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[六级听力] 英语六级听力辅导:小对话3

发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
10、推断题提问方式 :1. What do we learn from conversation?2. What can be inferred from conversation?3. What do we learn about?解题:表面上的意思是不对的,选项中答案在原文中一模一样地出现决不要选,要选没有相关词汇的答案。重点要理清思路,听出对话的言外之意。7 ]- _1 W! f6 L# Q4 a+ r
( _7 @$ F/ c6 [2 `/ M
1999年1月7. A) The woman doesn't like jam.  B) The woman forgot where she had left the jar.  C) The man had an accident.   D) The man broke the jar.W: I just made a jar of jam this morning and now I can't find it any where. Do you know what happened to it? M: Did you hear a crash, that was it, I'm just as clumsy as ever. Q: What is the problem?5 k" O  G; C" _1 G( g4 {: [. E
8 s. T6 J; P. Z5 s" S
2001年6月8. A) She'd like to have the windows open.   B) She likes to have the air conditioner on.   C) The air is heavily polluted.   D) The windows are already open.M: Do you want to turn on the air conditioner or open the window? W: I love fresh air if you don't mind. Q: What can be inferred from the woman's answer?+ R& E& g2 k4 r

5 K: w5 M4 d( q) e1 I1 c1997年6月9. A) The talks haven't started yet.   B) The talks haven't achieved much.   C) The talks have produced a general agreement.   D) The talks broke down and could go no further. W: How are their talks going on? Have they reached any agreement?M: They only seemed to have agreed to set another date for further talks.Q: What can we infer from the conversation?
, l: e9 G! _# [/ V8 t, v3 v/ t- {: T6 @# F. k8 c/ r% e
1998年6月3. A) John didn't pass, although he had tried his best.  B) John did better than he thought he was able to.  C) John got an excellent score, which was unexpected.  D) John was disappointed at his math score. 9 l6 R' p3 _! G! f
W: How did you do on the maths exam, John?M: I barely made it. It was just a passing score but better than I had expected.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
6 @2 M5 a: r" ^) |' T0 c
# G/ `9 K$ J9 K/ `小对话做题步骤:1. 通过问题判断是什么题型2. 通过题型分类知道这题怎么做3. 想出对应的做题方法、技巧和规律等等
; n* H) `4 n4 q7 u) q3 a0 C, d  ^: T
7 P0 L" C: V' _9 l, W场景专题(1)两大类场景:8 a# k0 g+ D. b& n" v
1. campus life(校园生活)
! ]  u, {2 Z7 k9 X- E, R! `8 [
* r& q  p( @6 n7 O# W
3 @2 D4 E# N8 a8 `6 d2 y(1)上课、选课、听讲座、听报告(2)作业(3)考试(4)图书馆8 M8 J& K& o6 J& E

, Y4 I5 b. D7 g) R: I. ^' ]& E0 n2 n' }/ B6 g- e" a% Z5 i% t
2. daily life(日常生活)
. G7 |4 S& y( x  |& @( k3 |5 N8 |
: j2 _9 ?* @1 m
& ^4 F8 d# W2 ^8 q. I- g, k) p4 C, r% `$ T6 Z' o+ {
( m. n) z7 A% l" ~% @7 m; C, N(2)打工
- \& x* _8 s5 A+ v7 X- _, K(3)餐馆   E& n# Y8 h9 R% j1 ~% }  ^3 _
, _: S: J) s4 z4 D+ P3 J) e6 G6 s(5)银行
  U; U' J* D" S8 u$ F" Z(6)邮局
8 n3 @- s* [: M6 W) N5 c(7)宾馆
& D, ~8 a) W. |" \(8)机场、车站(9)电话
, y7 K8 W, C) }- ~& {2 b(10)购物
1 j: [: P: ]: ]. h  I# m; E: u8 _+ L) A; C) }' E

/ n' |0 o. q7 D. d9 J; e1 R) X8 k# |
$ c' \* x% W1 q+ [3 ], U1. 学校场景的背景基本知识$ I4 W7 e  R  ?7 Q) K5 D
学生场景1 o2 v2 Z# ?$ r, n
1 s" X( [1 L' Y6 f

