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[六级听力] 英语六级听力辅导:场景专题(2)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
5. 租房子、住宾馆场景
5 p5 n8 b9 s  b' e9 X宾馆场景1 H; o: ]( m7 X+ D, \6 @, {" c
/ b! K3 r  l* M* C2 Y- y

6 r! M7 Y* u$ L& m: s) G0 {宾馆    hotel小旅馆,小客栈    inn  汽车旅馆    motel  订房间    book / make a reservation订满    booked up / occupied客房服务    room service单人间    single room双人间    double room浴室     bathroom前台    front desk / reception行李搬运工    porter 叫早服务   wake up call9 Y! Y/ v) C! x9 d7 ?3 |1 I, f
$ S2 t: G0 I2 v# @( [( K5 u
5 A* _3 [# M& @* o, ?/ \  i
租房场景0 ~) b% P+ [$ O: i) Y

" A" e) U. P  ?5 H* ?- B  }
( L0 V) V7 G4 r7 |6 ]5 @6 F房租    rent房东    landlord房客    renter / tenant契约    lease / agreement水电费    utilities门厅    hall家具    furniture风景画    poster橱柜    cabinet书架    book case / shelf淋浴管道    shower pipe , h: J( w1 `* Q( B# K; S" ?8 \0 R/ y# H1 k
修理    fix / repair坏了    break down裂缝    leak管道    pipe修理公司    roofing company修理工作    repair job修理工    maintenance man / repairman 管道工    plumber电工    electrician
! `1 Y: m5 D# O$ d( O3 l6 A
* j. [( y  O! @3 `4 p0 j$ s6 l1 t! d. p8 e, Y: U% L! u
/ S& w$ [3 j! f/ w7 V

. Y5 e5 `9 ~6 `4 I4 ]) ]0 T8 e+ }, s2000年1月
6 B0 Z+ w2 I: r) }2 _2. M: Next, shouldn't we get a telephone installed in the hall?
  T  Y6 }5 {6 a* u  L# S# _W: Fixing the shower pipe is far more important.8 T" y8 G% Y; }2 [) [+ j
Q: What do we learn from the conversation? (A)
3 V, u8 [; h) C) B/ tA. They have different opinions as to what to do next.
% K6 s3 M  x( V. v9 N      B. They have to pay for the house by installments. : J' @# i) y7 @$ n8 q4 m
      C. They will fix a telephone in the bathroom.
4 ~& t. Z, y9 a8 U      D. The man's attitude is more sensible than the woman's.
3 h" ]) e3 V! d6 B4 _& w' Q) w2002年6月2. M: I’m looking for an apartment with a monthly rent to around 200 dollars in this neighborhood. Can you give me some advice on that?
7 g+ ], q8 k  m- L% m1 O5 G. s% l+ m  W: Well, it’s rather hard to find anything for less than 300 dollars around here. Rents are lower in the suburbs, but you’ll need transportation if you choose to live there. : R1 p" N" H; k- G* r4 ]5 V
  Q: What do we learn from the conversation? (D)! X& Z5 V: f+ Q0 Y" }* C/ t& s
A. The man will probably have to find a roommate.
/ L& \7 ^+ O5 |; |( Q  B. The man is unlikely to live in the suburbs. 8 N* R. l- `9 ^6 n" i
  C. The man will probably have to buy a car.
" v  y  H, F% E  D. The man is unlikely to find exactly what he desires.# }: ]# O7 p( c, ~1 A4 n
2003年1月& {1 u4 y. t" [& @9 I
8. M: How do you like the way I've arranged the furniture in my living room?
) H5 m; Y# G$ J$ z' ?! N# uW: Fine, but I think the walls could do with a few paintings.% j- s- r; b) r: f4 G' N! n
Q: What does the woman suggest the man do? (D)
' \8 o; N+ \' L  y, H) b& r) UA. Paint the walls to match the furniture.
" |# \$ _9 y$ L6 ~B. Find room for the paintings.
, ?& r: Q5 F) b& ^. T1 X1 q' |C. Put more coats of paint on the wall.
