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[六级听力] 英语六级听力辅导:复合式听写1

发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.  新旧六级题型比较区别$ M4 C, G; e4 N/ F: f
老六级:20道题 / 20分 / 20分钟              Section A    short conversation  (10)              Section B    passage  (3)                          compound dictation   (7+3)新六级:36道题 / 35分 / 35分钟              Section A    short conversation   (8)                           long conversation    (2)              Section B    passage  (3)              Section C    compound dictation    (8+3)
/ m  P' }2 \8 ]5 o1 R2. 复合式听写题型分析与解题对策
0 h) ?( m1 d8 |& P0 P8 L复合式听写考察内容:# w6 y+ ?9 a/ n1 F9 V; R' T6 m
. r, Z6 }4 s2 w: G$ b3 ]4 f) }" l
! v0 k' p7 g( O, `; L5 |0 JDirections: In this section you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read the second time you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from s1-s7 with the exact words you have just heard. For the blanks numbered s8-s10 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written. Now, listen to the passage.) E2 z1 S1 b7 S; N* j. a
3 |) t6 x7 c+ |
听写的核心原则:精听速记速记:  1、放第一遍录音时开始写,对于长难单词写缩略语。
- o, L+ W/ {6 N# Y2 G8 k( rDifficult – dif / difficulty – dify / environment – env / environmental – envl / especially – esp / 1 e) H% G! x% J8 o, _
University – uni) Z. ~. ~4 }! R
0 R9 U1 I$ v) f0 k6 v

, n% H- ~( L4 t- ^4 k0 X8 j$ ], |( L! u0 x1 s3 R* o( ~* \1 p
  2、符号助记法。           Question     ?      Question is    ?:       about     ≈     less than    ≤      more than  ≥
/ p  J! D2 [/ p  3、奇偶填空法
# u- ?5 i' T) \1 B  j0 y
- Y, C7 t& `" s1 v' }  v1 H, P复合式听写中的句子做法:    第一遍尽量不要写后面的三个句子,听懂大意。    第二遍只写关键词。    第三遍查漏补缺。
3 G! d$ n" _- L- G7 S9 Y3 j3. 1999年6月复合式听写部分讲解  t$ F9 O$ k) a" \  I3 h
President Clinton later today joins (S1)  presidents Ford, Garter and Bush at“the president's summit for America's future”(S2) at recruiting one million volunteer tutors to provide after-school, weekend and summer reading help for up to three million children. Mr. Clinton will ask Congress this coming week for nearly three (S3)   dollars to fund a five-year program called “America Reads”.The program would fund the (S4) efforts of 20 thousand reading (S5) and it would also give (S6) to help parents help children read by the third grade, or about age eight. During his Saturday radio (S7) , the president explained why the program is important:“We need ‘America Reads’ and we need it now. Studies show that if the fourth-graders fail to read well.
: ~* R& E( [2 M8 L* B: c(S8)   $ V8 w, g' u8 q
But 40 percent of them still can't read at a basic level.”% c$ o) h! \# ^
Volunteer tutors, who provide community service in exchange for college funding, are being used in literacy and tutoring programs.
$ [5 B) b: q# f(S9)  
7 ^! Q5 f$ x8 p5 [The president says many of the Philadelphia summit's corporate sponsors will recruit tutors.
, W+ s$ E" \5 n, V8 g5 \: p(S10)  + g/ q) [2 a! h! }
听前预测:6 n/ J/ U+ l6 A/ E4 P5 A  k& ~
第一个空格里面,通过快速扫描第一句话,发现有美国总统克林顿Clinton,又有美国总统福特,卡特,布什(Ford, Garter and Bush),那么后者跟前者相比较,同学们一定可以感觉到后者为前总统,因此第一个空格应填入former或类似含义的单词。第二个空格我们看到后面有一个介词,于是能发现应当在里面填一个动词,此时就需要注意时态,单复数的问题。空格三明显是一个量词,第四个空格不好预测,第五个可以估计出来应填名词,此时应注意名词单复数的问题,第六同上,第七个空格技巧性较强,需要背景知识,同学们可以想想,美国总统一般去电台(during his radio______)干什么?此时蹦入脑海的一定是“电台演讲,演说”,于是应当是“lecture, presentation, address”等词汇。后面的长难句由于过长,很难提前预测判断,但是在短短的几十秒钟的时间里面, 能预测出来这么多的信息, 实属难能可贵.因此同学们应努力做到把前面的小知识点提前好好分析一下,定能熟练掌握听前预测这一技巧。% l, ]- ?% M: _" C( B2 W$ I7 J; c
8 ^3 i5 ?; |0 \
, D4 ^. ^2 C, w  B9 w# c$ S, C
( ^, J5 _3 o; Z3 l* a% I( P8 H
& j5 p+ @, d* e. p5 ?  b$ `' r  N5 q  T
S1 former
, M. }7 O( f7 M' d+ rS2 aimed, d  P! j; V7 x4 P( R# \8 L
S3 billion+ `! ^# m0 [$ V
S4 coordination2 Z+ i, ^6 v6 ?
S5 specialists
) Y: i6 ]' s: \9 lS6 grants4 X! A4 Q8 \: ^
S7 address
) A( K/ J! [2 v* X5 v0 b5 N! y$ S8 r+ X& i( {3 {1 K7 B: K- F7 J& i6 ]
& @8 P# r0 q4 f

