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[六级听力] 英语六级听力辅导:小短文特征

发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
( p$ S! B8 a; y: a+ O    在新题当中. 基本上一篇文章会有3至4道题目, 那么根据顺序原则, 开头会有一道题目, 结尾会有一道题目, 中间会有1至2道题目.
" I$ e4 s3 N. ~- K# V/ G7 d    Test 3 Passage 3; ^( V6 l( \% c
    To be successful in a job interview, you should demonstrate certain personal and  professional qualities. You need to create a good image in the limited time available, usually from 30 to 45 minutes. You must make a positive impression which the interviewer will remember while he interviews other candidates. The following are some qualities you should especially pay attention to during an interview.  h9 |/ `- `5 N
20. What is the main idea of the short talk you have just heard?
3 c( o+ f5 l. s, V   A) Professional knowledge is a decisive factor in job interview.
5 }3 t8 ~/ e; {. ?5 b8 O   B) Finding a job is more difficult than one can imagine.
% J5 P3 M9 _8 g- a0 d* O4 ^   C) A job seeker should create a good image during an interview.
5 }1 \. d* a, r. o0 b) B2 D   D) Self-confidence is most important for a job seeker.2 t9 f: `8 `$ o1 t$ C) F2 g2 q1 D
7 I7 c  I5 R! ^! ]& B6 I4 m: w# f7 U" |% B% b1 B2 e/ w
Test 6 Passage 2
8 M# k* ^8 y3 n0 i    You should not fear spiders because of their poison. Of all the spiders in North ( u: K" I+ B# G
America, only one kind is really dangerous and most would not bite even if they were
  B- \3 y6 N( ]- `  y6 A: Nhandled. They much prefer to run away or to drop to the ground on a thread of silk.
1 |7 ^9 ^0 v8 Q6 M, NEven so, when a spider runs directly toward a person, it gives the impression that it is
& l- s% H% T5 Xabout to attack. Actually, it cannot see the person in its way. The spider is too 6 q$ K: W% I* t- V; ]
shortsighted to see things at a distance. It only wants to go where it will not be ( ]* w1 L- v  @' ]+ P  ]% \
disturbed. In the United States one kind of spider is responsible for the frightening 1 C3 Q. |/ U6 n1 G; E8 G% c4 n
reputation of the rest. It is the Black Widow. So called because the female, which is
5 J' v+ L% S6 r) w" Slarger than the male, often eats her husband after making love. The Black Widow is 6 ^! K4 Y) \0 H  ]! L# b& f1 s8 b
found in all states but is most common in the south and the west. She constructs a loose,
6 A( ?8 Y  s: Z% m! H' `% Pirregular web under a pile of rowans or near the foundations of buildings where she is 9 T4 O( f, r" t' m2 _
seldom disturbed.
" ]- e% }! u7 T15. What is this passage mainly about?
* V+ D: ], e( S% H; U   A) How to handle spiders." B* k( [4 C* V/ q( P6 U1 x  C
   B) Spiders in the United States.
3 S; E5 t% n3 f( @9 ^# X* j2 M2 b/ l   C) People's fear of spiders.% n+ U) h( ]$ L
   D) A special kind of spider.9 v4 M8 H! Y, e) j$ L; D( u1 S6 a' T
[答案:D]6 k( V  r( S2 n, [7 N
9 ^# c7 A7 q) {+ h! n7 M
04年6月- s+ d6 q; X- v2 \7 ^$ t
    Yuppies are young people who earn a lot of money and live in a style that is too
8 C% m! f! l5 N8 U% x1 y& o) u, Kexpensive for most people. If you’re invited to a yuppie dinner party, don’t be surprised
- P( r# V$ f, x: r, iif you’re offered freshly-cooked insects as a first course. While the idea of eating fired
: k- g) \+ Z9 x( g: T7 ~) Yinsects fills most of us with horror, insect-eating is becoming highly fashionable. For 2 i2 ?; B# w2 n  G) \' R
example, in the media industry, successful executives are often seen to eat fried or
+ d6 M3 q8 n' R7 m$ Q" rboiled insects from time to time while working at their desks. These safe-to-eat insects 8 ~# v1 ]9 j3 a' A9 ]. |7 h, p
can be found and ordered on the Internet. And young people are logging on to exotic
8 [& b9 f6 v9 \& \- k8 ]food websites and ordering samples of prepared insects to serve at their dinner parties.
& @! {1 j! A& _# g/ _Although the idea of eating insects is probably disgusting to most of us, few people $ \+ {% @) }4 z
would claim that pigs, chickens, and some kinds of seafood we often eat are examples of
! ]% T* ?4 U3 w1 k6 y' n1 H: A  Ngreat beauty. One day, insects could be marketed and sold as food item in supermarkets.5 i# t/ s# |- u
According to their fans, they are not only high in protein and low in fat, but also very
- q) Y) h" y; `1 p4 F3 r) ttasty. But until our attitudes to food change  ~' \+ Q3 T" A  h, ?3 f
17. [A] It will be consumed by more and more young people./ |+ f, P% ^8 b2 k$ w
   [B] It will become the first course at dinner parties.
0 V' b4 W/ `7 [; Q* C" w3 e   [C] It will have to be changed to suit local tastes.) }# ^6 y, ?! f" f/ Y5 l/ [/ B- Z$ D
   [D] It is unlikely to be enjoyed by most people.$ I- \7 d9 n& z1 k5 {
[答案:A]& t  U- j. T. x+ S) U# @( `% a
    0 v: E3 Y; I( Z# B7 {
    Jane Addams came from a well_to_do and cultured family. She was so distressed
+ ~5 y" U& Z* c$ h/ Yabout the misery of poor people that she left her fine home to spend her life in the slums
& N: h! Q! l( Q0 G( Dof Chicago. In 1889 she established a settlement house where she initiated many
$ R. N- v# @6 f( Oprojects such as hot_lunch service for factory workers, day_care centres for little / s9 T  D5 i5 Z# }& \0 T
children, free classes for young people and adults, a gymnasium, and an art gallery.
* r( m7 D/ N$ Z$ B4 o/ [; m  JImmigrants and other poor people came to her settlement house for advice and help, as ' }5 I' @9 y% @: a# J
well as for fun. Jane Addams was also active in fighting against the use of child labour
8 u. ~& c) n% s4 [) Qand against war. She worked for women's right to vote and for improving the situation % {2 j& T; p: [: Y9 W
of the blacks, she initiated country vacation programs for poor city children.. }8 C# _; \+ h2 j3 {3 x6 o
    Jane Addams had great influence on the development of social work in the United 6 X# g+ T) K! |" ~( Z- R% ^" L' g
States and in other parts of the world. She promoted the idea of responsibility for the ' l5 B0 P6 Q; n" I+ S5 M
welfare of the poor. Settlement houses of a similar kind were founded in many poor
$ _& ]% P4 J, A; }* v2 t7 n) Wneighbourhoods to make the lives of the poor more meaningful.
" r/ q' n; f9 L9 c    In 1931, Jane Addams was awarded the Nobel Prize for what she had done for
3 X' D/ t# t3 A! R/ Ysociety.
5 _; N4 l$ H% a8 [20. What is the passage mainly about?
( k; v0 o' |. f3 y, }: M; N   A) Jane Adams' life story.
