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[六级听力] 英语六级辅导:英语六级考试听力必会短语

发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Above all:最重要的是,most important of all
( |- U, b# m( H/ g  f  Above all, they’ll have to discover how much nitrogen it possesses since nitrogen is4/5 of the air breathe.(2002-1)7 D( E: z7 I$ I$ h# d- k
  Account for:解释。说明
  F1 q1 w0 }" a7 X( h) ~% [- m( j  How do you account for the truth?# o% S: U+ T, h
  After all:终究,毕竟4 y2 C, h: N, Z8 Z
  We won’t be laid off after all.(1998-1)) a2 X/ p( W9 g, Y1 H
  Air /car crash:空难,车祸* Z# G6 ], P7 s' M6 Y  Z) ]7 g
  Allergic to:过敏
$ h; ~3 V( Y$ \' a6 |$ W  I’m allergic to beef and mutton.4 z& ~  e) U5 ]5 h
  Appeal to:吸引,呼吁。
1 q1 k. i. P, G2 q% p6 a  Could you tell me which position you think most appeals to you?(2002-6)0 Z& ]) X% K6 ~+ V8 J, Q0 @/ W
  Apply for/to, application letter 申请,求职信
* M, m7 R  x1 y- G5 C. m7 c, J; R7 F  At ease:安逸,自由自在
% |8 q: ?. ^$ K6 L8 u) K  I don’t know why he is ill at ease?心神不宁1 l7 T# y' Q) }  K1 L/ k$ U& D
  Back up:支持,援助。+ P0 Y7 t( N0 l4 Y3 O5 p) Y
  Beat the crowd :避开人群,避开高峰
) E: f% A" l; d, G0 g  x: |  The only to beat the crowds when you do the grocery shopping on Sunday is to be here when they open at 9 sharp.(1990-6); x$ S) v; |+ [! ~3 ^- Z7 @
  Be aware of:意识到
; b- t  k) j2 K7 E  I like people who are going about their daily business without being aware of the camera(1997-1)% C9 U* H- L8 U& G" D) B( f3 t
  Behind the schedule/late2 x' U- K) a. a$ K: H
  Be in charge of:负责,照顾,经管 be responsible for
" ~$ w9 C4 f) B. I6 ?7 o: U3 e  Be in the charge of:下级+be in the charge of+上级
& p, t) q  i( R7 Y# J- z  Be in season:应季的,当令的& a/ E1 u2 E3 d
  These apples and pears seem to be in season.(1995-6)0 h2 h4 \: f5 S9 M9 d) K8 \
  Be supposed to do:应该,被期望$ V+ ]. q: \# q; }9 ?
  What am I supposed to do with his help?6 o3 G" c* z6 A) M/ {- q
  Book up
) H# Y8 L8 o) z  p5 `  Break down/doesn’t work* z% Y  k9 G# _2 b
  Bring up:教育,培养,提出- v) h6 b. `& d0 S2 F& S; R
  She brought up her children to be truthful.
/ p) C6 _) H' `) e: r* H  Build up积累,增强,树立. b3 ?4 m- j& t/ Q# a& b
  By chance/run into:偶然5 ?9 j0 `8 u" D" R4 U) d& Z
  By no means :绝不 /anything but
, [  [# M8 K' Q* Z9 G  Check in/out中 华 考 试 网$ |. U! x( W: W7 H' X, _6 Y
  Come up:发生,出现,提出
: y8 p2 T& Y' J6 `4 S4 F  Come up with:针对问题,挑战等提出,想出,赶上7 ]8 e1 ~. ?$ ~% j( O: O
  I spent a whole week searching on the net, but came up with nothing valuable.) q; u2 [6 M$ W% L# G- a
  Concentrate on/focus on 集中$ \' k1 v. g! X/ n) X
  Deal with /cope with 处理
" w) z% z; M0 ~5 I# I' C: M  O  Drop in :顺便拜访
- C2 T2 P4 ^. X' c* f! s" P  Drop out of:不参与,退出- U; A: r! v/ A" ~( E4 w
  They’re likely to drop out of school and less likely to succeed in life.
$ u! ~$ g  ^0 t$ o& O8 z  Eat one’s words 食言
& o. ~9 P% n# Y- S1 V6 n  p  Fall short of:达不到,不符合" T( i4 k; C, g
  Its results fell short of her expectation.(2002-1)
: j: F& j! e  ^5 j% r8 w9 K# W  Figure out :搞清楚,弄明白
8 m! T: Q, W& G9 W' f, u  What I can’t figure out is how to make it work in my program.(2002-1)
8 Y) w1 y/ N/ K3 E/ W# ~( ~% g- s  Find out
& M7 L+ H* l/ n5 D  Fit one’s need;满足某人需要# ]# m  `: N$ C# ]' q+ w. Y
  For ages/a long time, |& |3 m& A% Y* S2 {
  Get along with:进展; c' h6 q' P  ~6 z0 P
  Get around;避开- [5 [& r1 t% V
  Get used to习惯于。使适应

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:43 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  Use to do:过去常常! e6 Y* r" Y& I& j7 t0 E/ w
  Go Dutch/split the bill/fifty-fifty/separate the bill" {" P  I0 B0 O( R7 d& I
  Go sightseeing
% s& l$ `& G+ ~2 i' `9 e  n, W  Go/keep on a diet
, @' L" b* x" N. V, I5 a& z  I’m on a diet recently, so I’d better skip the dessert.
