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[六级听力] 2011英语六级讲义与笔记:听力(三)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
6 r) T, c' y4 a) f1 |, F3 r1 U  A) The apartment is better furnished.5 z$ p- E! ?+ P8 Y3 t+ {" |5 b
  B) She prefers to live in a quiet place.3 L% @( I4 w3 u" \$ T+ b5 f$ U
  C) It's less expensive to live in an apartment.
% f0 b2 m5 P+ z3 I6 l. ~, s  D) She finds her roommates difficult to get along with.5 H3 d% t( A8 l* m/ t
  M: I hear you are moving to an apartment. Can you tell me why?! P: z  _2 i" O1 ^0 d% B) z5 F
  W: Actually, I didn’t want to move. It would be more expensive to live outside the college. But I just can’t bear the noise made by the people living next door.. n% w$ x/ p7 |0 y
  Q: Why does the woman want to move?
! g" \  ?6 O: |1 e1 e  住房场景:
& T  Q: Z- G7 l  1、房难找, T, J8 M9 r3 {1 g0 o
6 z! D/ z/ n! p8 g$ i' x  3、房太吵- `6 x5 I" p& ^! t% E$ R8 U
  注:1. 口语中现在进行时表将要
% z) E; a0 j/ ]4 W1 i, l5 _& g2 I5 q  2. must 表猜测- B! G2 p/ `, r( E( G4 P4 Z
  have got to do 表应该,必须/ e. V* \- x8 b" u. P; H
7 o* L. u: Z% S; I! F  A) He didn't buy anything.
, {, W  v; T% `2 }  B) He got some medicine for his foot.; @. V" K- _6 @* W6 c4 Z
  C) He was sick and couldn't go shopping.
2 O3 P* v0 A0 |  D) He bought everything except the football.
9 X+ H! t  s( G  q4 n" ^& C  W: Did you go shopping this afternoon?
- P! j5 R0 g/ c& K6 i6 K, x  M: Yes, but all I got was a sore foot.+ X) H* n  w$ q; V+ Z
  Q: What does the man mean?
4 E; b9 M8 N) e- |" N1 |  注:sore foot 脚疼8 _5 w7 o# S% @8 V9 G& z, m2 |
  sore throat 嗓子疼
* z5 s2 K3 M; |, k$ {, X" j" d  [P36-9]
& N$ U+ w# j& r+ s2 D0 t+ O  A) She didn't know her daughter could sing so well.1 m" w, |$ l" Y2 z+ c
  B) She sings better than her daughter.' e+ E. I7 w" [8 ^/ O
  C) She doesn't like her daughter.( q/ i' n4 y6 s5 d: {' F
  D) She herself doesn't have a good voice.: w, Z) m: W2 M1 X
  M: I heard your daughter sing at the school concert last night. She has a lovely voice, I must say.
5 C$ a! y: V2 Y0 G0 b1 b  W: Thank you, but I don’t know where she gets it.
6 @) n. k% ^( n6 J8 _. a( g  Q: What does the woman probably mean?2 u- M- Q# v% {1 R0 Z
  [P36-10]0 y) @% g, z8 O2 E
  A) He finds history books difficult to understand.
# Y' t4 ?3 L( T  x, H1 K/ F  B) He has to read a lot of history books.8 e8 \/ g1 H# S6 ^' M8 h: K8 v7 Q
  C) He doesn't like the history course.- c. |3 x. `- M7 d7 }8 m
  D) He has lost his history book.
9 g7 J4 Z; u+ q# p2 F/ f; n  W: Why are you so tired and upset?) X2 h( ]9 B* f4 x% O0 V
  M: I’ve been taking the history course this term. But the trouble is that I’ll never get through the reading list.
! \# y% R0 U3 d( j" o: R  Q: Why is the man worried?0 d# ]  V9 y, l- Q1 \6 D! V+ z
9 ]1 c' b" i9 @  q6 v  1. paper 论文;newspaper 报纸;文件;纸
& q# t" J% c" }4 a% o9 f  research 查询资料(library)
- n2 k7 Q- \6 e6 n! X5 F  2. presentation 口头报告 = report, speech, address  ^2 ?; l( D$ W7 u
  着装正式;心里感受nervous+ w' M% l4 ]4 W/ i) n- ]& `, X
  interview 面试(也需正式着装)
9 ~. u. |- g0 k3 L  3. reading assignment 阅读作业
2 c/ H$ L* J! I1 Z0 M0 N/ A  reading list 读书清单
4 v. B5 n5 m4 S. x  对作业的评价一定是抱怨' x2 F9 z2 ^" R
* U1 K( v8 V0 H; H/ R" D1 g  1、选题
. k  W' p6 k2 K5 _% u, K, F  2、查资料- K7 \1 G) ~; I; |4 n
  3、打印) F0 r/ W  r$ \- d7 T  l& O9 T
. |+ O% z( E# Q  谈论交通--堵车;谈论车--坏掉;谈论买票--卖光;谈论接人--晚点;谈论野餐--下雨
8 N9 m7 V3 f$ b4 Y% M$ A; C! l  写论文的困难:
$ [* v0 W5 j' P  b  w9 r  1、题目难选
( f9 @6 m6 H/ J% c  2、资料难查  q+ q6 @# g7 j" M
  3、打字困难(机房总被占)+ O7 J9 {3 P3 v1 W, J0 l5 _6 L
  typewriter(break down 坏了;ribbon 色带), printer, laser printer, laptop,

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