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[四级完型] 2012年大学英语四级模拟试题30

发表于 2012-8-14 10:05:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年大学英语四级模拟试题306 ?2 T1 O) u! I& B6 v- c
: r" }. Q( U; O0 L4 x$ I
 Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D ] on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.
4 m5 b1 b, y+ X& P" ^0 s  注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。 中华考试网. W8 V7 z8 T; C: u, h& B; l
  Every year more than half a million American kids have drainage (排泄 ) tubes surgically implanted in their ears to combat persistent infections. The procedure, known as tympanostomy, may not be as 67 as the tonsillectomy was in the 1940s, but it now 68 as the nation’s leading childhood 69 and a new study suggests it’s being vastly overused. In 70 more than 6,000 scheduled ear tube operations, a team of experts 71 by Harvard pediatrician Lawrence Kleinman found that fewer than half were clearly justified. "Each year", the researchers write in the
5 N! V( b8 F' T7 x/ L  current Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), "several hundred thousand children in the United States may be 72 tympanostomy tubes that offer them no demonstrated 73 ...and may place them at increased 74 ." 0 C$ G" E2 W2 U8 f' @% u; V* q% K
  Tube placement isn’t a 75 risky procedure, but it costs $1,000 to $1,500 and sometimes scars the eardrum, causing a partial loss of 76 . Studies show that the
4 V* _  M8 G* J3 }: b. Q; O) C0 Y  benefits are most likely to 77 the risks ifa child’s middle ear has produced sticky fluid 78 more than four months despite treatment 79 antibiotics. For less virulent infections, drug treatment is Usually a(n) 80 , safer alternative (though drugs, too, can be overused). In the new JAMA study, Kleinman’s team reviewed the medical charts of 6,429 kids, all under 16, 81 doctors had recommended the procedure. Even making "generous assumptions" about the likely 82 , the researchers found that a quarter of the proposed operations were 83 , since less invasive alternatives were available, 84 another third were as likely to harm the recipients as help them. Parents needn’t 85 about ear tubes that are already in place. Once 86 implanted, the tiny devices provide drainage for six months to a year, then come out by reducing health costs by hundreds of millions of dollars every year.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:05:13 | 显示全部楼层


 67. 6 k  _5 M: V- r" ?0 N' P  w* h% Z
  [A] rare
/ V+ ~- J; h, S; h! V/ I! s) R9 C  [B] common   D5 _8 O  J& V, C9 H' \
  [C] general
/ O8 H& E! D6 k9 @  [D] abnormal + I8 I: Q- W- c+ M4 ?% V
* c' {: I$ U- c9 j- P  [A] considers 外语学习网
+ V$ `& s: n2 F% s4 k2 R  [B] altemates
& s, }; A. M/ e; Y: g6 E  [C] ranges ! S; {( Y0 h) D  O% t6 V6 n! s% ~6 C4 N
  [D] ranks 7 r, w. h/ Q% [0 v, c
  D& ^/ s8 o3 G. }  [A] operation   u- a4 V+ {- _8 h, }
  [B] disease
6 l+ X: `" a3 w8 S9 R  [C] condition ( q! L% f% V4 D, M! T
  [D] injection
) O: o$ K' X" f3 S  ^  70.
1 r" J2 e( m/ H/ ^, ^& o* e  [A] finding % A0 Z% ~0 T9 j' f- ~+ i1 m' ~4 P
  [B] reviewing
) |2 C& J; X4 D  [C] amending
% j. U# G7 e! L  [D] performing : ]9 q9 a6 N; e
  71. . ]+ w6 l+ l2 a( k: o
  [A] controlled
1 {; e: e6 a% [& x+ ?  [B] conducted
7 D& j5 t4 B: G0 V  [C] legitimated 2 V* @7 l/ l, E8 r% |' e* z: \/ r
  [D] led 1 T: S& B/ w7 X  D$ J. m, ]
  72. . `8 w- m( z6 E  Q
  [A] receiving
+ Y8 l6 @$ h, ]. K& o& t- S3 m1 g  [B] accepting
1 a* l' _- \  O- l  [C] undertaking
. F' w! U8 s& }5 w- z& d/ b2 b  [D] initiating
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:05:14 | 显示全部楼层


