ]* v1 @' N8 f$ g
  [B] ordinary 中华考试网(www.Examw。com)
  Y- a" [1 x  i' U: d  [C] standard
7 ^" S. U2 h6 E/ A# Z# h; I  [D] average 2 l2 }" W( w$ A, k+ l- x" r
  74. 0 j5 C/ R% ]# }% Y& M$ S( u
  [A] Still
/ t6 V6 }: ]! y- R5 Z. v  [B] However 8 _+ k! ^- R/ M6 e: V
  [C] Moreover
/ R- t* b! |- g$ n) Z5 }9 G  [D] Whereas " r4 a7 ~% G6 _/ v
  75. [A] before 2 h$ n( p7 w5 I) Z
  [B] ago 6 z% y; }: d- B! z  @
  [C] later
# q& r+ ]8 P. c4 i7 I2 D  [D] lately
! L$ C- k5 v3 K' j7 d8 w  76. [A] share # d) B* r" t# c  s
) K& p7 O6 V" B6 i  ?# c( R  [C] divide
$ v6 [3 W1 F; q3 |4 P  [D] consent
& H: m9 u" W+ C" }! r  77.
% P  J1 X- ]' s6 C$ I& _  [A] person
/ x- N7 N5 U, x  [B] people
$ m" [* Y9 n$ ^3 a: q) e: t2 m  [C] character
. i, {% u1 s: S* y6 b- J  @: ]: E  [D] man ) }4 z6 g! S& U. v  P: o+ i
6 E6 W- h) ?8 {- m% i. M# E% J  [A] would 转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]8 D5 `3 W8 ~3 N2 t
  [B] will . _. n9 z# ]% s: h, C$ V/ ^
  [C] could
0 i; G* ~" z% g" f! S) h' q  [D] can
8 s4 t4 N: Z( r  79. 2 v) I& Q( w  A& }
  [A] questioned
3 m  p' Z: f2 L7 a% S1 }" h  [B] interviewed 9 c4 f! i6 C* n: n4 ?6 w+ p
  [C] inquired   Z' f' |, `% ^, J7 @( F
  [D] interrogate / }0 F% T, l4 g3 Y, O* n
  80. 2 |; [$ k8 t% v2 H3 `* D
  [A] in # }* L4 K+ B+ R+ r( |4 R" [- E; O
  [B] up & _' T4 \+ \7 Q* k
  [C] on
& D6 \% {# P, n! A% N  K& d# R  [D] off
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:05:15 | 显示全部楼层


- P% G. i# G* j2 g0 H" y  [A] admiration 4 t8 C+ R4 X4 k5 c! j5 n
  [B] initiative
# |8 T" f1 c1 Z: U6 `" z. F! f  [C] necessity 5 s7 Y) U* |. j. y0 I" g. L
  [D] obligation ; B" v, S$ G4 z9 ]
; ^  }; N& Z6 n  s7 M  [A] cause
. n7 }  A# \  c$ ?4 E  [B] enable
# P( F" T/ E1 Z8 m7 l7 R0 R  [C] make
8 ^( T& p* G" u  [D] get
* z+ }6 I- B( ^7 [0 d4 G5 Q  83.   b1 g" z, C1 Q4 h9 G/ A) Q" ]6 d
  [A] someone
* E  v: Y  f) R; W/ J  [B] anyone 7 [% k( ~( K' P) v/ U( Z  j
  [C] everyone 考试用书
- G$ |2 Y$ w; E# P3 ~+ g  [D] anybody
) e7 n0 j! a; i; r, B  84. , b/ J% ^' C' y
  [A] elderly 4 _3 L3 m- J3 n+ U
  [B] dependent
) v# n, U5 p/ {/ l  [C] dependable
0 ~! ^; n1 _3 n, ^* Q  [D] independent
$ |5 I, a+ h9 C  85.
# i8 j. x; Y$ d( B3 L7 o  [A] similarly ! z; c+ P2 s8 a% [* j* ~
  [B] differently 2 g% G+ ~: w0 X
  [C] mutually ( z' o& u% X% N) p5 ]6 z( l
  [D] certainly
) q* c) o' g  A- J# W  86. 3 @% G, q1 L/ p1 b  w1 n( [3 b7 h
  [A] involved 8 x' @3 C8 v6 m2 K: O# |0 j
  [B] excluded www.Examw.com
$ N* k) p% m0 f  [C] included
( J$ J" L- S. b# R! W  h  [D] considered
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:05:16 | 显示全部楼层


