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[六级听力] 2011英语六级讲义与笔记:听力(八)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
8 U2 G: I; p4 X% R, ^9 Pbook tickets 定票$ J( ^3 ?1 t. R" M* u: d
make hotel reservation 订房
- p% l0 c* z! h, }[P36-6]
* m& M+ U5 P9 Q8 H  |  q$ ^; V: VA) Customer and salesperson.
- {, E; e" C3 a1 Q' KB) Teacher and student.1 W/ v( A2 ^/ n7 P9 u
C) Boss and secretary.
1 t) [, e' q* ED) Guest and waitress.
% f- b+ e5 [* a2 C; P; \M: Please make 20 copies of this and deliver them to the chief executive and heads of departments.
, X! {3 t( ]6 M9 @+ c# WW: Certainly, sir. They will find it on their desks tomorrow morning.
/ I3 w! v/ F7 m9 E8 ?0 bQ: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
5 p; A  N- ^9 l" ~' N& w注:chief executive 行政主管/ t! k- w& C8 y9 o& g$ p% k/ d/ R3 h# A
       chief executive officer CEO. t$ o! y  X- Z4 @+ c7 a% @
* S1 a1 w# ~3 u, s9 j9 TA) Whether to employ the woman.4 Q2 P0 z- ], Q' y. v6 C
B) Whether to take up the new job.: S1 @) R: G) N$ {
C) Whether to ask for a raise.8 Y, s, Y4 W5 D- h( y5 u/ A' c
D) Whether to buy a new house.
5 a  q! l- G2 k# ^; z! v5 X$ aM: You know, I’ m just not too sure if the new salary will be high enough or even the new position is really what I want. Besides, I like the work that I am doing now.2 Y/ g) D# t* c7 s
W: It sounds as though you’ve already made up your mind about what you are going to do.
! y8 j7 s5 u; }Q: What is the man thinking about?
& m6 V/ p9 f0 y1 k9 \( G
6 z9 l, i5 ~, @0 V注:take up 选课(take, take up, enroll in, register for, sign up for);接受(take)

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:43 | 显示全部楼层


</p>[P39-3]. G: i' L: A% s$ x, f, Y
A) A teacher.
8 d7 ~% R* m$ [8 pB) A psychologist.: g1 x8 h6 X, B  _8 b" ~
C) A librarian.
, m/ ~; ~1 Z/ e9 _8 p4 g' mD) A publisher./ T' l( A. l# @6 e/ ~1 W4 {
W: I’m looking for a textbook for my Psychology course. It’s called “Introduction to Educational Psychology”. Do you have it?# c$ _! ^2 V0 e$ X6 g; u$ O8 ~& T
M: Yes, we do. You’ll find it in Section 24 on the top shelf./ L: N- ?& E' I( k
Q: What’s the man’s occupation?
; g0 C; u: V4 O% N. ?注:1. textbook 教科书# y  j  U+ c. l3 _% F9 H$ U
       2. introduction 初级课程
; {- s- k2 F/ s3 X       3. shelf 书架
3 @4 `% @& K2 c图书馆:! o- ?  Q! \  n9 k4 I
reference room 参考资料室   periodical's room 期刊室
' v% F6 t7 g. U4 o& Ycurrent issue 当月期刊       older issue 过期期刊# v+ L4 J- r3 g( ?; T
back issue 过期期刊    card catalog 索引室,卡片检索
' e. X. j! S) a3 S) o8 w+ oput on reserve 预留
' ?) _4 ?8 K) e6 S  D' \* Z6 K关于图书馆基本思路:) U2 I, S6 _0 A/ `7 c) @6 ^
1、想借的书借不到。    2、想还的书已过期。
( A  K% S$ j2 H$ j% M  l[P39-8]$ z! P6 V: ?( w' Z
A) The woman enjoyed the movie very much.
' Y) u: ]+ Q5 n& ?& I7 h3 ]' T0 g# \) wB) The woman saw a horror movie.4 W; u4 r1 _$ {! U$ B
C) The man asked the woman to be careful at night. 5 f9 ~$ H/ y3 t. \/ ^
D) The man went to the show with the woman. " R) x/ F  Z5 G+ V# R+ j* c
W: I still can’t get over the show last Saturday evening. I keep having frightening dreams all night.
6 E/ W: Z2 w; `/ @& t; d- cM: So, next time before you walk into a theatre, make sure what you are going to see.
3 X7 j. ]- J) |Q: What do we learn from this conversation?
/ U7 R  Y& U1 H1 @. t! Z注:frightening dreams 恶梦( H1 g3 b' ^4 [
       nightmare 恶梦, e5 v3 f6 b* g$ w. X$ b
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