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[六级听力] 2011英语六级讲义与笔记:听力(十五)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[P32-Three]% h# {, x# \4 x' C
17. A) The low cost of its service.4 Z* \6 a( r% l3 u# Z% L! t
      B) Its specialization in transporting small packages.
5 V: Z3 \* ]4 P* _5 b) M: K( U      C) Being the first airline to send urgent letters.
2 k0 ~2 N4 c0 s0 l0 ]2 d      D) Its modern sorting facilities.
' s6 r0 O* W5 N$ w3 `" w$ d5 ~4 G18. A) 10,000.
  ?# q# W9 m7 Q3 g$ W      B) 35.
6 c1 y5 h' z, k0 S' b9 l, s, A$ P$ W      C) 130.% e; U9 _: U) }" ?4 M( ]7 j9 K# k: S
      D) 30.+ X, _8 Z: o& W) O  ^2 S$ ?
19. A) Because of its location in the country.% {$ W. V" L+ `, e. Y! @7 Q
      B) Because of its good airport facilities.
) ?# ?% @( j2 R9 J8 `      C) Because of its size.5 a) \; \$ m7 `% k
      D) Because of its round-the-clock service.$ E& c5 h: x" N. H9 M% J, t7 V
20. A) Its full-time staff.
* l) w, T" H2 D, Z) T      B) The postmen who work in Memphis.
6 X5 S, q" v2 b+ l" x      C) Students who work in their spare time.
1 B) E3 r( S# C' z6 c      D) The staff members of the International Airport., C# m* X: M* J  @: i; P9 s
    Federal Express is a private airline service which expands the Postal Service in the United States. It is the only U. S. airline specializing in the transportation of small packages-35 kilos or less.+ {: g1 c& s( N9 ~) f- W
    Federal Express links 130 major U.S. cities and 10,000 surrounding communities. An ur­gent package picked up in one part of the country this afternoon can be delivered to any other part of the country tomorrow morning. All of the Federal Express jets fly into the International Air­port at Memphis, Tennessee, because it is located in the center of the United States.& ?8 ?5 l8 i" L& @, T
    The sorting facility for Federal Express is called "The Hub". Every night, from about 12 midnight to 3 a. m. , the packages are gathered and sorted into shipments for specific destina­tions. The main labor force is comprised of students working part-time.: o# I' x6 i: x) M8 c4 @& n
    Since Federal Express started business in 1971, it has flown millions of air kilometers with­out fail. In the space of one hour, 39 jets will take off to destinations all across the United States. 8 G% Y' R" E% G8 h" e. N. _2 S
Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage yon have just heard." B5 e1 g2 F3 `* b8 G
17. What makes the Federal Express so unique in the U.S. airline service business?& ]3 D; w- e" h1 e% `
18. How many major U.S. cities does Federal Express link?
; i, v1 Q2 t1 e* q1 o& b19. Why do all of the Federal Express jets fly into the International Airport at Memphis, Ten­nessee?
5 L( l; [( a- u3 c6 \( o* Q  b# o20. Who comprises the main labour force of Federal Express?
7 h) R! C0 [1 g% ^' \, e1 Z注:1. Federal Express 联邦快递
7 c3 c! q, _' F: I       2. ur­gent package 快件

