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[六级听力] 2012年大学英语六级考试听力辅导资料二

发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
But题型(3-4个题目):" A7 p  q2 m; O/ p0 V
$ P0 b) ?) K% Z  例题:% X/ ]5 t. f" h) ]+ O6 R
  A) He has some work to do.
7 H9 M( T6 Q) l# V! Z  B) The woman is going to do that.7 Y8 d: {9 L1 I1 }$ ^; U/ Q3 E
  C) His boss is coming to see him.- G& [8 L6 Y/ T+ O+ q
  D) He doesn't feel like eating any bread today.
. O; @- b6 b4 b6 R( S, [  W: I wonder if you have time to go to the food store today. We have almost run out of bread.1 q, C2 t5 M5 H" }& w
  M: You'd better do that. I haven't got my report ready yet, but my boss needs it tomorrow.8 W$ ]/ Y6 d; p! y8 m1 Y
  Q: Why isn't the man going to do the shopping?3 H2 o4 e- }% ~) i7 `( d: l
  注:1. 第二人的回答都是充满了遗憾。
, @+ w! n" ?: h! W  2. run out of 用完,没有0 \( g5 ?( `1 D3 i
  boor 土人,粗野的人(GRE词汇)1 U- U# U$ C& x6 C
: q  y) U7 ?" X. ]5 N  take  make  go  win  let  have
+ T3 D. G) b. ~5 U5 i6 m0 |6 I1 K  口语中常用短语:
: S8 U4 ^$ Z5 x; h- X5 k  1. mess 脏乱
" ?" t5 Y3 k& v- h/ s  His dormitory is in a big mess.
% }$ I1 f. I! b: v3 c/ B$ e1 S  2. meet = come across = run into = bang into 遇见。
% D0 ?( R7 Z2 G) u/ M  happen to meet 恰巧碰到
5 ^5 d5 r: t& k6 j. n8 O 

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:43 | 显示全部楼层


 3. 与动词搭配使用最多的是out,因为out代表一种极端的状态,很彻底。
' s" h2 s* X3 k, ^  run out of 用完了
( s8 e+ R7 }( C  _7 R- b0 l  check out 借书;办理出院手续;彻底检查;退房(check in 开房);结帐离开& [! D8 ?8 m+ p: F
  wear out 穿破
) d, ~- ^! J/ V1 O6 j6 K  be worn out (物)破旧;(人)疲惫# B# d- Z) t! @6 r+ [* T# H8 }
  make out 辨认出0 t3 J+ a: I" @5 P% o
  figure out 想清楚,弄明白" n4 N2 M3 M6 |
  She has a figure that kills. 身材很棒。$ U8 B5 {; G9 @& w5 F0 g  G" v
  She has a face that kills. 长得非常漂亮
  j3 @5 ]( M: {$ v  work out 想清楚,弄明白,解决问题;(gym场景)拼命锻炼- n  J+ W( N. P; B1 A9 d
  help out 帮个大忙- {- t) q# d+ {
  find out 打听,查明真相5 n  c) Z$ s$ m/ b3 B
  dine out 外出吃饭,下馆子1 u+ ~& a" B" l
  cafeteria 饭堂,自助餐厅【学校的饭菜不好吃】
% }& d2 d; w- ^: G3 M, B7 D1 h  cook out 在外野餐7 V" `; x! w1 t: @6 z( ~5 j* U
  hang out 闲逛5 @5 ]' o. J" P5 u+ C! u' B
  turn out (to be) 事实证明
6 S: C. L( j' U  例题:
2 U7 x3 k# f$ k% a1 k9 e( p  A) He can't find his new apartment.
' L9 i2 i6 L$ B6 _3 ^- P  B) He had a bigger apartment before.
# O% \2 w. i5 ]. i( N3 `  C) He finds the new apartment too big for him." l2 Z4 z2 |) G4 ^1 P) ^+ v; B  L! Z
  D) He's having a hard time finding an apartment.
. o& j+ |! |! p0 j( k  W: How do you find your new apartment?
  ^0 @! a% C* E& n1 p  M: Well, it's quite nice really, although I have a hard time getting used to living in a big place.
* X2 w( Q- Q+ A6 h5 }' f1 ~" W  Q: What is the man's problem?+ z# ], y6 F; c, u, A/ f
  注:1. dormitory 宿舍
- a  [; T2 j: l: q  apartment 公寓
, c+ Q5 E6 }# `5 w; t" v  laboratory7 j  F- S( G) q% [$ a8 [
% `, o  p5 e' @% T7 _2 _  房子难找;房租贵;房太吵: y, f! \0 s' m1 |. d
  2. How do you find ...= How do you like...
& n# @: F5 V/ w% N- g9 u2 G  3. be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事 选项中找be accustomed to doing sth.或adapt9 @( H  ]$ t& l9 P( s9 i4 z  l$ A  S
  used to do sth 过去常常 选项中找 was always 或找否定句+now.</p># [/ d- x' W  M0 z% {. h
 A) He meant she should make a phone call if anything went wrong.9 {1 T4 r9 Q# n. u9 C" A
  B) He meant for her just to wait till help came.% G) B: |$ h1 \# s  S8 R5 G; k
  C) He was afraid something would go wrong with her car.
& k' b6 _7 R% M* n4 @  D) He promised to give her help himself.
+ b; [1 p7 s/ L- Q( i5 V: B  W: Could you tell me what I should do if my car breaks down?
) K) |, N; U- t' B, M6 F, z3 ^9 y  M: Well, I'm sure you won't have any trouble, Mrs. Smith, but if something should happen, just call this number. They'll see that you get help.
  A) j, B) K& o# X4 G( _  Q: What does the man really mean?- |3 \# I  I: L' L" E# ~
  注:谈论车的最大话题一定是坏掉 break down。( [1 R" P. \4 ^/ {0 [
" `: |9 M# g: d  A) He has edited three books.
, w* u0 U% v; S$ V# M, M, h3 n  B) He has bought the wrong book.) v$ K7 s1 z! m: u
  C) He has lost half of his money.+ w$ M! e6 p5 V
  D) He has found the book that will be used.
( q: L6 T5 C" ?, I% V9 V6 q  M: Hey, Louise, I've got a used copy of our chemistry textbook for half price.
; P2 W4 }2 U! h" Q  N; Y  W: I'm afraid you wasted your money, yours is the first edition, but we're supposed to be using the third edition.
, k" I+ j# ^% J" ?6 U# n& [  Q: What has the man done?7 N, N" \) F4 g+ M! W6 U9 j, ?; \
  注:used book 二手书,旧书
. c* p3 D6 q6 c6 h 
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:44 | 显示全部楼层