) L# J! K! b: n  o   B) Jane Adams' struggle for women's liberation
, W" c3 A9 U6 H, D3 W! a+ b" I. d0 V   C) Jane Adams' contributions to society.' f4 r- N: p: w# P9 V# Y* }
   D) Jane Adams' responsibility for the poor." l! f" s" c7 C8 a. Q
7 M, @8 D  _* W7 v& F9 |. i! W# X4 y# S; g* P2 p$ w$ i
阅读选项的至少要达到两个目的.3 ^# E6 {/ J6 @7 J! ]# M
    第一, 确定哪几道题目属于一个短文, 同时进行听前预测,推测短文的主题(主
; g' ]/ i7 o4 b; `    要内容).4 G) _2 e' w8 c+ p/ {6 P" Z
    第二, 反推问题, 确定重要的信息点./ P" J" u8 E  p. P3 q
0 N! {4 ]& g9 B' J2 A+ M( I- p1.预测时间
8 k* D3 X( A6 |/ L" w6 g2.预测方法
  Z0 j- K- q# D$ {
8 J/ z- v) `/ C% d2 W03年9月4 `3 E2 w3 }8 K4 L! g
11. [A] He set up the first university in America.) L2 k" s% p1 L( o
   [B] He was one of the earliest settlers in America.
0 R) {2 I" E6 u4 \+ A7 ~   [C] He can best represent the spirit of early America.
& `* h/ ]! z" }. b5 I2 a5 X   [D] He was the most distinguished diplomat in American history.1 s+ A: S: E5 t1 f5 \4 b
12.[A] He provided Washington with a lot of money.
- b+ F0 Y- J3 C: x/ ~$ A   [B] He persuaded France to support Washington.
, U/ g9 P/ t' b% A3 b   [C] He served as a general in Washington's army.
! e" [+ U+ w3 O% B) a; q   [D] He represented Washington in negotiations with Britain.6 h/ |  H8 u  ]2 l% M# P! Z
13. [A] As one of the greatest American scholars.) u( @/ y( c* z" j5 R- ]2 x2 a4 u
   [B] As one of America's most ingenious inventors.! j" \4 k2 p0 b: R8 \
   [C] As one of the founding fathers of the United States.
* ^2 ?2 S; f4 f1 g
# D# I+ a; D8 [" \   [D] As one of the most famous activists for human rights.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:43 | 显示全部楼层


" w, Q3 n, ^4 H2 i! o* d# f     11. A) Crowded air traffic.
3 V2 l( s- a8 v) e- Q' N   B) The large size of airplanes.
$ `! ?4 E/ K5 ?" v   C) Bad weather.
+ w! K; L9 e- N0 u, ?7 [: b   D) Mistakes by air traffic controllers.2 r& C3 A- ^6 A) a) X
12. A) They narrowly escaped crashing into each other.
. P' K5 Y/ \3 y4 l$ f) |. }0 x   B) They avoided each other by turning in different directions.
" P( R- T" m0 `6 ~1 o* a   C) They bumped into each other over a swimming pool.: @4 X8 |4 A) r
   D) One plane climbed above the other at the critical moment.3 H7 L. n% d) O- [. g
13. A) To give an example of air disasters.
: n! Z3 d3 y# M. j" f" I   B) To show the great responsibility shouldered by the pilots." {* j: M* m/ W* }& |% j+ M. v
   C) To show the key role played by air traffic controllers.* ?/ ?  w9 O- T# P4 R
   D) To show that air travel is far safer than driving a car.& f& ~: [2 g9 D7 v7 |  [
14. A) Her future prospects.             B) Her unique experience. ) ~4 Q' P& A/ |9 f' T$ h
   C) Her favourite job.                D) Her lonely life.* S, C5 p* B- y. e9 F
15. A) Authority.                             B) Independence.
' }( e' K1 `4 @$ V, P/ @   C) Good luck.                            D) A good relationship.+ s" q9 G4 s. c: d+ \
16. A) She will remain single.        B) She will work in a bookstore.: A( Y8 G' F$ E* c2 V5 m4 s
   C) She will live an empty life.     D) She will earn a lot of money.
* [  _' g. U4 V17. A) She should find a good job.     
7 e/ A4 _5 |- p' Q   B) She should get married.! G) j! K' y; X4 j4 z5 l! N3 h$ D
   C) She should have more control over her life.   
! h7 \9 F- a+ ?8 x* q$ N8 y0 G   D) She should open a small restaurant.& o, e4 }5 k( t! E) z
18. A) In day-care centres where little children were taken care of.
2 a, k- N# I) }( ~   B) In schools where free classes were organised for young people.
" k1 }: O3 g7 {. x* ^" C1 T) j   C) In places where hot lunch was provided for factory workers.
: C0 ^3 n. H, s# k: k   D) In areas in Chicago where poor people lived.
* }( Q6 g0 ?, T# M# H6 g19. A) For young people and adults.                   B) For poor city children.8 V) f2 y. U, Q; s3 {
   C) For factory workers.                          D) For immigrants.* t2 A% y6 P7 H) z5 W
20. A) Jane Adams' life story.2 G+ |4 u  {( u, I4 |
   B) Jane Adams' struggle for women's liberation.4 V7 @. j$ i. m. c
   C) Jane Adams' contributions to society.
0 `8 u1 Y6 B6 C* g8 B   D) Jane Adams' responsibility for the poor.
7 j+ f. ^& d- l3 f' nQuestions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.- `, H' J8 h- {' |
11. Which factor can most seriously endanger airplanes according to this passage?
9 Q& _' N( u$ @$ B- ^12. What happened to the two large jets?
& Z" O3 l, B9 C$ j13. Why were the two large jets specially mentioned?
' ], C2 \" \0 q5 G5 y8 p1 d% wQuestions 14 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.
' c; N4 _% }2 `$ n( p14. What is the speaker talking about?
/ c. D# u* m. e# \+ b0 A( Q; s15. What does the speaker want most?" t1 m* G  A+ K" a& M5 n( V( ]
16. What will the speaker most probably do in the future?( ]6 i* a* {8 ?
17. What is the speaker's mother always suggesting to her?
+ b! ^, b8 _( v18. Where did Jane Addams spend her life after she left her home?) c* p/ c) M  e/ {+ h
19. For whom did Jane Addams start the country vacation programs?" O; d  Y* Y; E1 m: |! f
20. What's the passage mainly about?
  ]( _5 v6 m% ^% ]4 V* N8 f' B答案:
. n& }* v) o- i1. D 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. C- }9 {3 c3 h9 |8 o2 S: `. y
11. D      12. B  13. C      14. A      15. A      16. B      17. A      18. D 19. A      20. C
% `0 @6 b6 c8 ]                                
) k. A0 X: C+ W: g2 _                  2003年9月听力原文0 c* e8 X+ g( k! t# y( V
Section B
0 P7 L" V$ N0 X4 }1. W: I’m sorry I wasn’t able to attend the lecture last Monday. I’ve heard it was quite a success.; W$ M4 {# o3 ^
M : Well, you can make it up. Another presentation on the same topic is scheduled for the same time next Monday.+ m! M9 j0 s: \/ _% a8 z
Q: What do we learn from this conversation?
! Z0 H. i, I9 z/ ?: ?8 w2.  W: I certainly would like to buy the fur coat I saw in the department store, but I don’t have enough money.
! w  \" p" I+ v* \3 }5 b9 D' ?3 b4 F4 \   M: Well, if you had budgeted your money better, you would be able to buy it now.' g4 y% C- E+ e) q
   Q: What does the man imply?