% `* b, {% u' P; o( j% C# @S8. They're likely to drop out of school and less likely to succeed in life., w# T* m/ G- w
S9. The program, initiated by President Clinton, has come under criticism by Congress.
$ p0 G: A1 W8 w, |* cS10. Dozens of colleges and universities are prepared to send thousands of their students in support of the program6 m( ~( |% x( @& n, Y5 Z
4. 1999年6月小对话部分讲解
3 w) J( A' h- PSection A+ V- E$ m" X1 L% p5 v( ^
1. W: It's a pity you missed the concert yesterday evening. It was wonderful!
, H$ \% l. H. V  M: I didn't want to miss the football game. Well, I'm not a classical music fan anyway.
3 T. s2 ^* j& G- ]- R/ n* K/ B  Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
! e0 E! s4 H- j2 Y' V, Q8 b9 SA. The man attended the concert, but didn't like it.) O! r6 _7 H! o* K
B. The man was sorry to miss the football game.
: _- f* U  D5 c$ e' U5 q9 F7 I% L2 hC. The man was sorry that he didn't attend the concert.  
! q3 n3 r6 f' N3 A6 t" C* mD. The man is more interested in football than in classical music.
3 j2 p( P: l, k. @% u" p[答案:D ]
* Z/ Q" Z! a! f! t  g2. W: Hey! If you can't enjoy that at a sensible volume, please use earphones. I'm trying study.
, g3 m8 e0 k0 V9 w5 s) u  M: Oh! I'm sorry. I didn't realize it was bothering you.( c' U, X3 D/ O9 v+ Q5 G: f' C) `# |
  Q: What is the man probably doing?8 z4 F# [0 J8 \. t/ P$ h# D% k; V
A. Singing loudly.                      B. Studying.   
" v8 [* I) s, m# ?8 M* {C.  Listening to music.                          D. Talking on the phone.
2 b; a2 S; a8 ?[答案:C]
5 O% C$ s6 {$ e2 a. f7 B3: M: Can I help you, Ms?
( p. D* E4 `2 S& t7 N  W: Yes, I bought this telephone last week, and it works all right with out-going calls, but
0 N) }: Z5 z. k" t7 [     it doesn't ring for the incoming ones.
0 m* u& p8 O  o6 D. c0 W  Q: What's the problem with the woman's telephone?$ R7 @7 g' [. H) N, v3 M- o5 r
A. She can't make any calls.              B. She can't receive any calls.
0 B) Q" }& `+ v/ P7 \3 oC. She can do nothing with the phone.      D. She can't repair the phone.
8 }* B! g/ R7 N0 w  _[答案:B]+ d: V3 \3 y8 g; k4 n