. I1 j$ x, L% A4 d$ \- D( }' rfreshman  大一学生 sophomore  大学二年级生, 有二年经验的junior student  大三学生 senior student  大四学生,高年级学生undergraduate student 本科生graduate student / postgraduate student 研究生master's degree  硕士学位bachelor's degree  学士学位doctor student / doctor candidate 博士研究生post doctor student  博士后alumni / alumnus  校友
6 H- y' z8 d# e8 n) Z
, n* n& i4 [# |" Q( q/ [4 s- Y7 c/ e! ^2 i) G5 L

' a% J1 ^1 n# N: O# S老师场景
8 R/ x8 n0 L, R- i
% N, @& u. b( P7 o2 Z8 h$ l0 [' ?: J- R
professor  教授teaching fellow 讲师tutor / mentor / director / super visor 导师dean 系主任department 系president  校长staff  全体员工(商店、企业)faculty  全体教职员工; q5 Q) ^4 i$ X9 A5 z
5 ]7 ?+ O/ y, s3 _  P
* p; s. A. ?+ O' ~8 _* c

+ o0 H- B! U* C+ m' E; ?% O+ I: o2. 上课、选课、听讲座、听报告场景
0 m- B% G4 a/ f7 v3 }  q: L0 t( U

6 J, E# J" F5 e' y
, @$ j1 k  o, g8 C- Etake the course  选课drop the course 退课register  注册sign up for the course 选课Pick up = learncancel  取消full  报满selective course / elective course /       optional course  选修课requirement / required course /        compulsory  必修课lecture  讲座seminar  讨论班credit  学分9 b$ v% y( s2 ]: p7 Y
introductory course   初级课程advanced course  高级课程3 X5 {% u1 K! B7 m4 q: P7 [" n
math  数学      computer course  计算机    psychology course  心理学physics  物理学economics  经济学computer science  计算机科学sociology  社会学geology  地质学chemistry  化学biology  生物学biochemistry  生物化学
& u; s. q7 ^; h: lscience  理科art  文科
% u2 c; N. r/ D+ c8 I6 K
0 C3 ], ?. v' {, C7 q4 S
% `8 R/ N5 Q: g7 [- [2000年1月Section A
  r  p" ]# H" g) I3 S! @7. M: The visiting economist is speaking tonight, but Dr. Johnson doesn't seem to think much of him.W: That's because Dr. Johnson comes from an entirely different school of thought.Q: What do we learn from the woman's remark?1 H2 y3 e; x3 ?( Z2 g0 c" L
A. The visiting economist has given several lectures. $ @4 {+ u5 I  C. U4 X) x9 R
   B. The guest lecturer's opinion is different from Dr. Johnson's. 1 `( D( u0 y: ~
   C. Dr. Johnson and the guest speaker were schoolmates. - w8 I8 X+ q% X
   D. Dr. Johnson invited the economist to visit their college.: n+ Z  D7 z/ _! Z  ~* Z0 d5 Z
/ a% P: T! p* q, _: }2002年6月Section A
- \4 [8 ]0 C( o1. W: The deadline for the sociology and computer courses is the day after tomorrow. M: But I haven't decided which courses to take yet. Q: What are the man and woman talking about?) R# ?+ i6 [. j6 I+ F2 Z3 c
A. Registering for course. B. Getting directions. C. Buying a new computer. D. Studying sociology.6 R, O' ?4 X2 {2 ^* v$ s' S
[答案:A]5 _7 W- A# e/ v0 P$ }
2003年1月Section A
! K( U4 w. X" m( i9. W: I don't imagine you have any interest in attending that lecture on drawing, do you?
4 B" e  W& {: Z  b" t+ V% jM: Oh, yes, I do, now that you remind me of it.
0 k) o, E6 Y. u9 ]& }Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?
! F" S4 |0 f4 ZA. He'll give a lecture on drawing.B. He's going to attend the lecture.
' r% v# Q* O2 }7 X' m9 R* c! D1 ?C. He'd rather not go to the lecture.D. He doesn't mind if the woman goes to the lecture.( ^* @9 Y+ U: B# U) G
[答案:B]; J& Y. R# a  U/ ]
2003年6月Section A
5 I0 x# r6 ]8 G8. M: Mr. Smith, our history professor, announced we would be doing two papers and three exams this semester. I wonder how I'm going to pull through when two other courses have similar requirements.  W: Well, can't you drop one course and pick it up next semester?  Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?
: z* c/ d4 x/ M9 m6 zA. Do the assignments towards the end of the semester.
& c- I6 ?. d: G" J' \B. Quit the history course and choose another one instead.
9 _" i: t) h$ l/ X6 Q- D4 r# sC. Drop one course and do it next semester.) I7 E  A8 u* q; ?; D
D. Take courses with a lighter workload.
1 f+ l, [, s. s, @0 `[答案:C]9 e& X. U$ T% y6 K1 I
3. 作业场景+ _- N/ B) I# _" N3 f