. C+ v2 S8 T7 \. {3.  W: Mr. Dahli, I’ve just checked my new apartment. The kitchen sink is leaking.: K  ^; q0 a& _) k
   M: Okay Donna. It’s no big deal. I’ll have a maintenance man come over and fix it right away.
/ x% n( y: `7 ^Q: What will the man do?
. B5 m3 ?( t9 J5 F  L4. M: I saw your advertisement in the morning paper concerning the XMO model. The lens seems to be excellent and the flash is not bad, but don’t you think the price is a little steep?4 H. L- T8 D! \* R2 a
W: I think it’s a good buy. The price includes the leather case, you know./ L" U' w2 ^) b3 E
Q: What did the man dislike about the camera?
' W: [# D+ Y# z9 m) F5. M: Can you believe I had to pay $ 30 for a haircut at Sadermale.
/ i7 ?. Z1 H* h% H: m4 j" GW: You should try the place where I so. It’s only 15, but it takes a while to get an appointment.5 c# O+ G1 l* Z, r. [7 ?. @! h2 |8 w
Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?
7 j  ?) h! `; {8 e! I6. W: I am completely exhausted. Why don’t we dine out tonight? I don’t remember the last time you took me out to dinner./ S; d. i5 N# E* M$ f9 ?# {
M: That’s not a bad idea. There’s a new Mexican restaurant around the corner. They say it’s good.
; z/ I. s" l  g& Z# w" Y1 T' `Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?4 e4 ]  U' P/ p" @, g, n( h  r& I
7. M: Shall we go to John’s house-warming party this weekend? Everyone is invited.  V2 `* U+ i* n/ [  a6 w
W: Well, you know what John’s parties are like. Do you think I will go again?
5 n; o/ N" H3 v$ G5 }# p; T9 _: sQ: What can be inferred from the conversation?+ `7 |' t8 m1 W
8. M: The university is going to hold an interesting competition on computer programming. Many of my friends have signed up for it. How about you?
* h1 Z+ [1 Q! f8 D( _! \W: Do you think I could ever win anything if I took part in it?3 X6 ^( W6 i0 {- Z* R
Q: What do we learn from the conversation about the woman?
/ a& ?: N9 _' S; f! Q$ E$ ~0 x& Z9. W: You’ve been working like a horse. You should take a vacation.. ~: g% Y: ~3 Z) z. U% ?
M: Tell that to the stack of papers on my desk.4 C# \: f( o* y9 }# G7 h! x
Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?( l" P" L* w! z  u! J/ L- ]' {
10. M: Hi, Mary. I haven’t seen you in ages. How are you doing with your new job?% f1 x! ~7 d3 {, Z
W: Not so well. I feel like a fish out of water doing that job.
9 \! K& {" V4 O: U9 }3 _7 o. FQ: What does the woman mean?
: d$ a. q1 s' H7 ?3 K
' ?( g6 w0 R% _" a7 e$ G2 a% qSection B3 m7 y3 s1 l* Q7 V' g
   Graffiti is drawing or writing often found in a wall in public places. These drawings and writings are usually rude, humorous, or political. The words “ Graffiti” comes from an Italian word meaning address. Graffiti provides a record of the past because people have written on walls for centuries. Cave drawings are the earliest examples we have of the art of graffiti.
6 X- e# M! c# C# C! n, V1 }Writing on walls is a way to comment on the world we live in. Women’s liberation groups in Britain, for example, have used to sell goods.
$ o: M6 D  U) ?0 V  Yesterday’s graffiti can be today’s foreign attraction. When the Berlin wall came down in 1989, people found that it was covered with graffiti from all over the world. Graves of famous of famous people, like rock-star Jim Morrison, are covered with written messages from fans.
; G" x, p" z# o   Graffiti is also a popular art form. Graffiti pictures have gained respect in artistic circles. Today, graffiti is likely to be found hanging inside modern, New York apartments as well as in downtown streets. In New York, graffiti pictures have been sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars.  Graffiti artists have been paid to use their art to brighten up dull environments.3 X/ F3 x  }& C; K
  But graffiti can bring us trouble. Scenes of natural beauty and important landmarks have been spoiled by mindless graffiti. The London underground authority has spent about 2 million pounds a year on removing graffiti from trains and stations. If you are caught doing it, you can be sent to person. In Britain, the maximum sentence for this type of crime is ten years.
+ g5 L! E; Z5 E+ P  Whether you think graffiti is mindless violence against property, or a living art form, its popularity suggests that it is here to stay.& M) k2 R- X7 h- {8 x2 m4 O; u
11. What do women’s liberation groups in Britain do with graffiti?
8 N' g4 p4 m5 J$ t' M0 i, U: e12. What do some New Yorkers think of graffiti?
! Z; t2 c4 c" {- K6 H% t1 x+ B+ h$ u4 M7 Z  ?. S) D' b
13. Why does the speaker cite the example of graffiti in the London underground?
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:44 | 显示全部楼层


8 x# `6 t! I5 p+ _/ Y' C
3 E" a3 |' ?4 i) D/ \     The Asian elephant is one of the world’s rarest animals. Unfortunately, its sad condition has' Y* T, A  L* G' i" `0 a0 h, `
not been as well publicized as that of the African elephant. This is because Asian elephant’s ivory supplies only a small percentage of the world ivory trade. In fact, we know very little about the Asian elephant. They live in the remote forests of southern Asia and it is therefore very difficult to study them. Most knowledge of Asian elephants is from those that have been captured, or tamed, Asian elephants are easier to tame than African elephants. The elephants you see in the circuses and zoos are nearly always Asian.5 k, G" r. _- D5 o
   The major reason for the decline of Asian elephants is the harm to their forests. The huge increase in the human population has caused the destruction of the Asian forest for human population. As a result, the Asian elephants are compelled to scatter in different areas. Originally they lived all over the continent, but now there are only small isolated populations left. These isolated elephant populations are vulnerable to extinction.
. T3 h7 O2 b8 R" p% z0 C   While Asian elephants are threatened by illegal capture and detaining, they are also killed for ivory and skin. In July 1990, a British wildlife group uncovered a black market for elephant skin. Elephants are shot in the forest along the border between Thailand and Burma, and their skin was sold to factories in Bangkok. Their skin is made into shoes, belts, suitcases, wallets, etc., to sell to tourists.5 k; Y. @- }( F+ v2 ]
14. What’s the difference between the Asian elephant and the African elephant?% x9 E5 |" o5 ]/ L+ A- B
15. Where does most knowledge of Asian elephants come from?" v1 g" @+ U: Y4 O$ G  c" Q
16. What’s the major cause in the decline of Asian elephants?6 H4 w  T. X$ B. ^8 g

% D) f. u0 c$ K- A, W) H  After the early period of settlements, the first sharp increase in immigration took place in the 1830’s and 1840’s. This brought to America flocks of people from northern Europe who lost employment in the Industrial Revolution, and then a great number of Irish people who fled from famine. German political refugees arrived shortly after. Many immigrants from northern and western Europe settled on farms in the Middle-west. The Irish became construction laborers on roads, bridges, and railroads.8 u1 J" E7 M8 F, c3 }4 ^
  In the 1880’s, a tremendous flood of immigrants began coming in, this time largely from southern and eastern Europe. To most Americans, these newcomers seemed far more strange than the early settlers. Their languages, customs, and ways of life were very different from those of Americans. The newcomers moved into the poorest neighborhood of the large cities. They tended to stay together and cling to their old ways. As they were accustomed to poverty, they were willing to work for very low wages. This made other workers, especially those in labor unions, afraid that the immigrants with the lower wage level would take away jobs from them. Indeed, organized labor became one of the key opponents of continued immigration.5 b3 _( q0 N9 V# A, U
   This opposition finally led to the posting of immigration law in the 1920’s,which restricted further immigration. In 1965, these unfair laws were replaced by a new immigration act, which granted equal opportunities to foreigners, regardless of their place of origin. Asians, like Koreans and Vietnamese, soon began to arrive. Many of these newcomers have worked very hard to establish themselves in their new land.. S( K+ q6 e7 o* }0 E) f8 D
17. Why did northern European people come to settle down in the United States?
- |) A" V+ J3 ?3 ]* o0 H  M5 b18. What did the labor unions worry about?
