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[六级听力] 2012年大学英语六级考试听力辅导资料七

发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
$ G& q2 B) t% v' ~9 Q9 a& l  A1、找到工作高兴. z; I# s/ n. {/ D: k9 W
1 s3 M0 Q% g1 L( j1 A. I3、拒绝工作奇怪(主动拒绝令人感到奇怪)% |& L( W. i' ]- W' L7 H2 z- f4 t" \
找工作的步骤:6 H: f( y' R7 d+ J& c9 ~
1、信息来源:newspaper 报纸 : classified ad. 分类广告,  help and wanted section 供求关系版, ~5 ?, t. q0 G7 o* \' m5 P3 X, u

$ m6 U  H8 e. D* cbulletin board公告板
3 j: Z/ r2 K4 t7 e$ M& ?" b, v5 O, bflier 传单# L; E0 d- n: Z6 a
2、打电话确认' o6 f; z8 u8 O4 b( q
5 H$ \  B7 L" o& R" a4、面试:携带证明 identification、证书 certificate;确定你是否有资格qualification (be qualified for some 2 r8 _' [3 L! p$ o  Q1 \) R
post; be up to 胜任);推荐信 reference letter
3 F* A& f; h4 z+ g8 ^! j0 |5 N; [例题
3 W% a. v! R. P8 W  IA) His car was hit by another car.1 `( z4 L4 w4 W0 Q. q
B) He was hurt while playing volleyball.
( E# L9 v" k2 u4 j8 @4 e, @0 a+ iC) He fell down the stairs.% i  Q# `9 ?* @$ D- N
D) While crossing the street, he was hit by a car.( _0 K; F- O5 Q7 L
W: Did you hear Mike is in hospital with head injuries and a broken arm?& k' ~6 P% Q% o5 Q; {2 k
M: Yes, apparently he was struck by another vehicle and turned completely over.5 H: k5 \; o) }& ^, U
Q: What happened to Mike?

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:43 | 显示全部楼层


例题</p>A) Took a photo of him.
: z* j# S0 ^& I* v5 p9 jB) Bought him a picture.
- ]" E* L2 g1 t! aC) Held a birthday party.
: Z, a0 K+ k4 yD) Bought him a frame for his picture.6 p8 k4 C0 H7 k) s3 k1 _
M: Could you help me to decide what I should buy for my brother's birthday?9 d9 D0 y/ e9 [
W: Remember, you took a picture of him at his last birthday party? Why not buy him a frame so that he can fix the ' h! h" U4 w: w3 X
picture in it.) w2 d, [3 K9 Y) }* ?; j
Q: What did the man do last year for his brother's birthday?' C  s& Q% r* m1 D9 z+ y7 j, `
注:提醒模式 remember, first, today, now (right now)
' c6 P* @$ F" ]/ i" i+ [例题
% `9 y, i, c2 u, z' I; FA) Women's rights in society.
0 X4 M3 i: u5 B7 G3 {5 T7 K; B. PB) The woman's job is a librarian./ X, |, v& E, O( n4 ?6 ]6 w
C) An important election., }% `$ ?0 t9 N+ f$ `& y
D) Career planning.
1 p; |" |2 T, Z& ~1 \- K, [W: We all talk about how liberated we are, but in fact women are still not equally treated.
6 T2 t4 Z: F: Z" lM: I don't think so. You've got the vote, you've got your careers-I think you've got everything important.
9 t% \. i9 x! ~! F8 ?0 r, r' H. oQ: What are they arguing about?
' L7 i0 Z$ c8 _$ o注:liberated 自由的,被解放了的4 `, Y, \2 i5 p4 U3 v- x6 t
free 免费的(选项中反义替换 pay),有空闲时间的(选项中反义替换 busy)。
8 t) Z- w$ C* g* cStatue of Liberty 自由女神
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