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:43 | 显示全部楼层


0 _$ c0 A6 `1 _# L* [/ T11. A) Because they can't afford to.
" I& I( }5 N7 r) G' j      B) Because they think small houses are more comfortable to live in./ a  e3 U5 \* S) }& ^: s
      C) Because big houses are usually built in the countryside.
$ E& ?7 A# k; F; H      D) Because they prefer apartments.1 r5 @" q  @5 J2 V& S& M
12. A) Because many young people have moved into comfortable apartments.
. d" L! I! K  V8 g* n; ]% U6 X, P2 I      B) Because many old houses in the bad part of the town are not inhabited.: ~" t: L# g! I5 T# ~. a& ?
      C) Because many older people sell their houses after their children leave.
2 |  e+ X9 q3 z7 A$ p* L      D) Because many people have quit their old house to build new ones.
0 z+ ]$ {, |$ @1 b! y9 M13. A) They have to do their own maintenance." S/ R, g0 s* I- J  C% _8 ?( c
      B) They have to furnish their own houses.
! U; d. o/ ?- b+ ^! _4 ?" l      C) They will find it difficult to make the rest of the payment.
6 x) a! L: h4 J0 Z& C      D) They will find it difficult to dispose of their old-style furniture.# v/ X, L& M5 C: t
6 u  n- S0 |0 H5 v8 U% [7 u14. A) They are not active hunters.0 u. ]9 E( f3 p& z
      B) They don't sleep much.
9 f' R' ^( w1 z  b3 e      C) They are often seen alone.
: q. D4 A# M7 e0 W- C      D) They don't eat much.
% R8 F9 Z! k1 S* u0 d. |& q+ O15. A) To catch the birds.3 u' t! [6 Q% |9 S2 X( G* `8 Z
      B) To look for shade in the heat of the day.
9 _8 g; v& D1 V5 A2 L: |5 P3 b, g      C) To catch other animals.9 r4 g% _; O6 W0 H  i6 s  A) d
      D) To look for a kill made by another animal.
" w) k' ^4 {7 j5 Q5 Z+ t6 Z, k16. A) They are larger in size., h8 y6 h- m9 ^- S
      B) They run faster.+ k8 Z) G! {* M  O
      C) They have to hunt more to feed the young.
& I1 ^4 [; U/ \6 D2 h8 Z      D) They are not as lazy as the males.
9 _; w& A: v0 b3 F: ~[P40-Three]3 B8 U8 b" h* y, ~% \/ h/ v8 `
17. A) Less than 30 minutes.
" Z) b9 I# a4 |5 l1 Q9 h  o( h      B) From 30 to 45 minutes.
, @" N3 z7 h# L  \      C) At least 45 minutes.( i4 s- c+ y& [0 c1 r; R  ?$ R# t

$ N7 C. P; f; m  Q      D) More than 45 minutes.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:44 | 显示全部楼层


</p>18. A) He should show respect for the interviewer.
! ^; r0 h' ]) z  R/ N      B) He should show confidence in himself.
0 {5 w; s$ n6 a* x      C) He should talk enthusiastically.7 n- n1 I* k0 x- y; ]( A
      D) He should be dressed properly.
' Q( v0 ]* h5 \4 |( f# L19. A) Speaking confidently but not aggressively.2 }, i" ^, a4 `. l; [' I: k
      B) Talking loudly to give a lasting impression.* A3 N. S# m* l2 Q  A2 f
      C) Talking a lot about the job.
- i( R6 f9 T& Z      D) Speaking politely and emotionally.
% @7 `. }) M! b: M20. A) Professional knowledge is a decisive factor in job interview.
9 ?! \+ U& M5 l8 b      B) Finding a job is more difficult than one can imagine.
* W2 u7 B6 U9 F5 e) E      C) A job seeker should create a good image during an interview.
# [8 _0 H) Q( J8 {4 k) F. R      D) Self-confidence is most important for a job seeker.6 X! p3 B8 }- G2 M  p
    To be successful in a job interview, you should demonstrate certain personal and professional qualities. You need to create a good image in the limited time available, usually from 30 to 45 minutes. You must make a positive impression which the interviewer will remember while he interviews other candidates. The following are some qualities you should especially pay attention to during an interview. First of all, you should take care to appear properly dressed. The right clothes worn at the right time can win respect of the interviewer and his confidence in your judgement. It may not be true that clothes make the man. But the first and often last impression of you is determined by the clothes you wear.
5 \* {8 r  E8 F" H6 ^' U- R, @& K1 b& FSecondly, you should pay close attention to your manner of speaking, since speech is a reflection of personality. You should reflect confidence by speaking in a clear voice, loud enough to be heard, without being aggressive or overpowering. You should be prepared to talk knowledgeably about the requirements of the position you are applying for. Finally, to be really impressive you must convey a sense of self-confidence and enthusiasm for work. If you display these characteristics, with just a little luck, you'll certainly succeed in the typical personnel interview.
% D( p0 C( {: \* |/ g6 \Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.
" g$ m! S! D( l17. How long does an interview usually last according to the speaker?2 G% |, z! k  {9 @, A: ~& Z
18. How can one give the interviewer a good first impression?4 U/ b6 ]0 l: L, y% T# d* U
19. What should be the best manner of speaking for a job-seeker during an interview?! S3 E0 p( R: C
20. What is the main idea of the short talk you have just heard?
0 J& z6 F# E7 c: v& |. m- C) b8 |注:personnel 人事;personal 个人的
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