7 v8 f+ _+ N5 D& i* M+ G8 C' ^+ l5 K6 C- q7 X- Y

9 L  s2 d) E1 }2 Qhomework / assignment / projectbook report  读书报告presentation  课堂发言reading list  书单turn in / hand in hand 上交deadline  最后期限due  到期extension  延期paper  论文 / essay  小论文term paper  学期报告thesis  毕业论文proposal  开题报告
" W0 s$ S7 v9 J$ ~
3 S: j4 l' U* H8 P3 C  Y0 c9 F  c* G" {8 C# Y
4 F. j/ K2 w; }8 s
1995年6月Section A
( [4 L6 A' H, b8 g, E7. M: I'm getting absolutely nowhere with these Physics problems.W: How about my going through them with you?Q: What does the woman mean?
. P5 L% a& |; W2 U- K6 u3 ~# jA. Her teaching assistant would grade the exam papers.B. She would collect the exam papers herself.C. She would mark the exam papers herself.D. She would not give her students an exam./ H& d3 M( |9 g5 L6 R4 ~3 F5 U' I8 P- D
  _; G8 j7 R) A. n* d2000年1月Section A
- r0 B$ S+ Q. \3 Z. g$ P5. M: My chemistry project is in trouble. My partner and I have totally different ideas about how to proceed.W: You should try to meet each other halfway.Q: What does the woman suggest?3 A! Q- y4 S/ D/ c; v% i
A. The man should work with somebody else. B. The man should meet his partner's needs. C. They should come to a compromise. D. They should find a better lab for the project.
- r, O8 k' q0 V- J; @) E; K[答案:C]
% \, ?+ h4 j' P$ D2001年1月Section A
* F# y- l$ E* O0 S: T. |9. W: Sorry I did not come yesterday, because I had a temperature. Could you tell me the requirement for my term paper? M: The theme of your paper can be about business management or touring resources in China, and the length of the paper should be no less than fifteen pages.Q: What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers?
, Y5 L: |% H: X6 O- g$ P- yA. Manager and employee.B. Salesman and customer.C. Guide and tourist.D. Professor and student.
* O! V& W# V( V: z* i0 i! L5 L[答案:D]0 _+ \6 ]+ f0 x1 Y" t" `
2002年1月Section A
% \. I" k9 z4 @1 D) B7. M: When are we supposed to submit our project proposals, Jane? W: They are due by the end of the week. We've only two days left. We'll just have to hurry. Q: What does the woman mean?) z$ n" G! V+ j% J8 p' n
A. The deadline is drawing near.    B. She can't meet the deadline. C. She turned in the proposals today.      D. They are two days ahead of time.% P# d( V0 W. W( G
[答案:A]% V6 {+ Q. E: ~' l
4. 考试场景
: e& e4 j  `: \$ H3 K+ U  E9 K9 I2 ]  l
7 ]4 Y  \* x- N, U/ m0 Z' d
; g/ z7 W: g) p6 @* A
Exammid-term exam  期中考试final  exam 期末考试quiz  测验pop quiz  不提前通知的考试grade / score 分数pass  及格passing grade  及格分failing grade   失败GPA 平均学分积make up exam  补考cheat  作弊+ O" z' \1 Q' v% E! s9 c8 P2 T