+ L' O  y' K. ~# h# S7 S% LD. Hang some pictures for decoration.) {8 u+ _' k; p
2005年1月7 d2 ?8 Z  \4 g% u
1. M: I'm looking for an unfurnished two-bedroom apartment, but all your apartments are furnished.
9 R. l0 D, B& X5 S9 f+ V' Y W: We can take care of that. We can simply remove the furniture.& T3 K& F2 ]1 z' ?: \5 `* z4 Z
Q: What does the woman mean? (D)
  }+ F! I1 _* |# X' i/ e6 IA. Furnish apartment will cost more. B. The apartment can be furnished easily.C. The apartment is just what the man is looking for.D.3 c, U" {# \4 |- P' j4 `
She can provide the man with apartment he needs.
  s0 `( m; ]- p* n! r1997年1月: r& _$ K& l1 ?8 Z
10. M: Yes, Mrs. Smith. What can I do for you? Is it the refrigerator again?  v  `- U7 H4 Y2 p2 U, L
W: No, it is the oven this time. I think something is wrong with the temperature control. * I3 C# B0 A# i9 b; u
Whatever I try to cook gets burned.- V' S3 k) G+ l9 {1 i4 ^5 M
Q: Why does the woman call the man? (C)
) N  c( j: Q: G, ^. G( V5 [ A. She didn't know how to use the new oven.$ \) A) A, N: @" k" q5 \8 r
B. She wanted her refrigerator to be fixed.
" N* u9 r. ~$ Z: _C. There is something wrong with the oven.
2 M4 `$ B9 O' p4 t. u* b. ~D. There is something wrong with the food.
# C0 S% P5 C" f( g1998年6月
  j/ q* L3 ?% N# B, U  i+ _$ F# E4. W: During the last thunder storm I noticed several leaks in my bedroom ceiling and they really caused a mess.4 k# N& }- O9 J: a1 E
M: Maybe you have some broken tiles. I have the phone number of a good roofing company that could do a good repair job for you at a reasonable price.+ J+ c( ^1 m" k$ h: m5 D0 P5 R
Q: What can we conclude from this conversation? (A)! O5 I; [7 {% d! h6 Q& V: y
A. The roof of the woman's house needs to be repaired.
0 b* _8 |3 M% l1 rB. The roof of the man's house has several bad leaks.; o  k+ }7 b; x& E  N
C. The woman's bathroom was badly damaged., y+ Z( b/ `- t8 v- _1 w/ e
D. The man works for a roofing company.
& M2 W6 S8 T4 l; G7 T" @6. 电话场景、工作场景. E; Z" y7 h; [+ a8 h
电话场景; g" Q+ T+ @1 k2 i/ k1 k
+ K. {5 \- R6 b9 M
# Z) }% K1 K: M: s
接线员    operator长途电话    long distance call越洋电话    over seas call对方付费电话    collect call  占线    The line is busy / engaged. 把电话接通    put sb. through信号不好    the connection is bad让某人重打一次    give sb. credit for the call关机    power off不在服务区   not at the service先别挂    Please hold on / hold for a moment.挂电话    hang up
5 ~) M4 B% p2 h投币电话    pay phone打入的电话    incoming calls打出的电话    outgoing calls) @/ }( g( l$ b: q  @1 D: d

, ~- K7 d8 {6 D; Q$ ~/ M2 \5 f# I3 b7 x6 y; R8 T
5 _% _9 E( {1 n# q; L  r+ J

4 }' N6 y" u* p) }3 H工作场景6 A' Y. [) c0 Q1 t' E. S1 h- Q

; a( c6 h6 Y6 t$ J* {* Q, o. g. i8 i
9 Q5 T: F6 C/ c  ~- M; V$ O: Q3 L: b3 Q% E& V7 z5 o5 l" C' e
老板    boss秘书    secretary前台    reception雇员    employee雇主    employer面试    interview面试管    interviewer面试者    interviewee部门主管    head of departmentCEO    Chief Executive Officer  首席执行官提升    promotion  v" X! P) W# m. z  v
顶头上司    immediate boss加薪    give a raise提薪    caused of living raise  资历    qualification证书    certificate经验    experience经历    experiences文凭    credential辞职    quit  /  resign退休    retire失业    lay off
& z+ }, u, r! F* N  `! m' Z
# i3 g; H; t" k9 O0 v4 ]5 \& N/ @

2 S# V' }* Q1 X) Z/ e# U% s* K' O' D( R
7 l; u4 k3 e$ C1 z2. M: You know, I'm just not too sure if the new salary will be high enough or even the new position is really what I want. Besides, I like the work that I am doing now.' s0 G; o2 D) N, X, ~& T. o( O
  W: It sounds as though you've already made up your mind about what you are going to do.