! I" \+ Q+ S, w( ~/ @  开学:orientation 新生培训   freshman/ fresher 大一新生8 E1 S" }/ u4 ]2 N0 F0 I
  sophomore 大二  junior 大三  senior 大四
( ~* t" V: w3 e0 s  期末:考试、突击熬夜、失眠、吃药、抢救
/ q2 n1 ~1 H7 R# X+ C, t$ K& f4 x        例题:; |6 t/ d3 u: S' `, j
  A) She wants to return the skirt her husband bought.
) i8 U# u# y1 c; y% @  B) She wants to buy another skirt.. D! W5 b% C# G; v: p7 t' Z! c
  C) She wants to change the yellow skirt for a blue one.
' o1 \: N% p8 _+ @: D  D) She wants to change the blue skirt for a yellow one.
* S" X4 N, R# S' P3 \  S  M: Now, what's your problem, Madam?& B& N' R6 ?) V( Y& ]: }7 ?& L
  W: Oh, yes. My husband bought this yellow skirt here yesterday. It is very nice, but it's not the colour I want. Have you got any blue ones?
- |2 @  t2 l( V% R1 u  Q: What does the woman want to do?% [8 K+ F& S& v) L4 ~: E. `
  注:1. 蓝色情节
! F* i; F0 W( f+ N' f% D  blue 服装最喜欢的颜色
. ], _" Y8 D$ ?* h, @( D/ A  dark blue 深蓝& v' j! s1 t) I! G( p  A  h
  light blue 浅蓝2 p0 }( h1 s9 p1 m, J
  navy blue 海军蓝# `; c2 a  _6 L3 o$ y7 x
  navy 常用这个词表示蓝色
+ ^9 F! \7 l; g% g- A1 s  pink 红色习惯用这个词表示* ~( f0 F3 w2 F& }& m
  2. 羊毛情节wool
3 n/ x& u2 A& \' O' i: L, b# q" o  down jacket 羽绒服
' K' _6 s3 J( N/ W, M' d  B5 \6 m        例题:0 `$ F* o7 v7 [# j) R. K! g0 U, L
  A) It's too windy., h+ S& n* ]: M) M8 w$ B( E
  B) The people there are terrible.0 `1 `8 T1 N+ B+ Q2 [+ q
  C) The air is polluted.5 {4 V# G+ B1 K& N3 ?: }, t
  D) The beaches are dirty.
' @6 h4 q# C- Z' N6 }4 m  W: The place I've heard so much about is Los Angeles. The climate is pretty good. Year-round flowers, year-round swimming. How do you like it?
+ ^6 B' ]9 g% A1 K4 \8 `  M: Well, the beaches are beautiful. But the people there are terribly annoyed by the dirty air. I mean, the combination of fog, smoke and automobile exhaust. There is not enough wind to blow it away.+ ^+ x2 Z* i2 p/ ]% W
  Q: What does the man think of Los Angeles?% B: [7 }2 z3 N6 p* n: v
1 a: D* x2 ^1 l8 z5 j3 g</p>
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