8 _3 E4 K$ U9 J, U$ f- q  [A] disadvantage 7 ~, X) D6 v. }! _& o
  [B] agreement 4 _3 d1 l% a" _! ^; }: H
  [C] advantage
" M8 c" W9 c, G. a* Z: O  [D] hortcoming
" o7 k9 m& k- E0 t) V$ u  74. ! u! I( q0 i# a# L. I
  [A] bottom
+ b+ P# k& d7 E5 f; j+ F  [B] risk
* ]6 G' w7 R! S1 X  [C] edge 中 华 考 试 网
3 f: j& j' j& O! b) ?( b: ]  [D] extent
( D; o+ P7 s. O& R0 z  75. 3 [& \2 V! ^3 B: F2 C7 `% c
  [A] subtly
% i4 z! f% x% l* H  [B] hopefully . @8 Y3 n7 L0 S, }4 @
  [C] merely
: t. Z" j- _% M# f1 F% W  [D] terribly ' j! \; k: E8 Q- b
  76. / x; N1 k0 u# T- m5 D4 O
  [A] feeling ( s" I: ^; s" T' r
  [B] hearing
; Z# {- w6 m; I  |  [C] health 7 n( c: F- H- h, d& p
  [D] memory
: O3 M+ G$ X* Z3 l8 J7 e/ s/ `  77. + T: [" J4 |* v) M8 M
  [A] outfit & L- a6 u3 c$ T) }
  [B] outflow 0 {5 r# o: v$ ]) e9 \* f
  [C] outweigh
* Q% u; }' W2 a/ I! b+ ^0 G  [D] outgrow
* c6 f1 p- P( e2 B* {0 {! A/ p   78. 7 E; o: d/ `7 E4 o) e" x
  [A] for
3 q& `* z9 L1 F3 \# v0 v  [B] on
2 c- k' `# m$ K2 E3 g! }4 z  [C] in 2 m0 m: {! F9 o
  [D] to
/ [  e- b; U/ _6 R' O   79. 4 b9 m( V5 K! K& e3 S, w
  [A] by
- b  ], Z& n* t. u- w8 j3 L5 C% i  [B] upon ! K+ v6 p& a( p; i( M' x: X
  [C] with
6 R+ k# b& C# \; n/ P  [D] along & J6 h" M2 l7 s8 q# Q
   80 6 s6 C" `& K& @, B8 M( n. s* O; q# Y6 Z
  [A] expensive
( q. {& y: {3 H8 @2 C  [B] faster
* j  n- v! ]" I$ v  [C] further
: m' v. f- ?" B- j6 h  [D] cheaper
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:05:15 | 显示全部楼层


  81. ( y. |) i& `- A1 h" h6 N- ^$ s# J
  [A] which
% @/ p' k/ Z; c  [B] whose
+ O( ^  C# A: p, u$ {6 r  [C] that
3 E- y8 Q! s  @' u4 H' }  [D] who
+ \6 P8 n" A% i, A3 c   82.
/ Q  ?4 w. u, b2 H$ ^  [A] risks
+ I! m- l/ W; U' j) o/ f  [B] dangers % a2 L; _: @- e; I
  [C] chances
$ r' P8 G) r: k4 s# ]  [D] benefits . c" {! L8 u7 Z5 M5 J0 W
& p8 E# k3 o4 x7 x4 q" {8 m% I  [A] inappropriate
' G8 u: l/ O2 H  [B] favorable # E+ X4 h7 B! z! K. S5 [
  [C] preferable % x- d! S( n; y/ [2 B$ F9 n4 O
  [D] inadequate
' a6 h7 i6 p  w9 S, [: M   84.
# G9 W8 S+ W/ i4 M0 N" `/ j3 O  [A] where
  U7 D# V) }& W( ~1 k$ C# Y  [B] when
1 d- L; t2 Z  ?5 r  [C] whether www.ExamW.CoM. K+ P- Z8 @) x% @4 A
  [D] while
: f3 h- r2 W- e4 Q* Q3 x* A6 Z   85.
- o1 z& l& R# T* `" b% R9 u8 B( a7 {  [A] outrage + S/ S9 H6 u+ |/ @% \7 e$ s
  [B] panic
" D1 E* t( `6 T" |* r% W! _  [C] complain
! ?# x9 u( H1 t# n( F3 l  [D] protest 3 [5 P+ e( c. i( f# X" @* Q
   86. 3 `# y) Q( Y! d
  [A] lively
3 u3 Y# W6 }2 P) v" Z  L  [B] quickly
2 e) A! W. Z0 p! @5 e9 F" U  [C] successfully : Z2 v) ^; }8 n1 e- e- C
  [D] formally
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:05:16 | 显示全部楼层