! S5 h7 D; C9 J) ^8 D% ]/ F0 w# P7 \2 i" F: p9 ]$ a& p+ w, v0 e
: o4 A' P) A" z& X, @" n5 v
1999年6月Section A
% }  X: O" A; F. q0 V4. W: I thought Tom said he got A's in all his tests.7 c$ E" m1 l% V! K3 |
   M: Mary, you should know better than to take Tom's words too seriously.
% d' Y# C+ n6 X   Q: What does the man imply?, e4 ^2 X- H4 a) @- a0 O
A. Tom is very responsible.         B. Tom's words aren't reliable.
6 x, V/ j1 s/ ?  D) \5 l5 T! hC. What Tom said is true.           D. Tom is not humorous at all.
% c+ s7 _5 J# [: D[答案:B]( o1 s# A% U1 E  t
2002年1月Section A- k: I1 P# {& N/ O/ g3 s
2. M: How many students passed the final physics exam in your class? W: Forty, but still as many as 20 percent of the class failed, quite disappointing, isn't it?  Q: What does the woman think of the exam?& ?/ c! R/ P4 `6 W; J; t; [2 R* w
A. They have different opinions as to what to do next. & C* n+ \. ]# h
     B. They have to pay for the house by installments.
3 N  ]4 a1 X. y/ j/ I7 D% B! c7 `$ k     C. They will fix a telephone in the bathroom. ; {6 }- ]5 j* r8 j
     D. The man's attitude is more sensible than the woman's. 3 G$ E5 D, r) H) t/ `, I
[答案:D]2 I! a1 T$ P6 X3 @3 d2 G" Q- U8 j
2003年1月Section A/ B1 }: w5 ]( g
5、W: Oh, dear. I'm afraid I fail again in the national test. It's the third time I took it.   M: Don't be too upset. I have the same fate. Let's try the fourth time.   Q: What does the man mean?      A. He is sure they will succeed in the next test.      B. He did no better than the woman in the test.      C. He believes she will pass the test this time.      D. He felt upset because of her failure.8 h  t: R3 g8 ^) K) E( S* J
4 N- \" u8 ?- D2 _4 z( z: ~' z5. 图书馆场景
4 ^2 T: ]1 U! M$ l
" E) S; @2 y; }3 w4 K$ \+ d! z8 ]
& L: }- T' L( N* w
shelf  书架stack  书库reading room  阅览室reference room  参考书阅览室periodical room  期刊阅览室copier   复印机study lounge 自习室librarian  图书馆长, 图书管理员catalogue  书目index  索引volume  卷,宗library card  借书卡
. q, F4 s9 U7 w  k6 ~4 [writing permission  书面许可book reservation  借书check out  外借over due  超期renew  续借fine  罚款return  还书put on reserve   被限制在馆内阅读, [" R# ~' \) v6 ^8 q# ~7 |, k
magazine  杂志journal  期刊periodical   期刊quarterly  季刊current issue  现刊back issue  过刊latest number  最新一期
9 s1 D; B4 ?+ K' G* ~/ mauthor  作者5 b, r6 t$ Z0 T* g3 S& T( \. q
subject   题目title  名字key words  关键字( n2 _$ k  M) s- q
. c. Y; A7 v6 v& j: K3 v
% K! d7 ~( v( ~1 j5 q- U

7 a  I8 H) ?- o. z: H  T% ?' D$ l7 V, K( X; x2 R9 }
1995年1月Section A
4 T$ R: H/ ^# G3 I3. W: I'm looking for textbook for my Psychology course.5 G+ v3 ^+ L; A/ B& M) @! L
It's called "Introduction to Educational Psychology". Do you have it?
8 Y2 i" [- V% j  }. W) p& EM: Yes, we do. You'll find it in Section 24 on the top shelf.4 K! P7 Z! o1 W: r" [7 O
Q: What's the man's occupation?% x% S3 |! f$ R; g
A. A teacher.     B. A psychologist.       C. A librarian.      D. A publisher.
' g, Z. j7 `% Z( K. ^( n1 p[答案:C]$ E% \* E8 @5 s; [% ?- g
1998年1月Section A" e. F3 u7 }) E! F$ U
8. M: I'm terribly sorry, Anna, I lost the magazine you lent me the other day.W: It doesn't matter; it was a back number any way.Q: Why doesn't the woman care about the lost magazine?
3 M% z' @. _, UA. She is a generous woman by nature. B. It doesn't have a back cover.C. She feels the man's apology is enough. D. It is no longer of any use to her.
7 i& F5 a$ n" v[答案:D]
6 R  r: n/ z7 ~2 z- @, l2003年6月Section A
, o8 h0 c( K9 u, G, `% [3. M: Hey, where did you find the journal? I need it, too. W: Right here on the shelf. Don't worry, John. I'll take it out on my card for both of us. Q: What does the woman mean?
" d. c: T$ F& K! J& E( QA. John can share the magazine with her. B. She wants to borrow John's card. C. She'll let John use the journal first. D. John should find another copy for himself. # Q; n) x  Q3 N  i# ~) D( P  a

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