; r% X8 o" q/ Q" V& h# }19. What was the purpose of the immigration law passed in the 1920’s?
$ k* \8 ?8 I( U3 Q0 _1 n* P6 u20. What do we know from the passage about Asian immigrants?% s! Q7 v! r. w8 y8 G
/ l$ S( g1 f& T/ t
" q3 `0 ~' g( l. W' v6 S1. A) Riding a horse.
. d( R" a1 M. V. TB) Shooting a movie.$ a+ |+ z# K9 w0 \9 i' F  j& h1 l
C) Playing a game.% \, q* _9 Z+ B+ F4 |3 @
D) Taking a photo.
# o# v$ ]- o+ D- a2. A) She’ll type the letter for the man.$ v* n* E1 {9 I3 q$ Y4 F
B) She’ll teach the man to operate the computer.( ]# R* v  A; A) ^. X
C) She doesn’t think his sister is a good typist.
: {# H3 z& k- SD) She thinks the man should buy a computer.( D; w. g$ F' r. h# e+ a
3. A) John can share the magazine with her.
) {. z2 k8 z( i% l2 W) oB) She wants to borrow John’s card.
% v/ ]6 r" `' a( s# {8 P% N6 oC) She’ll let John use the journal first.: y" z: s2 W, s0 ?7 r0 H! ~9 ^" I
D) John should find another copy for himself.
6 f) U" c- [" M9 I) V4 o; t8 b$ W4. A) She promised to help the man.
6 R6 Z' ]% ?' x: @B) She came a long way to meet the man.( O! z. k1 C4 V  M0 F
C) She took the man to where he wanted to go.; d$ B( O1 w7 R" u+ G- W  Y: _
D) She suggested a way out of the difficulty for the man.( Z- m. l( V" \5 @0 C
5. A) The train seldom arrives on time.& v3 m% f7 N4 Z2 A4 E
B) The schedule has been misprinted./ M2 y1 m- P0 r3 p" _
C) The speakers arrived at the station late.
0 \; N2 \: m* q0 eD) The company has trouble printing a schedule.
, ~$ G: Q" Q6 v( c) w  C6. A) To find a better science journal in the library.
5 W2 x8 O+ E; ?, QB) Not to miss any chance to collect useful information.
0 c1 f3 k3 T3 \6 V3 g) C/ NC) To buy the latest issue of the magazine.0 O! a' O) l( L, `% D3 V" c
D) Not to subscribe to the journal.
: X9 m0 f* B8 s5 N0 ?. z# O7. A) She wants to borrow the man’s student ID card." P3 M1 B, A! @+ P* Z8 ]
B) The tickets are less expensive than she expected.
: h/ Y0 z. j  ^0 C4 A2 m7 SC) She won’t be able to get any discount for the ticket.
, r  K& S: J. L7 E5 |# wD) The performance turned out to be disappointing., @# b' G0 z3 w  c/ i
8. A) Do the assignments towards the end of the semester.! Y1 X+ w9 p% G7 G. Q, }
B) Quit the history course and choose another one instead.
" j  ~/ v' u7 X0 t+ e0 wC) Drop one course and do it next semester.
" l0 W( u$ p! Z: K& ED) Take courses with a lighter workload.
+ X3 u4 m+ O; D9. A) The organization of a conference., T; H9 [! K7 h7 _) P
B) The cost of renting a conference room.: C# Q0 y2 q7 |& f4 L  f
C) The decoration of the conference room.( O0 k1 S, M; U. b+ L
D) The job of cleaning up the dining-room./ A& C8 q6 d+ [0 ]; H" |  s
10. A) Meet his client.
, K( @( Y6 }: ~/ i& v" @2 aB) Prepare the dinner." @: W0 P$ q1 n* u" W* t
C) Work at his office.
$ b1 S+ ~7 i* r  ?$ v; ]0 E( y7 YD) Fix his car
* S& A% b; H  Q4 }6 e, b% {% ~) y- y& O: X# g0 p- e
Section B
* U6 i- z) A- F4 M; U7 FDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.0 G" P* s' [- F# Q6 p; d8 t
; p" ?, u3 \. \- [! e' Y+ e0 O9 c
Passage one5 g' c7 F) y$ R$ i" g* n! c' h
Question 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard./ Z+ V  W; `8 L( E2 f( ~0 d' A
11. A) One of the bridges between North and South London collapsed.
: ]9 [+ b" O( |+ d# I. lB) The heart of London was flooded.: g) a" z3 h9 y1 Y  a) A; h) T) L9 H: M
C) An emergency exercise was conducted.! x. J4 A/ n. Y! y0 \) v1 f* h
D) 100 people in the suburbs were drowned.
) F/ p3 s: ], l( H( Q$ P/ K12. A) 50 underground stations were made waterproof.
* D  M/ T* q/ V- Z: @8 ^6 TB) A flood wall was built.
0 x! Z1 G. @. b9 ?6 w3 sC) An alarm system was set up.
* X- P! D9 U* |+ u/ K2 M+ VD) Rescue teams were formed.  p3 p( I1 H. G0 L
13. A) Most Londoners were frightened.$ Q( M  B: O. \+ m% o/ Z: M
B) Most Londoners became rather confused.4 @# R2 q  p' }& V
C) Most Londoners took Exercise Floodcall calmly.# w! {  @! H% I% V/ k$ x; y
D) Most Londoners complained about the trouble caused by Exercise Floodcall.( n5 A# L% F; K( y
1 J" W8 t# f/ s" }+ Z6 x: n
Passage Two
/ s8 E# G) S0 W8 SQuestions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.
/ ]( Y8 Q1 p% ]0 P1 g' v( E) B$ V* l14. A) It limited their supply of food.+ y+ k/ x- J( k0 i
B) It made their eggshells too fragile.1 H3 K- q; Q9 ^" d$ y& R2 R) U
C) It destroyed many of their nests.' q' u; c! @# t2 M" C
D) It killed many baby bald eagles.. S9 a- F2 Q0 j# M# c  P
15. A) They found ways to speed up the reproduction of bald eagles.& K/ i( \3 [! l  s* }" V" n
B) They developed new types of feed for baby bald eagles.
- C  \/ v6 f5 G" F2 b' J% _' V: wC) They explored new ways to hatch baby bald eagles.
$ Q5 i; _" `: E5 e: @D) They brought in bald eagles from Canada.
- a9 M1 g, d  s% l0 K9 D3 Y" ^3 O16. A) Pollution of the environment.& i( z% I; @( x9 C' e& [. C! p( s
B) A new generation of pest killers.! F5 O2 p8 b2 }1 n. B' U) S. K
C) Over-killing by hunters.