' A6 q% j. m! S8 z5 K  Q: What is the man thinking about? (B)- [2 A0 g3 n! _1 o, }
A. Whether to employ the woman.
- P4 g0 W: s/ J+ D. q) b8 e& UB. Whether to toke up the new job.
- P5 {, b8 X8 q6 KC. Whether to ask for a raise.
; ]  w9 N* ?( k" V* JD. Whether to buy a new house.5 M% R: H3 m5 \' l- Q* ]* j
0 N6 @% ]/ F% ?, G$ {) z6. W: Billy, have you heard the latest news? It appears that we won't be laid off after all.M: Oh,
- h5 \5 `2 Y9 V& _4 j  [' lsomewhat I'm tired of working here anyway.Q: What's the man's reaction to the news the woman told him? (C)
- a9 S3 @* K! i4 iA. He is surprised.   B. He feels very happy.  C. He is indifferent.   D. He feels very angry.
+ w  |5 J: K; s/ K) C面试场景
6 F! J$ @6 ^( Y$ F: R6 ~
. p2 J/ P6 }7 N
( ^4 {6 O1 Z7 l$ i' q! x. _% ~) i: N+ j  M
申请工作    apply for the job申请    application全职    full-time兼职    part-time求职者    job applicator简历    resume职位    position / post参加面试    have / take a interview: G, m  g/ Y* a
1 N3 G/ ?2 p" G' Y! ^
# o# l+ V: ?5 h) n
7 T4 t! b1 ?3 y( C
/ V8 J, E+ O- C: E6 f
1998年1月% X6 G3 `* l6 B; e4 }4 y' L( Q1 ?
5. W: Take a seat, Mr. Brown. Could you tell me which position you think most appeals to you?
- ^" p! [9 n7 T6 j5 OM: Well, as for me, I prefer to take the post of sales manager if you think I'm qualified.# D+ q0 C, P7 |5 e' I2 s) Z
Q: What's the man's purpose in meeting the woman? (B)( M  o$ p& I  ?1 M+ J
  A. To find out her position in the company. 8 m1 J5 J; x; S6 g* M
  B. To apply for a job." {8 L8 d) L: w" M  z% a
  C. To offer her a position in the company.+ x  H6 M, f! \4 `, e( q
  D. To make an appointment with the sales manager.
* E) c* e% X* Q7 b6 U( x2002年6月1 Q1 r. ^% n/ h$ S1 D+ X
10. M: I’m both excited and nervous about the job interview this afternoon.
' ?  D7 Y9 {5 u& W: YW: Take it easy. Just wear tidy and clean clothes and response truthfully to inquiries. ( @/ k/ }4 k6 ~& q: w+ V1 R
Remember, honesty is the best policy.
. g" T2 {/ p$ UQ: What do we learn about the wan? (B)
4 y+ x# R3 ?2 V/ ]( g* QA. He is nervous about the exam.
9 d8 `/ d( m& f, Z5 P6 S' |B. He is looking for a job. 8 B* N  V) O* _4 L* n
C. He doesn't dare to tell lies. " V: ]! H7 \% |4 F8 d
D. He doesn’t know how to answer the questions.
. k9 z- b: e9 i2 U7. 1999年1月听力录音$ i: g6 c; Y! P
Part I                          Listening Comprehension       (20 minutes)
: Z: l  |7 }0 k& `Section  A
0 G& p, ~- c2 w, N3 c' [Directions: In this section you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said.
( o/ [0 m: ?! b3 i Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause,
9 z; s3 n; u9 t+ I8 J+ T you must read the four suggested answers marked A),B),C)and D) and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.% s, i0 i& S+ y6 D2 U
Example: You with near:
5 P' v4 I4 @7 {4 D                You will read: A)2 hours.         B)3 hours.
* G- `- O' X* L) y: ]' i& T; z                                    C)4 hours.         D)5 hours.( S! M; ]: e+ a& N! s2 }7 q
      From the conversation we know that the two are talking about some work they will start at 9 o'clock in the morning and have to finish at 2 in the afternoon. Therefore, D)“5 hours” is the correct answer. You should choose [D] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the centre.4 W  t  v" i( V) p: P# k
Sample Answer [A][B][C][D]' z9 b$ ^3 q; M2 ]
1. A. She's going away for a while.. D, D. a; R$ p1 B0 N
   B. She did well on the test.1 w0 J: P! r) e- A+ f( c
   C. She worked hard and earned a lot of money.$ J" s5 \, ^2 w. m, D9 o
   D. She's didn't have to work hard for the exam.
; H6 R6 {/ [; C% `" N2 F/ z& S3 B2. A. Susan is fast worker                                 B. Susan did Jack's homework.
' v* [; ?, Y! f% ]  W; ]8 S# b- H   C. Susan didn't do the homework on her own.     D. Susan has not finished her homework.
) L  g. `8 X2 ~% P3. A. He read the cabinet report.                   B. He read the newspaper.
+ e1 u" E# _: N" ~   C. He listened to a radio report.                D. He's secretary telephoned him.) f* j+ s1 X+ ^. h) ~0 g. _
4. A. Hurry to the conference.                      B. Skip the conference.5 U& l8 l1 T( Y/ O
   C. Take the subway.                               D. Take a bus.
" \0 l. h: u6 w: Z) S; j5 B! r: w0 ^5. A. He is confident.                                B. He is worried.
/ ]3 [: O2 I% L   C. He is bored.                                     D. He is angry.
5 g8 V" a0 u7 y6. A. He used to be a workman himself.
+ m2 M1 L3 Y& |/ I! e9 Q( _   B. He likes to do repairs and make things himself.
0 w* l  S4 l% _6 a- V/ ~% o   C. He is professional builder.3 R+ W: M- R1 A
   D. He paid workmen to decorate the house.
" g" @, W, Q6 }- f8 _/ y1 W6 ?7. A. The woman doesn't like jam.
" @8 ]0 L! m9 Z: I; _8 I' D2 c   B. The woman forgot where she had left the jar.! a$ p# u4 ^& k( t
   C. The man had an accident.
! x& v% e$ @7 D& w4 e3 A$ G0 B: S   D. The man broke the jar.0 M5 L& u/ H( {6 N& [) k- r
8. A. Opinions about the book are varied.
( x% n& T. w' ~3 y' e" `, i$ ^   B. The man thinks the book is excellent." v6 ^# }! C. y6 r
   C. You shouldn't believe everything you read.
4 V& ~$ X$ ~6 Q: C4 B" C8 Q   D. The woman wonders which newspaper the man is reading.
( v0 }0 V6 U0 O4 y5 H! F; f5 X9. A. It's quite normal.                  B. It's too high./ L$ _4 b0 X, h2 {4 H
   C. It's cheap indeed.                  D. It could be cheaper., h; K) Z& F. p+ b2 [7 z9 T" p
10. A. The admission of a patient.          B. Diagnosis of an illness.! I0 Q" s% B2 {$ o* K) T
    C. The old man's serious condition.    D. Sending for a doctor.
  X+ u' ^) [! N' |7 a; l6 iSection B
6 r9 \) B! U( x0 LDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions.
4 f- c5 G5 M( PBoth the passage an d the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A., B., C., and D.
& S! I! Y* T- z# I  The mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
; Y0 D4 l3 F4 a  p& M) v! dPassage one
0 p& o1 \- x5 DQuestions 11 to l4 are based on the passage you have just heard. / {0 F& e; `  L/ ]( r
11. A. The color of the dog.
+ I1 W& r; j" \, D9 z3 c8 h   B. The price of the dog.