! Z' c1 U( Z) V+ w+ g" g4. W: I thought Tom said he got A's in all his tests.5 O, `4 A9 z, S& p4 a5 i
  M: Mary, you should know better than to take Tom's words too seriously.
. K- Z7 ~% R) l/ ?' ]  B5 q  Q: What does the man imply?0 m" F& l' l' m" p  i  q
A. What Tom said is true.               B. Tom is not humorous at all. 3 c0 C9 B' u( @4 h, A. ]
C. Tom is very responsible.              D. Tom's words aren't reliable.
$ a/ S' V9 s8 r) w8 o8 b+ V[答案:D]4 b* D( i5 l/ W
5. W: Can you show me how to use this, John?: s8 I- W+ v! Z* u% y% G
  M: It is fully automatic. All you have to do is focus on the scene and press the button here.
" n2 w5 B) X- ^( ?/ O" k& J7 y  Q: What are they talking about?" d7 _1 e6 S: F8 W; p2 Y5 k2 c
A. How to use a camera.                    B. How to use a keyboard. ; i% F" C; s6 [0 S
C. How to use a washer.                 D. How to use a tape recorder.' n; _1 c7 G& @/ R8 W" f
[答案:A]; e+ }0 u/ s& G
6. M: I think we should move on to the next item., f" X) H' X6 P  \( V$ y
  W: Ok. But I'd like to take this matter up again at the end of the meeting.  ^# [9 `, i1 A6 u5 h
  Q: What does the woman imply?5 L% G$ J5 P* }. {, L) d9 p
A. They should put the meeting to an end.
, B+ W1 V3 Y+ X" rB. They should hold another meeting to discuss the matter." O7 S+ |) U$ ~2 q
C. She would like to discuss another item." @; P: P& p( ~9 ], @2 q  k% \
D. She wants to discuss the issue again later.- j( f6 U% {; T; ^; u9 L% U
9 ]0 O0 C& o. z" B3 Z. s7 h0 r7. W: You know, the Browns have invested all their money in stocks.
& O0 w2 x* i% `& T( V) u- A  Z  M: They may think that's a wise move, but that's the last thing I'd do.
% N: [3 {  Q/ m& C& r1 \2 }  Q: What's the man's opinion about the Browns' investment?5 C, W1 s0 w( _  }3 s: _
A. He believes the Browns have done a sensible thing." J5 X( D6 E/ y! Y) f$ B  H
B. He doesn't think the Browns should move to another place.
' x% @3 i% Z8 FC. He doesn't think the Browns' investment is a wise move.
, b( Z5 U% J: N2 G  K$ mD. He believes it is better for the Browns to invest later.2 V+ Z6 j) [* N, G
" ?. u. A0 B! C8. M: What is Mr. Peterson going to do with his old house on London Road? Rent it or sell it?
8 M. s) |' W7 [. b, K% o( Z  W: I heard he is thinking of turning it into a restaurant, which isn't a bad idea, because 7 C* G' J! G: T! J5 ]
     it's still a solid building.$ l& s4 {. S6 M3 s
  Q: What will Mr. Peterson do with his old house?: @4 m6 P& {, k
A. He may convert it and use it as a restaurant.0 H) ~" z% y$ p- q( i
B. He may pull it down and build a new restaurant.
" E4 b$ u$ s( F: V& q1 N; GC. He may rent it out for use as a restaurant.
3 u* Q; M" Z, }9 _D. He may sell it to the owner of a restaurant.
- H6 v1 r. R& N# l- V7 a1 c[答案:B]7 G& r$ y9 V3 r- ~% e5 [
9. M: How do you like Professor Bachman's course on the History of Philosophy? He is a ( \2 x5 H. `- K* c- O
     distinguished scholar on that subject.
5 p) s/ j$ I/ |- C0 S6 W  W: He is a great teacher. But I'm having a hard time with the reading list. I feel I can't
2 K' i% W; j* Y5 l     ever finish it.
3 c' I4 @- ]) I4 R+ ~# m  Q: What problem does the woman have with the course?
( f2 J5 A: L8 m8 m$ m$ g0 W, yA. She doesn't like the way the professor lectures.
. y2 v% u& c! c6 _' S' p/ GB. She's having a hard time following the professor's lectures.
' M' e& X) G; u( J; h( b6 G( zC. She is not interested in course./ K$ C* \2 h  j5 j
D. She's having difficulty with the heavy reading assignments., X! Z6 b4 \- M, y* a* q8 z4 ^
) I6 D. x: s  R. Y10. W: Robert wants to know if he can go with us to the party.1 L: Z# ?1 y2 q: m% J+ \! x% l1 Z
   M: That's odd. This morning he said he wanted to go by himself.+ T0 C5 _" T4 N& c
   Q: What do we learn about Robert?
) Z; _2 T! _* \A. He never keeps his promises.
! A1 z7 f0 Y/ W( i" Z+ B7 aB. He has changed his mind.# d4 X; x* k3 _( u
C. He is crazy about parties.
0 P1 [( O& K/ nD. He is not sociable.
9 g8 {% c) B' X& T8 {& m; l! E, Q[答案:B]

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