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[六级词汇语法] 大学英语六级词汇串联记忆(10)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
91、 A acute persecutor has been executed with salutes of flutes, and refutation of an absolute mute. 一个为害极大的迫害者在笛子的致敬和一个全哑之人的驳斥声中被处决了。9 L4 k6 \! `9 y4 `8 z
2 ^2 V# d8 m3 N, Q. L- e
92、 His institute has constituted a substitute for disputers with minute route of rescuers. 他的学院已组建了带有一小路拯救队的争论者的替代者。) g" D' `7 ^: @

% {# p, P2 U- M, p0 {! n4 n93、 This vague dialog of fatigue has been catalogued with its analogues.这一种关于疲乏的对话已与其类似的东西一起被编入了目录。5 ^8 F" M7 s$ \

6 y4 [! u% U1 |- }  I94、 The pursuit of the police's unique technique has made the avenue a new clue of the tissue case. 警方对他们独特技术的追击使得大道成为了织物这案子的新线索。5 V  ]6 j6 C! u! |  j$ R0 D
* J2 p/ b6 Z7 ?3 V* Q
95、 Our brave weavers have turned their pavement grave of their slave-owners. 我们英勇的织工已把人行道变成了他们主人的坟墓。
; w! G1 Y( F8 e3 B) P& H2 Y: e4 s  o5 D
96、 The grieving divers have conceived the deceit without any received perception. 悲哀的潜水员们已构思出不会被察觉的骗局。
1 E, {( j" H9 m; z$ ~2 Y. i
5 y$ X, B: `+ b6 h" Q6 A& v97、 The thriving races are striving for a decisive derivation of their deprived rights. 发展中的种族们正奋斗着,以期能获得对他们失去权利决定性的来源。  @- J8 M/ J+ N# L/ z

  _  ?; q: o. J" m98、 Successive massive explosive has been approved to be too aggressive and excessive for any progressive impressions. 连续不断的大块爆药被证明对于进步印象而言过于具侵略性以及过多了。
7 d0 a0 `# k- a% {4 F3 e: r  q/ a! b0 S+ a* V: i% p" q" M
99、 Nothing can be comparative alternative to regenerative initiative or negative representatives. 没什么东西可以作为新生的进取心或是消极代表的可相比拟的替代者。" u* j! L$ J+ f+ o7 M7 y% C

: T- H; B* a0 {  V$ E. v100、 The conservative detectives have made themselves both qualitatively and quantitatively destructive and sensitive for positive perspective respectively. 这群保密的侦探把他们自己变成不论是在量上还是在质上都既敏感又具破坏力,这是为了他们各自的前景考虑。

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