- k7 n9 x, i+ M0 \   C. Whether the dog will fit the environment.1 A) Z% N$ C' a5 y' @
   D. Whether the dog will get along with the other pets in the house.  $ {( p3 R( j, k- v: n( i
12. A. It must be trained so it won't bite.   B. It needs more love and care .$ z/ `4 T8 I" Q" v( u
   C. It demands more food and space.         D. It must be looked after carefully.0 D8 y7 w6 @' J* S# y2 e4 p
13. A. They are less likely to run away.9 j% a9 i- V9 U3 p
   B. It's easier for their masters to train them.
% u9 F2 J# a! k6 n3 R! V+ O   C. They are less likely to be shy with human beings.- i/ k, I" T' B8 c
   D. It's easier for them to form a relationship with their masters., W* Y: k0 h1 e, s  H" R9 |+ F4 ~
Passage Two' r3 r4 E; e' X" k+ G& i
Question 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.8 \  W  O6 B: X6 S9 H: Q
14. A. They often go for walks at a leisurely pace.
2 b9 e6 _& o% D& y* a0 n   B. They usually have a specific purpose in mind.
0 O# Y4 M# W: f/ G; q$ s* G   C. They like the seaside more than the countryside." Q& q" |2 T% u7 V8 Y
   D. They seldom plan their leisure activities in advance.2 C7 d' f* j) p: `; i( E
15. A. Their hardworking spirit.
" Y  B. Z* w/ b7 _   B. Their patience in waiting for theatre tickets.
% G" M. n8 {  Y5 w# u   C. Their delight in leisure activities.! ?# i8 C2 g* K& Q- O) I/ P& X
   D. Their enthusiasm and for the arts.
9 R. _! |4 \7 V( V( E+ t% g+ ~16. A. The Polish people can now spend their leisure time in various ways.
- l( p( l% Z- }2 W% ~: a   B. The Polish people are fond of walking leisurely in the countryside.$ T9 X& ~9 ?8 ^
   C. The Polish people enjoy picking wild fruit in their leisure time.
' O0 R6 S& V+ X+ M   D. The Polish people like to spend their holidays abroad., C' C# l9 V  C# |5 m# X# C
' G0 f- d! C8 O* I% Q5 k, ]
Passage There9 n5 m2 @3 R4 R! w
Question 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard. ; F. b3 H5 ]8 y* {4 R. \$ b

) \3 ~9 R# Z* X, R- {: [* h17. A. They will be much bigger.    B. They will have more seats.. ~* A: q# Y' F6 Y2 ?$ _
   C. They will have three wheels. D. they will need intelligent drivers.6 c0 u: r# M" Q/ `; M! w4 O& W
18. A. It doesn't need to be refueled.) V# |4 v. a$ m/ T
   B. It will use solar energy as fuel.
% P. o; X7 ?4 V8 a8 j' g2 Q& d   C. It will be driven by electrical power.$ k1 A0 d: e8 @1 b
   D. It will be more suitable for long distance travel.
8 |: E" A) `  N% \4 a/ M& a9 g19. A. Passengers in the car may be seated facing on another./ u! W3 ]  c1 l# m5 U
   B. The front seats will face forward and the back seats backward.
/ h% h4 e5 z$ }6 {+ c: \7 M   C. Special seats will be designed for children.
# g8 g! g5 o2 B; S! J# f. z3 I   D. More seats will be added.
2 y+ M! T' u- u+ v, g3 J20. A. Choose the right route.      B. Refuel the car regularly.
7 e$ d, ^$ b' r4 Q. l   C. Start the engine.             D. Tell the computer where to go.& e2 ]1 j: q  L8 |1 m
答案:1—10 BCBDA  BDACC   11—20 CBDBD    ACCAD% A9 ]$ @4 _/ |5 U6 T! v
8. 1999年1月听力讲解
9 C. J7 r& F% c; y  O听力原文:2 M$ w! I. k! i. i4 h
Section A: P2 p0 y- Q* _  J
1.M: Congratulations. You certainly did quite well and I must say you deserve that grade.
. c/ ?1 o( b: K; z$ B8 O  W: Well, I really studied hard for that exam I’ve been preparing for it for more than a; ^' j0 _6 k) y( Y" M9 ^4 u
     month. Now, I can relax for a while.
3 w) d, B$ s7 [/ R; m  Q: Why is the woman so happy?
9 P% L* D7 z- h: _$ o" `$ ?2. M: It’s hard to believe that Susan has already finished her homework.0 q5 W/ V3 m+ E/ W: Y
  W: Well, she copied Jack's homework and made a few changes.
. ]8 K& T0 }% E, B5 ~# A4 N; O. [  Q: What does the woman say about Susan?