. m8 s8 d7 f) _( [D) Destruction of their natural homes.! ]- v. l% [$ H# a$ H  }) `9 O
. ^; x. U+ H: Y% \, _+ c
Passage Three. \$ N( d9 d  n( r! J
Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard., _; m+ T  r, v( C7 C# E
17. A) Whether it can be detected and checked.
0 ?6 V) |) }3 S9 ?, N4 wB) Whether it will lead to widespread food shortage.6 P) F/ z$ W$ d. A/ g7 C0 q. K
C) Whether global warming will speed up in the future.& }6 |+ d# g8 |0 I5 W, [
- Y' V, m9 X2 ]: P
D) Whether it will affect their own lives.
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</p>      18. A) Many species have moved further north.
+ k6 d& F/ ]+ u+ E! a1 b8 SB) Many new species have come into existence.
: |& R& j* N7 w8 ]6 G, eC) Many species have developed a habit of migration.# y7 C7 w  T3 m% d6 L1 X# O
D) Many species have become less sensitive to climate.7 X% \; V# _: m+ m( i
19. A) Storms and floods.# [% \) g7 n, ~/ }" Q* P
B) Disease and fire.# j6 s( H  e" i/ {
C) Less space for their growth.$ v6 q( C$ I( b& {3 R1 |; ^7 z. Z
D) Rapid increase of the animal population.
. v  B' A8 E7 N6 w5 G* _0 ?20. A) They will gradually die out.
7 S! B6 P- u7 W+ v$ \& ^" h3 |B) They will be able to survive in the preserves.2 N3 f* |3 i" e) L7 J
C) They will have to migrate to find new homes.& [8 [4 E$ e6 c" t- U$ t: w" m/ _
D) They will face extinction without artificial reproduction.
3 `1 ~0 T5 e% l# C, X$ M. R1 h答案:; n+ q. F$ n2 R
1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. C 8. C 9.C 10. A
; J' C# C* M: _, |7 Q6 e5 H11. C 12. B 13. C 14. B 15. D 16. D 17. D 18. A 19. B 20. C2 F! u2 {+ g% ]; T: S: f" i
* L& a- h/ G. }+ k: f! ?             2003年6月六级听力原文: w3 H; c% z6 N0 L( d) a/ `: L
Section A0 V3 I  a# j6 x  J
Question 1
& b' ?& q7 O6 SW: Raise your head a little bit and hold the saddle and smile a little. You look wonderful posing like that. Shall I crack the shutter? Shall I press the shutter?
8 o. ^. u0 W3 v9 JM: Wait a minute. Let me put on a cowboy hat.
  R/ `' \2 m. ?' S, d; j[Q] What are the speakers doing?
2 O$ G8 I5 H: @Question 2& S3 D2 x  D  a/ I! H
M: I'm still waiting for my sister to come back and type the application letter for me./ N; c$ x! I6 u2 f$ A( {$ \
W: Why bother her. I'll show you how to use the computer. It's quite easy. 0 n& O0 o. O) N9 C
[Q] What does the woman mean?
6 d) B# ]( [. j$ B9 u8 MQuestion 3
+ V8 A! X+ q! l4 uM: Hey, where did you find the journal? I need it, too.
5 }7 |! V/ `0 u1 }2 O( D7 M8 \W: Right here on the shelf. Don't worry, John. I'll take it out on my card for both of us. & W! ~, K; \2 Y8 D
[Q] What does the woman mean?
  f2 q8 ?# P# P. kQuestion 4
6 K, ^+ {3 a1 H3 ZM: Thank you for your helpful assistance. Otherwise, I'd surely have missed it. The place is so out of the way.0 B. w! E9 }  Z$ e# ^+ X
W: It was a pleasure meeting you. Good bye! 2 G! U' m  f& y- U$ G; J
[Q] Why did the man thank the woman?
: A. [* {( M1 W$ c, o+ cQuestion 5
' S, [9 v- y6 T$ B& o/ P, [W: We are informed that the eleven thirty train is late again.6 R5 b" E. p- t$ S
M: Why did the railway company even bother to print a schedule?
% z3 f- v% e: d# _% N[Q] What do we learn from the conversation?
- j, L* O% M7 e; r9 HQuestion 6
5 ^5 u7 u  i- lM:Maybe I ought to subscribe to the Engineering Quarterly. It contains a lot of useful information. 3 {& H1 O% `0 U1 N2 i
W: Why not read it in the library and save some money?
+ \! @% }" x5 |* w( l[Q] What is the woman's advice to the man? $ w8 k3 K2 @- i8 e$ f
Question 7
, n0 _' ?/ e& C# H1 |! LM: I've been waiting all week for this concert. The performance is said to be excellent and with a student's discount, the tickets will be really cheap. Student discount
1 K& h& S- x* L# VW: Ah-huh. I'm afraid I left my Student ID card in the dorm. 7 q' T! s3 v, H, v8 F* t( @
[Q] What does the woman imply?* q7 v8 a; X8 o+ e
Question 8
4 g! f5 a7 `, Y& RM: Mr. Smith, our history professor, announced we would be doing two papers and three exams this semester. I wonder how I'm going to pull through when two other courses have similar requirements. , Y4 ~% U; a) L
W: Well, can't you drop one course and pick it up next semester?
2 C! Q, F0 C) Z9 H5 g; R! [[Q] What does the woman suggest the man do? 6 x" F: ^+ Z, G: h: s9 Q1 W
Question 9
- B6 a+ m' H' G+ g( }3 r& m$ uW: Renting a Conference Room at the hotel will cost us too much. We are already running in the red
5 c/ U. g2 \9 U" s& E, _5 ?8 N! PM: How about using our dining room for the meeting?
* A7 n( ^+ e. r$ L5 {# f[Q] What's worrying the woman?
, n! t; y) Z& _7 U8 Y9 tQuestion 10
$ E, X$ i! L9 WW: Jerry, can you pick me up after work today? I left my car at the garage.
, a: ]; q8 P5 o6 J8 r9 r# c$ {M: I'm afraid I can't. I have scheduled an appointment with a client at dinner time. 0 i1 m9 v; ?/ Q
[Q] What is the man going to do?
. F% Q2 Q) J- f. |% @$ TSection B 
' e7 [$ _2 k* p' j5 E( i; _3 a) ]Passage One / n  ~# y' p" Y' n! I
    A few months ago, millions of people in London heard alarms all over the town. The Emergency Emergency services, the Fire Departments, the Police, hospitals, and ambulances stood by, ready to go into action. In railway underground stations, people read notices and maps which told them where to go and what to do in the emergency. This was Exercise Flood Call, to prepare people for a flood emergency. London wasn't flooded yet, but it is possible that it would be. In 1236 and in 1663, London was badly flooded. In 1928, people living in Westminster, the heart of London, drowned in floods. And in 1953, one hundred people, living on the eastern edge of the London suburbs were killed, again, in the floods. At last, Greater London Council took actions to prevent this disaster from happening again. Though a flood wall was built in the 1960s, Londoners still must be prepared for the possible disaster. If it happens, 50 underground stations will be under water. Electricity, gas and phone services will be out of action. Roads will be drowned. It will be impossible to cross any of the bridges between north and south London. Imagine: London will look like the famous Italian city, Venice. But this Exercise Flood Call didn't cause panic among Londoners. Most people knew it was just a warning. One lady said, "It's a flood warning, isn't it? The water doesn't look high to me." ! ^3 N" P* A8 a1 b$ Q

# U5 X; q; C# |# wQuestion 11: What happened in London a few months ago?
- K6 m# z- j. Z. a4 [Question 12: What measure was taken against floods in London in the 1960s?