5 a5 w, T9 Y0 x2 k0 v  Have a hard/difficult time with sth.
/ p+ H/ r; g! `# H  Have a temperature/fever
5 t5 _5 u4 o4 U! W9 U; |* N- b  Have the final say:有决定权
: O' f4 b, T( V6 A7 \8 x  Hold up:堵塞i,持枪拦截,举起,拦截
" B/ O% P' Q) m8 z, o  Did you hear that the convenience store next to the gas station was held up last night?(2005-6)5 d  H2 J1 @: Q. y' G7 i
  In a good/terribly /mood
% S: f' h- v$ J6 W# h  In the long run:长期来看1 h- A9 @( S3 Q9 R( Y# ^8 l
  It seems very experience. But in the long run it will save the money on the maintenance.(1995-6)
4 E& n% b4 w+ W1 O$ M1 O  Join in:参与
' ^) f1 C# E8 a- K. ~  Keep between the two of us:/keep a secret! O6 n2 s" J- K# |, o0 w
  Keep fit转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]
# G8 `, z# j( b. P: F  Keep in touch with7 o6 K6 ~( A0 h( i9 @* p2 c* ?
  Knock it off/stop
4 D( |" n- U% F: q, H' S5 A6 v  {  Lay off/fire
/ Q, A6 B7 Q* w. `. W  Let out:放走,泄露3 @8 G5 c) T; y! u
  Look for a needle in a haystack:大海捞针
* P1 L( ~5 M+ t0 r" z  Make a hit:获得成功
: v# Z' s' P( p* D1 x  G, c0 x  Make ends meet:使收支相抵
7 U+ o3 q! w! a" O0 O  Make sense:有意义
( ]. e  ~. W7 K0 a, n- f1 E  Make up;补偿,化妆,补考
+ J# Y/ Y% c8 l3 O, w. O  Meet each other half way: make an agreement$ ?. W+ B4 @# F2 p
  Move on:/go on/continue/keep on6 d4 Q$ N6 R+ _. S; w
   Nothing but:只有# F1 Z6 A: E& J: Y% M0 @8 F& ?
  Anything but:绝不
# h( X! c4 \: H/ H  Now that:既然
6 ?: x! l: d+ V% b* r2 @* o  On earth:究竟
! T, |  A) X2 |4 ~' Q9 B  On purposes :有意,故意" z9 E+ E7 s' E+ a! E
  Out of the world:/wonderful/amazing
% f4 ?# y( t( F1 H5 o! N6 y" S  Pull in;进站,靠岸- t; D: @6 o( w- `
  Pull through:痊愈,恢复健康
4 o6 H- R2 |$ T8 R  Put off/delay/1 A) [! V1 x+ \: a* Q
  Put through:接通电话
$ U( `+ R( j" D8 k  v' p  Reach the bottom of the barrel: use up/run out of
0 E, N/ m, Y( [1 l& L8 q2 J. b  Resign one’s post:/quit;辞职5 i9 E, u8 }$ X+ f9 F
  Ring a bell:听起来很熟) j2 o9 |$ h& E2 x
  Run off/copy" t, V. M9 U/ q
  Sign up for/join in/register, f+ k8 L  p3 t* A* z  d
  Sneak up on sb.头头接近,靠近( w  D8 t/ l. b  r5 [+ v
  Take …for granted:相当然地认为
8 F9 I  U3 c# ~  z; h+ _  Take one’s time;从容不迫! U) u. ~+ b' m( O$ i
  Take one’s word:./believe in sb./trust sb.
- i9 o* h9 ~! r! S0 J+ K5 @. y  The reverse is also true:反之亦然
% c/ |# z' T' f# ]6 e2 h7 R( Y  Tie up with/busy with
) [' y, @6 h; Q: L. q5 S  Tired of/get bored of
: u, J. l* ?3 H6 ]1 Z  Under the weather:身体不舒服
# }' z4 h" D( |( h  D  Well-off/rich people
: Y% v2 z# J# i# W' e2 L  A0 L+ X  White elephant:无价值的东西,废物
- ?2 H2 c% s( ~- B  White lie:善意的谎言
" s* C* ]2 c; j. a$ n! z  You bet :当然
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