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[六级词汇语法] 大学英语六级词汇串联记忆(9)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
81、 A mouse in our warehouse has been aroused by the greenhouse effect and it can amuse everyone. 我家库房里有只老鼠被温室效应唤醒,它能取悦于人。
0 M6 C- _' z" H1 @. u* h$ y
% |6 a, c3 W8 T% H% m; ~; Q82、 Lao Sha’s dedicated debate indicates that his delicate certificate of a good speaker has no complicated duplicate and can hardly be located by his advocates.
( k, _6 ]% p9 i5 Y& n4 s6 y) Q: a5 f. u! @1 [. U
83、 A number of candidates have consolidated their accommodation with investigation and appreciation. 一些候选人已用调查及感激巩固了他们的住处。 2 W3 j0 V' ]! |% |7 y$ y

. V% X  B' y- d" q: j- i84、 Appropriate intermediate can radiate without much deviation since its initiation. 适当的媒介可以在辐射开始时就产生较小偏差。 & I, a# w, l- G: C

9 c" L4 [9 Y% W5 A85、 You can regulate the ventilation of the insulators by calculating the circulation of manipulated chocolate. 你可以通过计算机受控巧克力的循环来调节绝缘体的通风。
4 n4 k7 c% ~5 @2 u7 R3 K$ d
& W3 A. K, D( O7 ]/ U" {4 }86、 Our classmates in the senate have designated their fascinating subordinates to coordinate the origination and elimination of the dominant anticipation. 我们参议院的同学已指派他们迷人的下属协调主导期望的产生及消灭。
' Z' d( M2 W5 K0 X% ?9 J7 P/ k
. ]2 C) p: P1 ]( `87、 Fortunately, the main illumination has become moderate after the exaggerated overuse of the rated generutor and the cars are accelerating with less tolerance and deliberate vibration. 很幸运地,主照明系统在满受骂名的发电机被夸大的超负运转下得以运转有度,车子也更不耐心地加速着,还故意地振动着。 7 d, g3 K1 e3 N8 k" s" o5 h0 `! J
, ~# j. d! O6 y' {6 ]' i* ^) e
88、 With the collaboration of the elaborate evaporating system, the demonstration can perforate the decorated confidence of the concentrated audience without much illustration or frustration accurately. 在精细的蒸发系统的帮助下,演示能不用任何插图或挫折就穿过全神贯注的观众们矫饰的自信。
" a7 |8 p1 R; P
3 W% h3 {8 M0 j: B# N, b  E89、 The evaluation of an athlete will fluctuate or elevate if he has been better cultivated or hesitate to imitate a greater graduate concretely. 对运动员的估价将会波动或上升,如果他受到了更好的教化或者在模仿。 ( a$ X8 p5 z. \$ m. N

; e& J' _# u) `, M' o90、 Lao Yu’s citation has ignited the infinite spite of his favorite’s appetite. 老俞的引用点燃了他宠物胃口的无限怨恨。

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