3 e1 {6 u  O; P7 GQuestion 13: What can we learnt from the lady's comment?
  o: m. c2 |+ o2 O' U0 h" Q% V% [: A: r
Passage Two # p4 [: Z0 T: R
America's national symbol, the bald eagle, almost went extinct twenty years ago, but it has made a comeback. In fact, the U.S. Fish and Wild Life Service is considering the possibility of taking it off the Endangered Species List. Once, more than fifty hundred pairs of bald eagles nested across the country, but by 1960 that number had fallen below four hundred. The chief killer was the widely used DDT. Fish, soaked up DDT, died, and were washed up on shores, where bald eagles feasted on them.DDT prevented eagle egg shells from thickening. The shells became so thin that they shattered before the babies hatched. Fortunately, in 1972, a law was passed to ban DDT, which saved the bald eagle from total wipeout. And since then wild life biologists had reintroduced bald eagles from Canada to America. The result was that last year U.S. bird watchers counted eleven thousand six hundred and ten bald eagles in the country.If it were dropped from the Endangered Species List, the bald eagle would still be a threatened species. That means the bird would continue to get the same protection. No hunting allowed, and no disturbing of nests. But bald eagles still face tough times. The destruction of their natural homes could be the next DDT causing eagle numbers to drop quickly. 5 F  @' P, o% o+ P5 w
% z- d; L: J( V; I2 N
Question 14: What was the main harmful effect of the pests killer DDT on bald eagles?
1 K9 B  ^: l, R/ [) }Question 15: What measure did the wild life biologist take to increase the number of bald eagles? % k% i% q0 t$ Z1 {- N# i3 _& R
Question 16: According to the speaker, what is the possible danger facing bald eagles? 8 _* }; l. X- T0 t/ C! v/ R
% j. c& l8 C+ s! b) Y, [: j2 V
Passage Three 2 z+ g9 k: O% ?
If the earth gets hotter in the new century, what will happen to animals and the plants which animals depend on for survival? The question offers another way of looking at the "Greenhouse Effect".People have talked about the general problem of "Global Warming" for some time. But they were usually worried about things like whether to buy a home on the coast. Biologists and other scientists turn their attention to plants and animals at an important meeting that took place last October. They were reviewed evidence that plants and animals are sensitive to climate. Since the Ice Age ended ten thousand years ago and warmer temperatures returned to the northern latitudes, many species have migrated north. If the predictions about the Greenhouse are correct, temperatures will rise by the same amount in the next one hundred years as they did in the past ten thousand. Will animals and plants be able to adapt that quickly to change in the environment? Many won't. Certain species will probably become very rare. Experts say plants under climate stress will be very open to disease and fire. Forest fires may become more common. That, in turn, man harm animals that depend on the trees for food will for shelter. Any preserves we set up to protect endangered species may become useless as the species are forced to migrate along with their natural homes. Change is a part of life, but rapid change, says scientist George Woodwell, is the enemy of life. ( I# W1 `; U/ W9 z* ]) Z* Z! }
Question:What is the concern of ordinary people about the greenhouse effect?Question:What has happened since the end of Ice Age?Question:What will be a possible threat to plants in the future?Question:According to the passage ,what will probably happen to the endangered species?
! M% [3 S( T$ V+ w9 d; [
- W0 |2 H6 c4 @/ J1 o# u5 D. T+ U' i! r
! l; \- |( y' H0 _- Z( F; u& h' C
  q  m- e+ S. l7 N/ Q: c3 e# NSection A
* u- T9 k1 @7 j" a4 v  V7 t1. A) She knows where Martha has gone.6 [; M5 @# N; F% N  k; q  C1 n3 H
B) Martha will go to the concert by herself.0 p) ~" D$ R, n- w
C) It is quite possible for the man to find Martha.8 ^( l( w6 p2 s7 O. X2 g& b: [
D) The man is going to meet Martha at the concert.
- T) T1 h4 H& W8 p2. A) The air pollution is caused by the development of industry. + s0 J: L1 f8 J1 D0 D0 K
B) The city was poor because there wasn't much industry then.
" g, ]) k) ^! z1 U* YC) The woman's exaggerating the seriousness of the pollution.: w3 M' Q$ ^  ^' T; V6 l* o
D) He might move to another city very soon.' `, v: `: k& ]! u; U
3. A) The man should work harder to improve his grades.
3 z' J# E; B0 A" qB) The man will benefit from the effort he's put in.7 L8 A. J5 h; l" w
C) It serves the man right to get a poor grade.0 Z; D9 v. y) {" U0 G; V
D) It was unfair of the teacher to give the man a C.+ |9 K& `2 @8 ], ?* Y+ E
4. A) She can make a reservation at the restaurant.
+ F) I/ Q4 {+ z5 x9 Y' mB) The man should decide where to eat.
# n! L+ f, i* l, g, c3 `5 @( p, EC) She already has plans for Saturday night.
$ J( H( K: s8 e+ _1 h! _3 W1 WD) The man should ask his brother for suggestions.
4 O5 d. c( J9 E7 ^8 {1 ~: v" C- Q5. A) The man deserved the award.3 W% A! U, B- |; o& q0 T. N: G" Z
B) The woman helped the man succeed.% ]. F5 ?& e- r8 G; z
C) The man is thankful to the woman for her assistance.
- K, Q6 A! [6 j# g1 X+ bD) The woman worked hard and was given an award.
, W% y/ D- K' p" h. B) C, c6. A) Voluntary work can help the man establish connections with the community.
3 I) E4 p1 n1 ~3 cB) The man's voluntary work has left him little room in his schedule.! N4 {7 ?. a. {( S7 l' {" t* a
C) Voluntary work with the environment council requires a time commitment.1 i3 X  a9 S3 q
D) A lot of people have signed up for voluntary work with the environment council.  v) H. I+ I' P9 x( V9 V% ^+ Q1 u* K
7. A) The patient must receive treatment regularly.
2 c9 S! Z) N: {; aB) The patient can't leave the hospital until the bleeding stops.9 t! B2 |: Z4 X7 y2 E
C) The patient's husband can attend to the business in her place.
- @, L9 \: `) `" ID) The patient must take a good rest and forget about her business.' K/ m& t# a5 b* g3 i7 a$ h- v
8. A) Alice does not know much about electronics.
1 q" k& }0 J1 m1 [* l8 u7 xB) Alice is unlikely to find a job anywhere." M; p$ M' a4 F- {8 v) a% T" p9 u) ]4 o
C) Alice is not interested in anything but electronics.
/ E. s' r" z# I9 [0 ?# T2 h
: o; b- ]) d; z, q: H3 T1 s4 FD) Alice is likely to find a job in an electronics company.
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</p>       9. A) Jimmy is going to set out tonight.
4 [* f, F8 \8 h( oB) Jimmy has not decided on his journey.( E9 D: [& L( l% Q- W1 {
C) There is no need to have a farewell dinner.8 S' ~9 ?5 O' A- Y* W5 S# ~* T
D) They may have a dinner when Jimmy's back.4 V$ o& f+ A9 F! ]0 B/ ?; Q- n
10. A) The woman had been planning for the conference.# F# L: N( n- |3 O: p
B) The woman called the man but the line was busy.
