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[六级听力] 大学英语四六级指导:听力解题技巧(3)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 二、审题及利用选项推知答案   1. 审题的作用:. n8 w- L$ J. y/ V
  小对话——看选项,判断题目类型,推知解题方法。+ h+ \% ]6 o2 L% ~6 S) d2 B
, X$ V9 ~+ [- K  2. 如何在完全听不懂的情况下通过选项推知答案:
* e3 D1 K* j5 d6 ]  一般的,当两个选项意思相近或谈论的话题相同时,其中一个可能是正确答案;当两个选项通过同义转换使得实际观点相同时,两个选项均不是答案;当两个选项话题相同且意思相反时,其中一个可能是正确答案。
% |3 _7 J- N5 W2 j1 o0 O  例题:
% c/ E* ~0 q& U: ]  2009年6月六级考试第14题
8 E  K2 f$ ~9 d; s& D  14. .A. She can help the man take care of the plants.9 a/ d- ?5 J3 t$ M
  B. Most plants grow better in direct sunlight.: V) b* y  ?8 X$ v* b1 g
  C. The plants need to be watered frequently.5 q1 O. f& U# M- w1 Y5 _
  D. The plants should be placed in a shady spot.
+ `9 d# N7 U& k0 K9 ?  答案:D
) V) E) B  j1 p9 z  原文:6 p" f5 q6 O2 N
  14. M: The plants next to the window always look brown. You wouldn’t know by looking at them that I water them every week.! {+ g- G: P: g6 e+ ]2 H
  W: Maybe they don’t like direct sunlight. I had the same problem with some of my plants. And a little shade helps them immensely.* @. D+ Q* }, p
  Q: What does the woman imply?
; D! Y' j: n; T! o- O( a+ @  解析:只看选项,CD选项相近且主语都是The plants,话题相同;BD选项话题相同且意思相反,所以选D 。
2 w9 V; U+ p4 [2 t, N. q  三、部分统计类规律
& ^, _+ O9 I' Z9 J" d- N4 K1 Y$ c  小对话:) [% K( C! T2 M/ x) q% _( m' p
  六级小对话听力场景里的故事情节总趋于不完美性——比如,订票一般订不到,课程一般比较难,作业一般不好做,等等。当然,这只是一条统计规律,具体问题具体分析。% }$ n: ~# \1 x, k0 G* f/ W) ~
9 }3 Q7 u, b% r  q  长对话及短文听力:% y8 @/ v, e" h  o6 K" G+ R3 |% _
  一般是顺序出题原则,但当有问及全文主题等类题目出现时,有可能不按顺序出题。! _2 ~, L% I2 g; v: \3 Z
) ^8 p( `" p/ F: O/ w4 J. V3 q  六级听力复合式听写答题方法点拨* J8 ^; }- d. R: K+ c1 h4 `2 f( X
  1、 审题。先看第一句,判断出该篇的主题、感情基调及时态。再看单词空格前后的单词或短语,以此推知空格中所填单词的词性甚至词义。此外还需注意句子空格前后是什么单词,以判断句子的起止点。外语学习网
; `# z. e8 T: Q$ V7 j8 j4 @
* Y4 v5 l9 S% P; Y' l% Q  2、 速记。复合式听写在第一遍读文章时,时间是比较不够用的,所以如何锻炼自己速记能力很重要。如departmentàdept., difficultàdifft, three months laterà 3m>, eight days agoà

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:43 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  同样的,无需听音,即可猜出S1空格应和presidents搭配意为“前总统”,于是填入former.
