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[四级完型] 2012年大学英语四级模拟试题28

发表于 2012-8-14 10:05:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年大学英语四级模拟试题28) d" d0 O$ M5 [! W
* z# x+ I3 {; P2 q
  Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked [A], [B], [ C] and [ D ] on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. 5 R+ l6 e. i4 K: x) {3 B* z
  注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。 ) Z: n. D$ B1 c3 |3 H
  An adult giraffe’s head is about six feet above its heart. This means that to 67 enough blood up to the brain the circulatory 68 must be strong enough to keep the blood at very high pressure. 4 L! i) E9 `/ w% i2 r+ a  Q, b
  Biologists have known for some time that giraffes solve this problem by having 69 high blood pressure, about 70 that of human beings. But an international team of biologists began to 71 about this. If giraffes have such high blood pressure, they should have a 72 problem with swelling in their legs and feet. Why don’t giraffes
: p+ M0 V# a) ~3 N2 L! ]7 b; x  have swollen feet?
" ?# ~( d+ T) d3 G# S" m  Giraffes should have 73 problem, too. Every time they bend heads __7_4__ to drink, the blood should 75 to their heads and have a hard time 76 back up (when the head is down) to the heart. How come giraffes don’t black out when they drink? 中 华 考 试 网+ ]+ k$ u9 [, v6 K; p  X2 o6 i4 u
  The answer to the 77 feet problem, the researchers found, is that giraffes have 78 the researchers call a "natural anti-gravity suit". It 79 out that the skin
- Q' _  J% W' L) S4 Y3 h  and other 80 in their legs and feet are 81 stiffer and tougher than those of other 82 . As a result, the blood vessels in the leg cannot swell.
; @; R) t2 ~+ o# T  Therefore, the blood has nowhere to go but back to the heart. What about blood rushing to the head 83 the giraffe bends down to drink? The researchers found that the giraffe’s jugular vein, which 84 blood from the head back to the heart, has lots of one-way valves in it. In the giraffe’s neck, there are lots of muscles that flex and relax repeatedly as the animal moves its head and sucks 85 drinking water. By squeezing the valved jugular vein, they 86 blood moving back to the heart even while the animal is drinking.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:05:13 | 显示全部楼层


 67. % x( e6 S. F3 D) Q- {& T- R# y
  [A] bring     0 G4 _# Y. B- B0 e# X* [  k' i
  [B] produce
$ b, C) O& y5 c( |  [  [C] transfer     ' _$ M5 `/ x# h* e
  [D] pump
; g( V6 |/ K. y) ]  68. [A] structure   
% b' e. W2 p. \5 M  [B] system,  , K7 ^3 j2 _. m4 C
  [C] function   
" {/ y* X; w1 m6 [0 p( o  [D] organism
2 P/ V) W2 w4 w  69. [A] unusually   ) w- j: _6 |. m
  [B] generally  0 {% {* i* c  F4 J, @# R8 C
  [C] uncomfortably   
* W, E. _+ A6 ?8 y* c8 J' F  [D] commonly : f9 {* U, k- I5 V' j
  70. [A] half   
7 j0 C/ O4 ]6 j) p3 Y  [B] multiple 
4 E' B2 c3 P' J5 w5 V  [C] double
% k5 y; _5 P- T+ U  [D] pair
; @* h0 v2 Y( }' w1 b/ H+ t  71. [A] investigate  " ~6 G& b1 g7 ?0 z: r- h* A
  [B] wonder 
% V6 _- T! P0 \2 ]3 T% M  [C] undertake   
) n8 A+ j0 W: h  [D] learn 1 J  Q/ T& ^9 `+ x6 c
  72. [A] terrible    
% H" i1 m7 E- o9 d9 H# h  [B] unreliable
  Q0 R% M- h, k+ r3 C  [C] unsolvable    ! n3 ?: ?) _1 y$ p
  [D] advisable
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:05:14 | 显示全部楼层