0 Q$ a8 K' ]) W% rC) The woman didn't come back until midnight.6 v: C  @% W: s, L: P
D) The woman had guests all evening.3 n! d' X5 m0 `

+ W9 [) X6 |! D5 B! h7 x9 G9 gSection B  @/ h+ n. y* w9 G
Passage One; P/ L9 ~2 u+ F& T/ _
Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.
# [  B7 D$ j# Q) v11. A) They are delighted because they can enjoy the scenery while driving.. Q7 r" C( j8 W; `4 b) M
B) They are frightened because traffic accidents are frequent.  L3 }& K7 l. f5 Q9 l
C) They are irritated because the bridge is jammed with cars.
  c& {! w. O! t' w2 n/ @D) They are pleased because it saves them much time.; G- v; u  L6 U3 o* w3 f' ?, Z
12. A) They don't have their own cars to drive to work.
- L, x2 e& b" u: yB) Many of them are romantic by temperament.& H: e) g' S; @" b* i3 |
C) Most of them enjoy the drinks on the boat.- {# f: G7 x+ A: `7 f2 X+ Q
D) They tend to be more friendly to each other.
5 B2 d6 S0 i' t13. A) Many welcome the idea of having more bars on board.
% l$ e. G7 d6 p! E; x" `1 n8 hB) Many prefer the ferry to maintain its present speed. - ~+ i) i5 {( X  N2 m
C) Some suggest improving the design of the deck.
( Z: X) D9 \! ^1 _& F; cD) Some object to using larger luxury boats.! u- B7 \2 m0 g0 W# `1 |& }# {/ }

6 M2 m0 ^) }: [Passage Two. M- r0 `  v1 R7 g+ j$ _5 n/ Q- G; }/ _
Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.
) P' u: Q$ I* q2 z3 @# B9 L1 t14. A) Coca Cola.# e) v, O% r( q9 D3 @
B) Sausage.
' |! L% y; p0 o$ L- vC) Milk.* Q4 k  j- P4 }8 P4 q7 L3 f
D) Fried chicken., A, `' [8 W" r7 K( M8 v) T8 `
15. A) He has had thirteen decayed teeth." O* z8 Y$ y. e0 S0 ]% s/ K* O
B) He doesn't have a single decayed tooth. 6 M$ h' K1 _& S: x( T6 u
C) He has fewer decayed teeth than other people of his age.( z0 R: n% t% m+ e
D) He never had a single tooth pulled out before he was fifty.
* o" D+ R" }& I9 l. U16. A) Brush your teeth right before you go to bed in the evening.) C# Z2 i( Z8 q/ p2 l
B) Have as few of your teeth pulled out as possible.
. u! o/ ?" v. s6 V& SC) Have your teeth X-rayed at regular intervals.  g8 l: k: Y/ x) v7 \2 M' b- S
D) Clean your teeth shortly after eating.
- Z1 o- |9 y+ h5 T, C1 F9 @9 v9 j. V, R, S  R2 M& Z0 K9 O  Q5 y
Passage Three
* A4 }4 d5 Y- [6 d. t- P! j. d( t* fQuestions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.
& o: b7 k: l8 c$ D  ~5 Y3 Q- X17. A) A visit to a prison.3 g( P$ x% Y: a+ ?2 n
B) The influence of his father.* j0 e- J0 e2 c8 j4 _
C) A talk with some miserable slaves.; V* A) p, U7 N( H* Y
D) His experience in the war between France and Austria.
0 y- v. j9 n* {0 u18. A) He sent surgeons to serve in the army.: W( e* D/ n8 W, {; y
B) He provided soldiers with medical supplies.
) D. d$ B( j5 {0 O, v* bC) He recruited volunteers to care for the wounded.7 A2 Z8 f" _8 a4 W4 B
D) He helped to flee the prisoners of war.
4 i( y6 p! P$ j/ G5 l* D19. A) All men are created equal.2 c# D( a) b( B2 ]  w4 k
B) The wounded and dying should be treated for free.$ n& q+ h4 E. v& e) q8 q( D& l
C) A wounded soldier should surrender before he receives any medical treatment.
& c+ e& D" N/ s2 n9 X+ V  G8 @1 b/ T( P1 Y/ Z/ S! m. ^. ~2 t6 [8 [4 G
D) A suffering person is entitled to help regard/ess of race, religion or political beliefs.
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</p>20. A) To honor Swiss heroes who died in the war.; R+ m7 B. I# x8 Z& H2 _. a/ Z2 R/ @
B) To show Switzerland was neutral.$ `0 Y! {" k0 o( [9 s
C) To pay tribute to Switzerland.
: G  S. `! d4 D1 v; Z" oD) To show gratitude to the Swiss government for its financial support.
* R' p7 z' v& t6 ?- B答案:
' z; ^# ]6 L: }. A, J( ?7 \( x1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. D
5 Q2 g" {% _4 |& ]5 x6 m: {- G% h11. C  12. D     13. B     14. A      15. B     16. D      17. A     18. C    19. C      20. C+ ?1 ?1 J  D& I. C- y# Z& E% G8 u

; F  M. r( a1 Z7 G* M9 I! ]                          2004年1月听力原文
1 W* Z. [9 ~' @( `Section A+ c$ w) s- H/ {
1. M: Did you see Martha just now? I want to ask her to go with us to the concert tonight.5 G, a7 y" f" ?; u: z0 A
W: She must be around somewhere. You may still be able to catch her.) C) F* e$ I- a+ V- ]
Q: What does the woman mean?/ s4 \4 r. v; d( b! q8 E- z
$ f/ E5 Y" j  m7 M+ a" r- E3 L2 T
2. W: I can't bear the air pollution in this city anymore. It is getting worse and worse.* y) [/ Y% r! ~1 |
M: You said it. We've never had so many factories before.
& Q; l- X, ^9 _4 B2 ~# gQ: What does the man mean?( V% R, b; z3 q/ O! }

; k) Z0 }- U7 Z$ y5 V0 m, v3. M: Just think I went through so much work on my paper only to get a C.
$ d! R/ n% u3 A# Q9 r% }' RW: Well, I don't think grades are everything. What you have learned in the process will prove useful in your future work.
4 ^. Q# J  @: k( Q& B: @. y9 nQ: What does the woman imply?! Q& ~& p6 |4 j/ m; m+ N: \. Q

6 V+ d# x" l' i9 s4. M: My brother is coming this weekend, and I was thinking the three of us could go out to dinner Saturday night. Any suggestions?
" i/ U0 |3 E  s( |W: It's up to you. I don't know the restaurant here that well.! e! \! I* d8 s( M: D, c
Q: What does the woman mean?8 _1 N6 R* S: ~8 d

. q' R& {; \1 c9 M1 H# F) Q5. W: I couldn't have won the award without your assistance. Thank you very much.1 V) ]# f$ E: _! a8 [" y
M: You have been working so hard. You deserve the honor.- @$ `1 G2 Q# i% n! t
Q: What do we learned from the conversation?
% I. c6 p# j; k8 x9 X" _' `' N
9 J: E: x, Q0 S2 }* H4 H9 B6. M: I'd like to sign up for some voluntary work with the environment council. I hear it is a great way to connect with the community.
