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[六级听力] 2012年大学英语六级听力场景:餐馆(3)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年大学英语六级听力场景:餐馆(3)7 ^# y9 X! Z* h5 N; N6 L! k  e
9 \$ i/ X5 I( [- `  order dishes 点菜
, E3 B" L7 q6 ~+ ~4 D  bring me the menu
+ \) m6 a5 n9 V" e% K1 ?  看菜单 recommendation
: P0 |1 i$ I! `$ S  推荐,招牌菜5 J$ G% ]) ^- r5 P# l& ]
+ k, g3 V' t" M; `  我有钱我请客。Let me treat you. It’s my treat.& j2 _% \% q: s% W
  我来买单。I will check out. pick up the bill.& \, N3 {4 F, W
  foot the bill5 q- u; ]; X' @( s* V" C6 R
  pick up the table/ C5 i$ I3 j& {  k6 T
  请客 It‘s on me.0 g2 @8 _+ l) o# Z& w
  A( {  u) ^3 h' H  Let’s go Dutch. 各人付自己的帐) Y8 S( w* m- i
  Let‘s go fifty-fifty., k$ Y& Z3 J0 G3 f! F2 A: X
  separate checks中华考试网% ?, }7 O, ^7 X) ?# B
  split the bill
9 e/ p, w" V! \- Z  Background:
3 L# V/ N1 M- ?* b  book reserve 预定6 G% C' j$ }, Y+ W- Y4 l' c: }- z- a
  all the tables have been booked up
9 v6 ~0 D! J& Z  Are you ready to order, sir?
8 ]5 z, ^4 ?* N  See the menu 。
. t7 [9 o' D9 E9 [: U% o  What is the specialty of the house?
8 r, z8 x' g! x( [9 s, S  I will be back with your order in a minute.
% T. B  q- g1 y) z3 z" C  Short-handed! W$ P. [/ E, X1 t; V, ]; r8 i& o
  I will take care of it right now.
; W; G$ [# s' k: a, `  Your meal will be free.a

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