 73. [A] other    
# I7 [* ]6 s& @; Q. i% |8 ~- A& [  [B] some  
" ?2 o( I! J2 ]6 V8 @' D' {9 i+ b  [C] others  
7 d% j6 X: t8 F  v" H" z  [D] another . O# Q" s) R/ v
  74. [A] up     $ }+ S; z& |' I0 F% d; }
  [B] down     ) O- j4 T  D7 z# O
  [C] toward 5 R& A7 y! W( s2 ^* ?" I3 M
  [D] aside * h2 y% {7 t$ z8 W( f3 Y  x+ u4 f
  75. [A] crush    
9 s" m1 ]7 B- \" ~0 X$ n  [B] brush    $ h) Z. d% T) {) c6 i
  [C] push 
8 |) }  p6 z, r: X  [D] rush
9 A0 y( Y+ r6 D* q$ G  76. [A] following   中华考试网(www.Examw。com)
2 c: L' c- U- X8 X; Z- H3 z1 V  [B] returning   % \$ L5 x; @# D3 T
  [C] flowing  ' D; w5 v7 l& f2 |
  [D] pouring . k" M0 F& X+ f. n2 @, d
  77. [A] healthy    9 n) ]% J& R/ V* S' L1 B
  [B] swollen  
& d1 G  t1 W( ]  [C] dreary   " y" q- ]9 o) s; D% W
  [D] radical
; v! D) {2 X' p  78. [A] what    9 [+ F/ C& Z1 o- [3 Q3 J8 C; B
  [B] where  
" `$ v8 E/ E( Y( J; e1 I# E! f+ z  [C] that   ' ]! \/ Z2 K% A4 i1 b" g; ?$ o( Y9 m$ c
  [D] those
6 |. f: p0 t6 ?  u  e: T  79. [A] reveals   0 Q' o" E# D3 ^, B" k- `
  [B] indicates  
, E5 o; |* x6 y, x2 ]8 T+ f! C8 ~  [C] figures ) B2 W2 c9 n9 o' @
  [D] turns
5 W6 a9 X% l- }5 R- R" D5 ?! x) }  80. [A] tissues   
: `* y/ ^. V1 n3 n6 c  [B] vessels 
1 h' `7 Y  v: l+ L) N% z  [C] pores   " e. V/ B9 ]9 s/ M* V
  [D] organs
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:05:15 | 显示全部楼层


 81. [A] many     + Y2 q) Z7 c* e7 R7 G$ E6 {
  [B] very    
: C, [4 a3 L8 g/ e7 C$ }  [C] much ; _) r2 A; }: M6 O
  [D] less
: z; a: {( X2 M' M" e' q  c/ Z9 |) I  82. [A] giraffes  
  A4 |, p6 ?& K3 r8 I9 g' Z  [B] animals  
2 |0 c' ?1 x- P$ l) p. W  [C] people  
! a0 U5 g) k7 o% k  [D] creatures
6 P6 L4 w; p5 S% }* a  83. [A] whenever   % S) p. d- b, U% [# N
  [B] whatever  # I' G8 q- S, I/ y4 q1 p! O) N
  [C] however   8 q; d: O5 M$ m  \, K
  [D] wherever
5 C- g  J, }& u  84. [A] reflects  
4 x+ t- w/ ^+ V  [B] releases   ; h- ]5 s! g+ V, q3 I  O5 U
  [C] receives
& \5 h3 n, ]/ l0 j/ u  [D] carries
) j; O5 |* u, b. j- V& K  85. [A] in    ( {0 t" F2 E- m' f9 V
  [B] up    
0 U, T5 T; z9 V; g: g0 p6 t( X  [C] to
/ l& b4 s% G/ n3 Q  [D] from www.Examw.com. b* s8 Z" e3 F& {+ U4 u
  86. [A] permit   
$ H# Z5 D. g2 L( a3 g$ r9 Q  [B] retain   # V. u0 M: G) x
  [C] prevent  
2 J7 }9 P1 w6 @8 i1 N* h- S8 S  [D] keep
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:05:16 | 显示全部楼层