! [# o) q; E; b! b  六级听力考前两周复习方法5 S& G/ p. `0 I
  1, 复习高频词汇、常见场景词汇以及听力多义词汇。
9 B& Y8 m6 u7 z& ~+ O5 z  2, 总结真题中出现的固定搭配和习惯表达。
4 Q  l! |2 H) H2 G' O6 k9 X  3, 多听真题,尽量做到每天一套真题。同学们一定会发现,真题的参考性是非常大的,反复出一个考点在六级听力中屡见不鲜。
8 O7 l" Z. m) Q, f2 V" `6 o  比如六级考试09年6月第13题,原文及选项均仿照02年6月第3题。, U3 f8 u' g) L; M/ B0 L
  再如六级考试09年6月第15题,原文及选项均仿照00年6月第9题。6 j! G& x0 T" V- k
5 V7 F+ z5 f1 C8 O. W" b6 a  例题:! V5 c- g: q" g0 V4 E" L
  2009年6月六级考试第13题7 U) e$ q* e' C0 l6 X% V
  13. A. Taking a picture of Prof. Brown.1 z' F: t% I* j/ L# N
  B. Commenting on an oil-painting.6 |2 i( x; B8 X% _0 ]2 f
  C. Hosting a TV program.
+ F/ g. s* k9 q6 W, B2 D# x$ b& ]  D. Staging a performance.
* F* _. i. U3 o( P* h  答案:C# ]9 s* _. u/ Y1 M; a; S
  原文:( b" N3 x7 o, q: k- G; ]: |
  13. W: Well, tonight we have Professor Brown in our studio to talk about the famous oil painting of Queen Victoria. Good evening, professor.
9 w" @6 U7 `# w  M: Good evening, madam, my pleasure to be here tonight.
8 C. h4 g) ]3 G: c  Q: What is the woman doing?
8 \- p# u+ v8 N  例题:1 U6 i1 e  @; u6 O
, j# m+ J, G& X" O" V1 }  3. A. Painting a picture.
! N# G. ?5 e3 B3 `# j5 w  z* w  B. Hosting a program.
1 n# v. J% a9 ^/ R  `  C. Designing a studio.) y4 M6 z. D. x* B8 ?" v
  D. Taking a photograph.
% j8 |( [7 `9 Q  答案:B
/ V' P) o* F6 z" |6 f! ^7 m% h  原文:
/ g/ {+ X7 v3 N8 x0 z  3. W: Well, Tonight we have Prof. Brown in the studio to talk about his recent book, Fashion Images. Good evening.
+ n# ]" A" d4 s  m! m  M: Good evening, and thank you for inviting me here this evening.
3 L0 K, P2 ^' [" d2 Q9 {  Q: What is the woman doing?
3 m1 t) {2 H- C) o6 A  例题:3 \/ U* _- N  x$ H! }0 }7 k
  2009年6月六级考试第15题; |$ K3 f( L+ H
  15、A. Change to a more exciting channel., J  E3 n3 K5 q+ v: F
  B. See the movie some other time.
! \. y) w2 E  I  C. Go to bed early.考试用书, u. R( d$ U# B1 Y- j
  D. Stay up till eleven.5 Y; l* {& E; T
1 q+ e9 ?4 p8 [! V+ ~6 L  原文:" C3 L) |1 Z0 T' Y% u- i
  15. M: I’m really exhausted, Mary. But I don’t want to miss the Hollywood movie that comes on at 11.$ e* `; r, x" T! a& G1 J
  W: If I were you, I’d skip it. We both have to get up early tomorrow. And anyway I’ve heard it’s not as exciting as advertised.) Z# `1 S4 E5 v* O" {
  Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?  H6 A2 M! n: V7 v% A; K
( Y2 o9 g% v6 \# g5 G: f+ ]  2000年6月六级考试第9题5 W. U5 ?0 L" Q$ r2 m7 C9 e
  9. A. The man should stay up and watch the program.1 Q, z) ]" ]1 p' N9 Y9 ~
  B. The man should read something exciting instead.. |5 \) h; L, l9 @
  C. The man should go to bed at eleven.' N1 K* }. b) J+ j
  D. The man should give up watching the movie.
; [* _' i# H; D  答案:D
& _2 n) K( M* N9 @9 H$ h7 i  原文:( N3 x# o& v; L8 h
  9.M: I’m really exhausted, but I don’t want to miss the film that comes on at 11.: n. m/ Z& y) t
  W: If I were you, I’d skip it. We both have to get up early tomorrow, and anyway, I’ve heard it isn’t that exciting.
3 w9 U9 |- i% G( [6 [  Q: What does the woman mean?
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