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[六级听力] 2012年大学英语六级考试听力辅导资料九

发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
7 J: D: ^9 e7 ?& Q  K1、票已售完  2、接人晚点  3、送人伤感
5 V' s0 \5 F- D' f8 d机场线索词:
( k3 V' W& }2 r$ r9 qairplane 飞机  flight 航班  take off 起飞  land 降落  circle 盘旋
0 Q( _$ q( y6 {7 d& \7 s0 t# gwing 机翼;建筑物的侧楼;博物馆侧面展厅;翅膀' H# z, m2 L( p
terminal 终端机(computer);终点站;候机大厅# F$ r& P; F# ~6 I$ t2 e; x* T' |
例题:( J. ]* X$ c* b) r% [/ u+ ~$ a
A) The cause of the flood.- G1 p/ R4 B) j. F8 P9 I# a
B) The heroic fight against a flood.6 S( b" t/ W; x" h6 Z  u; n0 q, ~
C) The effects of the flood. 9 \- i  v+ F. J' |
D) Floods of the past twenty years.' G& P% }# j* |/ Z0 B
M: This has been the worst flood for the past 20 years. It has caused much damage and destruction." Z4 [- @5 W% p2 t# ~  T
W: Look at the prices of fruits and vegetables. No wonder they are so expensive.0 K/ Y" F+ @8 R  v4 K4 P. n5 u! I
Q: What are they talking about?6 J: f4 d) `8 t# i0 ]. I9 K" n: [5 D
( ~  W* e4 X9 S8 s* M8 p4 X自然灾害的影响一定严重。4 ]3 @( z/ _: [" ^. n
9 ^% W/ l, |7 O& ?7 o2 j' V7 x* g例题:$ M) |8 B  a) I" }! i0 [
A) They waited for each other at different places.) d0 J3 j' a/ F+ U2 p# m+ W. _
B) They were both busy doing their own work.5 A2 a0 W! T9 d* [& I1 y+ S
C) They went to the street corner at different times.
8 }: t" Y! s4 L! ^1 @+ fD) The man went to the concert but the woman didn't. . O1 [8 O8 Z/ r; `7 S
W: George, where were you yesterday evening? I expected to see you at the concert.
( H7 ]/ L8 D/ r& QM: Oh, I waited for you at the corner of your street. Then I looked for you at your flat, but the housekeeper said you were out.' x# q" {3 T& }3 n
Q: Why didn't they meet that evening?. q4 j% D! `' D' Y
注:  flat (英)公寓=apartment(美)    sneaker 运动鞋(美)4 j. I3 s: s' D- U  c1 X  x/ o
       trainer 运动鞋(英)                sweat shirt 运动衫(美)
; A/ ]9 ^9 o. c$ h. @2 U       jersey 运动衫(英)               corn 玉米(美)
: Y3 O" O" \6 S; p) A       maize 玉米(英)                  church 教堂(美)   
3 \7 O0 I/ [8 I3 {4 V/ a  a       chapel 教堂,小礼拜堂(英)       cathedral 天主教大教堂(美)8 _0 t  N1 _! O: R8 e. d' _0 y6 [
       luggage 行李(美)                baggage 行李(英)

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