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[六级听力] 2012年大学英语六级考试听力辅导资料十八

发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
第一个人有麻烦时,第二个人回答如果知道如何解决则提出一个建议,如果不知怎么办则安慰第一个人。 & k2 [" s; B0 C- M! {# K0 ]
* L6 C7 u" Q. d# B1 ?' E表示安慰:
0 ^( H0 y% L& O; ]! ODon’t worry.  Never mind.  Take it easy.  Calm down.
' l1 U$ A* F. E) S/ D表示建议:
) P) n& T, N6 z# |You should.   You ought to (oughta) ...
6 V; c! c/ h. d2 L) dShouldn’t you比you should 语气强烈的多 3 K2 _1 t4 o8 [% B
Why not ...     Why don’t you ... ( ]8 U+ E6 l0 d- v8 k
How about ...   What about ... . o: O6 x2 ]) q
If I were you I would ... = You should ...
. I' t1 E$ j: hhad better      Let’s ...
) {& @6 J( C6 p' O8 i$ a) l1 w' dIs there anything wrong with ... % @# w, }$ ?2 I8 e9 N0 y
  v4 `; @8 \/ J2 fA) They get a bargain right away. 1 W) Q  E1 p' ]: Z  _+ q
B) They go and buy a big TV set. ; E% w( g" v' i, w; d  c7 i
C) They sell their TV set.
1 H; a& b" e( _$ ED) They have a look at the advertisement. 6 x* z$ \* m0 o
M: This TV set is getting worse and worse. Now it doesn’t work at all. 8 [. \7 N4 @$ ^# g! ?% [9 [
W: Here’s an advertisement about a big TV sale. There might be some good bargains in it. 3 U6 K' K6 s- F7 L, u7 B# u
Q: What does the woman suggest?
! m" `& B) e2 _注:不要进行递推。 9 }4 S/ |, P/ @
       Why don’t you ask Betty?
6 ^2 C8 H; U2 U( A例题
" {# l8 K: t7 h. TA) She could help him with the problems. ' Y) H8 |5 [  N" [7 a. S
B) He should go out for a while. ( n* D* `1 d# }, o, T3 J5 n
C) She could go out together with him.
8 g7 M( g: G  x. J% i1 QD) He should do the problems himself.
! W- i! ^4 p! h& V7 W; q! wM: I’m getting absolutely nowhere with these physics problems. 6 R8 k5 F; y0 M* j
W: How about my going through them with you? - R( l6 v. k% |4 {
Q: What does the woman mean? 4 o2 @: m! d7 {' n  o  I6 Y$ [
注:getting absolutely nowhere with 做某件事毫无进展 / S+ C1 ?4 ^1 ~0 x! X/ `% h
例题 7 i+ V0 K2 S/ _& a4 o* r  i
A) It was probably Mr. Brown’ s phone number that the woman wrote down. 0 l2 [7 w+ l! U" L' c
B) It was just an hour ago that the man met Mr. Brown.
8 _; _+ Y5 z1 n- uC) The woman forgot to write down the phone number.
/ @# N3 H! r' MD) The woman needed a sheet of paper to put down the number. $ s' F+ o9 d. h/ k% D" B8 r
W: What a memory I have! I did write down the number on a sheet of paper when I answered the phone this morning. But now the paper has disappeared without any trace.
7 n5 G8 d: _: T; o- _M: Don’t worry. I will be seeing Mr.Brown in an hour.
" B( a, O4 S1 r5 Y% W, e' e8 V+ [Q: What do we learn from this conversation?
3 ^3 X6 A: |5 y, d$ J' M& G例题 2 f3 D; \- r# C' q" i* v3 V
A) She could help him with the problems.
9 j9 t7 M( o7 y9 YB) He should go out for a while.
1 n  }/ `& y& G1 a3 Y, h+ d( w" JC) She could go out together with him. - m6 G: w+ w0 J, v6 X, g! B1 F# W5 p
D) He should do the problems himself. " [; M" X; ]+ q
M: I’m getting absolutely nowhere with these physics problems.
- K% I  b9 `% t  {( ]/ h2 xW: How about my going through them with you?
! W+ M  @+ s) g0 w0 BQ: What does the woman mean? $ I9 g1 e# I7 @# a
注:getting absolutely nowhere with 做某件事毫无进展
) \( d. l) @" m5 u例题
6 r) A$ X# Z: Z! {" c2 VA) It was probably Mr. Brown’ s phone number that the woman wrote down.
% {6 h4 \+ ]: b* @- z1 x" OB) It was just an hour ago that the man met Mr. Brown. ( P; U0 T  Y1 d5 C
C) The woman forgot to write down the phone number. $ u* L0 W4 ~/ E) i
D) The woman needed a sheet of paper to put down the number.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:43 | 显示全部楼层


W: What a memory I have! I did write down the number on a sheet of paper when I answered the phone this morning. But now the paper has disappeared without any trace.
6 G. X9 V! p0 k4 d$ DM: Don’t worry. I will be seeing Mr.Brown in an hour.
" A8 o5 B/ v2 e+ k/ E' xQ: What do we learn from this conversation?
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