$ ?/ E) c2 @2 }' R2 w4 t$ h  文章指出,每年美国有超过50万的儿童接受鼓膜管置放于术,现在已经在儿童手术中排在了第一位。一项新的研究表明这个手术已经被极大地过度使用。 . G8 X$ a2 t0 q5 `! ~( ?+ a8 L* r
  67.B词义辨析题。空格所在句子意思为:在20世纪40年代的时候,这个手术可能不像扁桃腺切除术,但是……common符合句意,所以B正确。 # W% e% D' w' y; V1 Q: h+ q- H' @
  68.D词义辨析题。由空格后的leading可知,鼓膜管置放术现在已经位于全国的第一位,所以rank符合句意,D正确。consider主语应该是人,这里应该用被动语态,所以排除;range表示“排列,把……排列成行”,如:She ranged the books neatly on the desk.她把书整齐地排放在桌子上。
4 l& |8 L0 B3 l4 z1 O. b  69.A词义辨析题。空格所在句意为:鼓膜管置放术现在已经是位于全国第一位的孩童时期的______。由此可知,空格所填词的内涵包括鼓膜管置放术,operation符合句意,所以A正确。 1 b4 ^% o- K) R0 T$ t9 w4 c
" R6 W4 B& b; K1 w  71.D词义辨析题。由空格后的by Harvard pediatrician Lawrence Kleinman可知,这个专家组是由Lawrence Kleinman带头的,led符合句意,所以D正确。 6 S% |4 d( R% x) S* z# ]
  72.A词义辨析题。空格所在句意为:每年美国有数十万的孩子可能_______这种手术。再看选项可知,空格内应该是“接受”。receive只表示被动地接受;accept表示主动而且高兴地接受,所以A正确。 / d8 ?6 w" @7 i0 v0 p# C
  73.C词义辨析题。前面提到只有少于一半的人接受的手术治疗是恰当的,所以可知空格处所在从句意思应该是说这个手术对他们没有什么好处,所以C正确。shortcomin9意为“缺点,短处”。 5 \1 _4 X3 K- J, U# ^/ x/ f( j
  74.B词义辨析题。同上题分析,这种手术不仅对他们没什么好处,还可能增加他们的风险,所以B正确。edge意为“边缘;优势”。 + D5 Z4 x5 w7 L* H7 J, o" |4 p: O: r& ?
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:05:17 | 显示全部楼层


& r3 d& L4 ]2 L6 c! p! s  77.C词义辨析题。空格所在句意为:研究表明,益处极可能____________风险,如果孩子的中耳能……由此可见,句子是用益处和风险作比较,outweigh符合句意,所以C正确。outfit意为“配备,装备”;outflow意为“流出”;outgrow意为“长出”。
+ v) h' R% r. ^; c/ r, E  78.A惯用搭配题。空格后是more than four months,四个选项都可以接表示时间的词或短语:on接表示时间点的词;in表示在将来的时间里发生;t0表示到……时间;for表示一段时间,所以A正确。 转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]" z  Y5 H8 Z% |& |% b
+ a' i4 O. \2 N8 m6 U" S  80.D词义辨析题。空格后是逗号,然后是safer,由此可知,空格和safer是并列的关系,所以应该是形容词比较级,排除A;关于治疗的快慢文章前面没有提到,排除B、C;文章前面提到治疗费用比较高,所以此处可能指更便宜一些,所以D正确。
* a* ]3 v2 I9 h0 N5 r6 J  81.B语法结构题。空格是从句的引导词,根据句意可知,是这些孩子的医生建议他们做这个手术,所以whose符合句意,B正确。 4 e, w6 @$ R4 l0 n- c: ?
  82.D词义辨析题。联系上下文可知,文章主要论述这种手术的好处和坏处,选项中A、B同义,所以排除,D正确。 ' z0 t- q/ m( O( ~  C" @
  83.A词义辨析题。空格所在句意为:研究人员发现这些被建议的手术中有四分之一是________,由前面的even可知,空格处是指这些手术不好的方面,inappropriate符合句意,所以A正确。inadequate是指“不充分的,不充足的”。 ( r; t) @* w5 g9 h! _
% Z1 b) P* N9 T  85.B词义辨析题。空格所在句意为:家长们不用对已经植入耳内的导管感到________。结合后面可知,panic(恐慌)符合句意,所以B正确。outrage意为“凌辱;引起义愤”。
- y2 y* p% z& ^- K1 i" I. d+ _  86.C词义辨析题。空格所在句意为:一旦________植入以后,这种小装置就能排泄半年到一年的时间……可见这正是成功植入后的效果,所以C正确。formally意为“正式地,形式上”。 </p>
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