( y/ s( J/ J  \3. W: Mr. Johnson, have you heard the morning news report? Mill has resigned his post as Prime ' E4 Q9 [  N( w7 R+ Z! d  |0 X
     Minister.9 j2 ?) _& h. [# C4 g$ K
  M: I didn't turn on the radio this morning, but I did see the headlines. If you remember,
- i/ s, c! z6 x2 t5 P/ z' ]! {/ M     he threatened to leave the office at the last cabinet meeting.
# E+ T: T) m  c  Q: How did Mr. Johnson learn that the Prime Minister has resigned?
' s& [: }/ O& _3 c4. M: If you are in hurry, you can take the subway. If you want to go sightseeing, take a bus.
( u9 ?* L$ G. x, W7 N: m; y  W: Actually, I don’t have to be at the conference before noon.
4 i9 h3 T1 J! G: E  M7 Q. B  Q: What will the woman probably do?
$ G. q! C4 Q. @5.W: How did your interview go?
' H+ S0 O0 V# [, p  M: I couldn't feel better about it. The questions were very fair and I seemed to find answers' {( O/ P. ~# l4 C( z
     for all them.3 r3 l  l/ m) s2 d- k8 Y" U
  Q: How does the man feel about the interview?" c5 c) Z! E4 Y3 f7 O* j
6.W:I’m very impressed by all the work you've done on your house, Mr. Miller, How long have5 [$ V6 q4 b8 b7 k' d6 k6 y  V
    you been working on it?4 c' |8 C7 P0 [6 n
  M: I first became interested in doing things myself several years ago. I’ve been doing
& J6 U6 @1 z; F" q# R     something on it every now and then for almost a year now. You know,I couldn’t afford to # N. _& H1 g+ P. E# J% |
     pay workmen to do it.! N( Q8 x; L+ s( b# t0 G
  Q: What do we learn about Mr. Miller?
  X3 Q. _) P( J7. W:I just made a jar of jam this morning and now I can’t find it any where. Do you know what " Q: C5 [: I; D& c; o' V; n
    happened to it?
* q. n# M) g+ D- Z% U  M: Did you hear a crash, that was it, I’m just as clumsy as ever.
+ p: n" |- H$ y, q& c  Q: What is the problem?" d0 o2 I" g& H" V( [
8. W: I read in the newspaper that the novel you are reading is excellent.
% f" d3 n! p3 o2 B  M: I’ve also read some negative reviews.' p/ a& Q0 d2 a+ o4 j. b
  Q: What can be learned from the conversation?+ N; R* n5 S! [( K" N5 V9 C
9.W:John told me he had got a second-hand car, do you know how much he paid for it?
* k1 b' X7 E' _9 T/ c- B6 H  M: Well,he said he paid 800 dollars for it. I think he got a real bargain.
  H1 Z+ [3 ^7 w2 ^# \' T. u  Q: What does the man think of the price of the car.
) d- d; O6 Z8 ?/ H+ t10.M: Hello, this is doctor Marita from the emergency department. I have a 70-year-old 8 j  n6 Q; Q4 {( b
      patient with a fractured ankle.3 I2 l+ i+ d9 {6 _, y  }9 ~7 m
   W: OK, send him toward 3.
3 r7 G- T- P, p3 g+ x0 F   Q: What are they talking about on the phone?
& \4 i2 O  d+ `, \* d4 e4 oSection B  Y: Q# O5 x* D8 n+ d+ V
Passage One
  W5 f8 l5 Y9 d' z( ?2 W" M    Most people have had a dog or wanted one as their companion at some time in their lives. If you are thinking of buying a dog,6 k4 Y( u. I) s" w1 d& `
however, you should first decide what sort of companion you need and whether the dog is likely to be happy in the surroundings you can provide.