9 @( M8 e0 J" G. v( ]( a+ NW: It sure is. But you'll have to put in a lot of hours. So you must leave some room in scheduling your time.
7 `$ c) C2 I! q4 dQ: What does the woman imply?
: _) x3 [1 m7 L' Q2 d  m9 M' F3 H9 M; s: E9 A$ u% w/ r% Q6 m
7. W: Can you tell me when I can leave here doctor? I have some important business to attend to.
) J. _# E$ K! U( _" VM: That depends on how your condition reacts to our treatment. You may leave as soon as the bleeding stops. I think that will take a couple of days.4 B% ^! w$ _7 R; y! ?
Q: What does the doctor mean?
6 |) I/ C: \$ [9 W! l. J. J8 {7 x' b. t! w% K/ _
8. M: I'm told that Alice is trying to find a job in an electronics company.) H7 ?$ O5 `6 J+ T4 h5 Y
W: As far as I know, she is good at anything but electronics.
4 z' x- m- V% ?6 f/ tQ: What does the woman mean?
) l5 c- h/ B6 v0 B3 l, d
5 z2 |& T- ~" F' o! T9. M: Jimmy is going on a journey tomorrow. Shall we have a farewell dinner tonight?
% p& g! W% L* l" W. XW: Do you think it's necessary? You know he will be away just a few days.
0 ]: D& u5 Y1 v1 Z: h5 ~Q: What does the woman mean?
, T! K. M1 A! Q" {# g+ _; w
4 W2 i' b$ f3 J; y10. M: I thought you were going to call me last night about the plans for the conference on language teaching.- S+ N# p8 x$ K: Y' v1 ]
W: Sorry, I should have, but Tom and Jane stopped by and stayed until midnight; I0 h, n5 l# ~& i2 L, @0 k$ T4 |
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
9 ^# d, T8 \& r, z6 ]: o, Z  i$ S
) y- K7 T' f9 S- a. b8 q+ W6 Y- FSection B
4 c! X+ o, P. B6 K( r: pPassage One
7 M$ j3 t- D" y    The Golden Gate Bridge joins the beautiful city of San Francisco with the suburbs to the north. Each day about one hundred thousand automobiles cross the bridge taking people to and from the city. More than half of them cross the bridge during the morning and evening rush hours when traffic is so heavy the trip is not pleasant. Now however there is at least one group of happy commuters. These are the people who travel under the bridge instead of on it. They go to work by boat and enjoy it so much that most of them say they will never go by car again. The ferry they take is spacious, quiet and comfortable. Commuters can enjoy the sun on deck. In the morning they can have breakfast in the coffee shop. And in the evening they can order a drink in the bar while looking at the beautiful scenery. The trip takes only 30 minutes and is not very costly. Best of all, being on a boat seems to make people more friendly toward each other. There has already been a marriage of two commuters who met on the ferry. Because the ferry has been so successful, there are plans to use other still larger boats. There is also a proposal for a high speed boat that will make the trip in only 15 minutes. But not everyone is happy about that. A lot of people feel that half an hour is just enough time to relax.% z9 q0 Q7 C& ]9 }. I; h; s
Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.
5 o5 A5 t4 P! d! M5 z2 z11. According to the speaker how do commuters feel about crossing the Golden Gate Bridge by car?, y" @. [8 P& e) l9 x% G
12. What does the speaker say about ferry commuters?1 s5 g% n8 b7 K. e
13. How do commuters respond to plans for the future of the ferry?3 F* V/ {3 d% ?% u  J
A) Many welcome the idea of having more bars on board.        
; c: J! [2 n& M* q
8 T& v3 ^) @5 F. rPassage Two
' |# B5 G3 v( n6 o$ \    How many teeth have you had filled in the past two years? If you follow the advice of Dr. Faustick you may be able to reduce the number of your visits to a dentist. Dr. Faustick conducted a two-year survey to find out how to prevent or reduce dental decay. 946 students took part in an experiment. 523 students cleaned their teeth within ten minutes of eating when possible they used a toothbrush, when this was impossible they washed their mouth thoroughly with water. The remaining 423 students merely cleaned their teeth when they went to bed and when they got up in the morning. All the students had their teeth X-rayed at the end of the first and second years. At the end of the first year, the night and morning group had three times as many decayed teeth as the clean after each meal group. At the end of the second year the latter group had 53 percent fewer decayed teeth than the former group. Dr. Faustick has cleaned his teeth after meal for thirteen years and has not had a single decayed tooth. He pointed out that sugar is a major agent in dental decay. Particularly the sugar in sweets, cakes, and soft drinks. Ideally you should keep a tooth brush in your pocket and use it immediately after you have finished eating. When this is impractical you can at least make sure that you have a drink of water and let the water through your teeth to force out any particles of food. 7 of out 10 people loose at least half of their teeth by the time they are fifty. Many have a complete set of false teeth by that time. In any case neither toothache nor a visit to a dentist is very pleasant. So it is worthwhile making an effort to keep you own teeth as long as possible. The main preventative agent is simply water.: t1 K2 K& s/ ~8 X$ e7 E
Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.' S( N1 ~( l% \2 y; V, L
14. According to the passage what kind of food is most likely to cause dental decay?% d, l' K! x# b+ g
15. What does the passage tell us about the condition of Dr. Faustick's teeth?* h' T- F! t- m5 O1 O  `
16. What does Dr. Faustick suggest to prevent dental decay?& d+ |/ J3 E$ V5 R) \$ v7 {
7 l: H' U6 ?% y0 t5 X
Passage Three- x8 R/ t5 |, ^- c1 [2 [3 O1 R( E
    The worldwide Organization of the Red Cross stems from the ideal of Henri Dunant, a Swiss Banker. In 1838 at the age of ten, Dunant was taken by his father to visit a prison, there he saw prisoners chained together exercising in the yard and breaking stones along the road. This experience left a deep impression on him. And made him determined to do something for convicts and slaves and for all who were oppressed and deprived of their liberty. On 24th June 1859 while on his way from Geneva to France, Dunant witnessed the battle between the French and Austrian armies. It was one of the fiercest battles of the 19th century. Shocked by the lack of medical supplies and attention given to the wounded, Dunant decided that volunteer service had to be organized. He gathered together a number of women who attended the hundreds of wounded soldiers of all nationalities and helped the surgeons as best they could. From that battle Dunant determined to form a body of people who would rally together in times of war and attend to the needs of wounded and dying. Dunant held that a suffering human being should be helped for his own sake only and without regard to race, religion, or political beliefs. Many Europeans states supported him and 22nd August 1864 the first Geneva Convention was signed. This lays down that once a soldier is wounded he and everyone else who comes to his help ceases to be an enemy. A symbol by which the relief workers could be recognized was devised. As a tribute to Switzerland, the symbol was the Swiss flag was reversed. That is a red cross on a white ground. So the Red Cross was born./ A7 t- b- Q+ j; J% Q4 m- D
Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.8 H+ l" S1 e5 [3 S+ e& V4 T1 O3 U' ~
17. What first led Henri Dunant to think of helping the oppressed?
$ Y+ _9 h* O9 W; ~- Y18. What did Henri Dunant do during the battle between the French and Austrian armies?8 g4 L+ i# F0 ]0 H1 B0 Q( x
19. What was Henri Dunant's belief when he found the Red Cross?
$ H4 ~/ @9 c- Q) d1 i' o& J20. What was Henri Dunant's belief when he found the Red Cross?
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