/ E, y. q2 \, A4 g2 K9 M2 z  Z- g  很多人错误地认为当他们步入老年时,家人会将他们送进老人院,他们将生活在一个孤独陌生的环境里。但文章指出,这个观点是错误的,并通过介绍社会学家们的研究和发现论述了这个观点错误的原因。   Y' _! U! _2 P3 @1 {3 {, C1 {
  67.A惯用搭配题。In the hands of意为“由……控制或照料”,是惯用搭配,刚好与句意相符,所以A正确。
- M2 Y% Y; l- Y2 A  *考点
6 o2 }; C2 j# h! y  ●关于hand的短语有:at one’s hands出自某人之手;in hand在控制之中;off(one’s)hands脱离(某人的)管辖权,如:We finally got that project of four hands.我们终于不用管那项工程了。 - y4 J* ]% J6 e2 I6 p  Z
  68.B逻辑衔接题。此处缺少的是定语,四个选项中A、B都可以充当定语,growing意为“成长的.正在长大的”,grown意为“长大成人的,成年的”,结合前文内容可知,应选B。 ' D  n& D% N, |$ b6 Q8 s
. I# d% G- N0 @% Y* B6 j% [  70.A词义辨析题。下文对前面提到的观点进行了反驳,也就是说前面所说的情况不是真实存在的,故选A(不真实的,虚构的)。imaginable意为“可想象的”,imaginative意为“富于想像力的”,imagery意为“肖像”,均排除。 $ |" i- U! `4 x* O6 J1 e- q8 W' `
  71.A逻辑衔接题。此处应用that引导定语从句充当care的定语,故选A。 2 b% u! ?- H5 L$ U! P) I+ Y, A
5 T( o( _' _' W# S. L  73.D词义辨析题。common意为“普通的,共同的”,强调一种趋同的情况;ordinary与special相对立,强调平凡,毫无特性;standard意为“标准的”;average意为“一般的,平均的”,强调的是在类型或特征上通常的或平均情况,由此可知本题选D。
% x0 a6 X/ k* S  74.C词义辨析题。still意为“尽管如此,但……仍然”,表让步,however意为“然而”,表转折,moreover意为“而且”,whereas意为“尽管”。分析上下文可知,前后两句应为递进关系,故选C。
4 ~2 q! \, l4 M! t5 ^  75.B词义辨析题。ago意为“以前”,指从现在算起,故选B。before意为“以前”,指从过去某个时刻算起,故排除。
( `% E, q  V& Z* S: l  76.A词义辨析题。share意为“共享,共有”,与a common characteristic搭配,意为“具有共同的特征”,所以A正确。
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:05:17 | 显示全部楼层


 77.B词义辨析题。句中谓语为are,故此处应填入一个复数形式的名词,所以B正确。 , q6 p" y2 K- l9 w9 ^' Z
  78.C逻辑衔接题。本句的主句是过去时,故排除will和call,而would表示一种意愿,也应排除,故选C。 ; s' q; E* M* t; K
  79.B词义辨析题。question和inquire意为“询问,疑问”,interrogate意为“审问”,interview意为“面试,访问”,此处句意为“社会工作者访问护理人员想弄明白为什么他们要承担照顾年纪大的亲戚的责任”,所以B正确。 www.ExamW.CoM
2 \" e: a2 o: s  80.C惯用搭配题。take in意为“欺骗;收容”,take up意为“从事”,take on意为“承担”,take off意为“脱下;起飞”,只有take on能与responsibility搭配,故选C。
0 @' K0 s$ S: ^/ _* `: T2 k3 Q  81.D词义辨析题。admiration意为“羡慕”,initiative意为“主动”,necessity意为“必要性”,obligation意为“责任,义务”,此处句意为“护理人员相信他们有这个义务帮助他们的亲戚”,所以D正确。 " `: p/ @, }' v4 X- U) f
  82.C惯用搭配题。make sb.do sth.意为“使某人做某事”,符合句意,所以C正确。 3 {+ t) `8 r7 R  m0 y
  83.A词义辨析题。someone泛指某个人,anyone和anybody指任何人,everyone指每个人,结合句意可知,A正确。 ) Y1 b# k8 v2 @* @. V) j& a) G
  84.B词义辨析题。elderly意为“年纪稍老的”,dependent意为“依靠别人的”,dependable意为“可靠的”,independent意为“独立的”,此处句意为“当他们老了需要依靠别人时,他们应该得到照顾”,所以B正确。 . @6 k9 F2 l7 U4 H+ }% u
  85.C词义辨析题。similarly意为“同样地,相似地”,differently意为“不同地”,mutually意为“共同地”,certainly意为“当然地”,结合句意,照顾老人和被照顾是一种相互的关系,由此可知,C正确。 ( x2 J9 [+ s) O9 D. r4 t& h  A
  86.A词义辨析题。involved意为“涉及的,牵涉到的”,excluded意为“排除在外的,不包括的”,included意为“包含的”,considered意为“被考虑到”,此句意为“照顾老人和被照顾是一种相互的关系,每个人都有可能涉足其中”,所以A正确。 </p>
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