  k. ], u+ N* a& h# E& iSpecialist advice is available to help you choose the most suitable breed of dog. But in part, the decision depends on common sense., z, H! A: g! A9 w% ]) }  S
Most breeds were originally developed to perform specific tasks. So, if you want a dog to protect you or your house, for example,
& L, Q" ^, |3 k you should choose a breed that has the right size and characteristics You must also be ready to devote a good deal of time to train the dog when it is
3 C8 |& P& w: q) Q1 X young and give it the exercise it needs to throughout its life, unless live in the country and can let it run freely. Dogs are demanding pets. 0 s. P4 v! @4 p' u5 ?0 ~
Whereas cats identify with the house and so are content if their place there is secure a dog identifies with its master and consequently wants him to show proof of his affection.% v, c4 _- G8 O  ?9 ~! w0 T9 N
The best time to buy a baby-dog is when it is between 6 and 8 weeks old so that it can transfer its affection from its mother to its master.4 @/ J2 q" ~% [$ P$ G5 w  V3 S1 m
If baby dogs have not established a relationship with the human being until they are over three months old, their strong relationship will always be with dogs.  F% w' t( A$ F" t* L
They are likely to be too shy when they are brought out into the world to become good pets.4 ]3 v+ }# X( {; T
11. What's mentioned as a consideration in buying a dog?
* V, l  Z7 R+ g) r6 K- L5 K12. Why does the speaker say a dog is a more demanding pet than a cat?
+ F: G4 z5 W% Z5 `# W# s13. Why is advised to buy baby dogs under three months old?
, k2 ?: j' e. m5 h! @! DPassage Two- L7 m% O$ z. o% M
      People in Poland take their pleasure seriously. They like to have an aim even when spending the time which is entirely their own.+ p3 ]$ R! L( t" w9 [9 @* f
During the summer, people start work very early in the morning so that they can finish early and enjoy a leisurely afternoon./ a8 X5 A- _! ~2 e4 p% d
It is difficult to imagine Polish people going aimlessly for a walk in the country, though they might go to pick wild fruit,( J! [5 b+ t4 n# s* q( o3 K) Z
to visit a place of historical importance or to walk 20 KM as a training exercise. They are often admired for their immense enjoyment of the arts. % T7 E1 F- H& I8 |
All parks are beautifully cared and are for the use and enjoyment of the people, Quite ordinary people will talk with obvious delight about concerts. 4 F) E: m( T: O  A7 k& `
There is nearly always a crowd at the door of the theatre, asking for returned tickets. People in Poland now have far more leisure time and more money than ever before.
3 F) h- P8 K( f, G/ q It is therefore possible to spend the weekends in many new ways. Many people now have over 20 days holiday a year.
# B  Y$ K0 j0 }This provides an opportunity for holidays in the country or at the seaside.
: j' r: v, N2 V6 v* w% U6 |14. What is special about the Polish way of spending leisure time?/ f" I  N* M+ U( ~; R
15. For what does the author admire the Polish people?) Y8 I0 w8 B& D0 \. M) ?$ x4 i
16. What do we learn from the passage?4 C  a8 C8 I0 C  [
Passage Three9 N3 P- _" s4 ~3 u0 `. H  M( K7 G; ]
    What kind of car will we be driving by the year 2010? Rather different from the type we know today.0 E: Y% L$ I4 G2 k5 w& `  v+ O
With the next decade bringing greater change than the past 50 years, the people who will be designing the models of tomorrow believe that environmental problems may well
- O: }9 w/ T1 w6 S( |7 k* C$ K accelerate the pace of the car's development. The vision is that of a machine with 3 wheels instead of 4, electrically-powered environmentally clean and able to drive itself along intelligent roads ,equipped with built-in power supplies. Future cars will pick up the fuel during long journeys from a power source built into the road,& I- I& W* g  Z4 J5 q0 ~
or stored in small quantities for traveling in the city. Instead of today's seating arrangement two in front, two or three behind,$ m& C, J3 f* G( b- `
all facing forward, the 2010 car will have an interior with adults and children in a family circle. This view of future car based on a much more sophisticated road system.
/ w+ {' j) L! ?- k  ]$ HCars will be automatically controlled by a computer. All the driver will have to do is say where to go and the computer will do the rest. 3 y9 O# [, E9 L! r- d
It will become impossible for cars to crash into one another. The technology already exists for the car to become a true automobile.  k' Q4 H2 H% j, `( f: ]: D( }
17. What is the designer's vision of the cars of tomorrow?/ Z  k$ b6 n) e$ b' N
18. What else does the passage tell us about the future car?* e3 ?" W+ ^/ Q# y
19. What is the seating arrangement for future cars?7 y. Y6 p5 p$ M+ C7 _$ z
20. What is the only thing the driver of the future car has to do?

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