' M" l  O, @" T9 E  文章指出,长颈鹿的头在心脏以上6英尺高的地方,所以生物学家认为长颈鹿的血压非常高。但是一个国际生物学家小组对此表示怀疑。通过研究发现,长颈鹿腿和脚的皮肤和组织非常坚硬,能使血液流回心脏而使腿和脚不会肿胀。他们还发现长颈鹿的颈静脉有许多单方向的阀门,这使得血液能够流回到心脏。
' f) I4 A1 \& F# j  67.D词义辨析题。文章第一句就指出,成年长颈鹿的脑袋在心脏以上6英尺高的地方。空格所在句子意思是:这意味着,要______足够的血液到大脑,循环_______必须足够强壮才能保持血液有很强的压力。pump除了表示“用泵抽”之意,还可以表示“(用泵拉取)注入”,符合句意,所以D正确。
3 I# b" c& ?- Z  68.B词义辨析题。由空格所在句意可知,空格处是指长颈鹿的循环系统,所以B正确。
% Z- B# l7 i. ?0 T6 e  e, P+ C4 ]: P  69.A词义辨析题。空格所在句意为:生物学家已经发现长颈鹿有很高的血压能解决这个问题,由此可知,这个很高的血压应该是与众不同的,所以A正确。 5 U3 [8 U0 i  l( A* ]% k1 O
% J* V! h+ T/ [" s3 F0 m  71.B词义辨析题。空格所在句子句首的but表示转折,说明句子内容与前面提到的内容不同,选项中只有wonder一词可以表达这种不同,即“一个国际生物学家小组对此表示怀疑”,所以B正确。
4 E2 y1 T" U2 i( v2 N! j2 F  72.A词义辨析题。空格所在句意为:如果长颈鹿的血压有这么高,那么它们会有的问题。选项中terrible意为“很糟糕的”,unreliable意为“不可靠的”,unsolvable意为“不能解决的”,advisable意为“可取的”,只有terrible符合句意,所以A正确。
% d6 H+ t/ t4 r: C$ v, M- E  73.D词义辨析题。通读第三段可知,该段是在讲长颈鹿血压很高的话为什么喝水时不会晕倒这个问题,所以该空格所在句子意思是“长颈鹿还应该有另一个问题”,而不是“有其他问题”,所以D正确,排除A。
1 ^% Z. v' t8 Q" u9 ^3 B  74.B词义辨析题。根据常识可知,长颈鹿要把头低下来喝水,所以B正确。 3 a6 [/ R0 I% I: [$ p
  75.D词义辨析题。本句意思是长颈鹿低头喝水时,血液应该_______到大脑。rush意为“冲;急流”,符合句意,所以D正确。crush意为“压碎”,brush意为“刷”,push意为“推动”。 7 r# W! Q4 c& e% g7 _
  76.C词义辨析题。根据句意可知,长颈鹿头低下的时候,血液流回到心脏比较困难,所以C正确。return作不及物动词时虽然也可以表示“返回”,但它本身已经包含back的含义,所以排除。 www.Examw.com4 W/ D6 |' Q* z, ^- z3 H4 Y
  77.B词义辨析题。联系上下文可知,如果长颈鹿血压很高,那么它们会有腿部肿胀的问题,空格所在句子就是指长颈鹿对于腿部肿胀问题的解决,所以B正确。原文第二段已经出现swollen feet这一表达,根据原词复现的原理也可知本题选B。
  Q6 n2 }, T5 b2 E6 r- c  78.A语法结构题。空格为所在句子从句的引导词,在从句中作宾语,所以A正确。 % s( \- d5 h% i) F' z* m
  79.D惯用搭配题。选项中能与out搭配的词有figure和turn,figure out表示“计算出;解决”,不合句意,排除;turnout表示“证实;发觉是”,符合句意,所以D正确。reveal意为“揭示”,indicate意为“指出”。 ; M" K- [+ `) M% Z3 E7 ]# C
  80.A词义辨析题。空格前的and说明空格处的词和skin并列,句意为“它们腿和脚上的皮肤和其他________”。tissue意为“组织”,符合句意,所以A正确。vessel意为“血管”,pore意为“小孔”,organ意为“器官”。 ; q2 p6 [4 V# ]- e$ Z  C
  81.C语法结构题。空格后为两个形容词比较级,由此可知空格应该是能够修饰形容词比较级的词,结合句意可知长颈鹿腿和脚的皮肤和其他组织更坚硬,所以much符合句意,C正确。 * A0 a4 w' [8 \8 f1 m) k2 u
  82.B词义辨析题。由空格前的than可知,是拿长颈鹿和其他动物做比较,所以B正确。 0 D# S# t2 q" b2 O3 t
  83.A逻辑衔接题。空格所在句子意思是:________长颈鹿低头喝水时,血液冲向大脑怎么办?根据句意可知whenever符合,所以A正确。 4 k! z' s  B, q9 a) }2 r
  84.D词义辨析题。空格所在句子意思为:(长颈鹿的颈静脉)能将血液从大脑________回心脏。carry符合句意,所以D正确。 3 n1 g/ s  f, I
  85.B惯用搭配题。suck up意为“吸收”,suck in意为“利用;欺骗;诈取”,to和from不能和suck搭配,suck up符合句意,所以B正确。
% j; R& F1 d" {! ?# O$ ^  86.D词义辨析题。空格所在句意为:通过挤压颈静脉的阀门,它们能__________血液流回到心脏,甚至在长颈鹿喝水的时候也能。keep符合句意,所以D正确。 </p>
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