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[六级词汇语法] 2012年大学英语六级生活中常见词汇29

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
高速侦察机  high-speed reconnaissance plane
5 h3 Z, H, @$ r% P; T7 ?空中加油机  tanker aircraft & [9 B2 W, |0 a
运输机  transport plane; air-freighter
. ?! d  \( C& |+ M9 o6 r+ C& p. J+ @2 E水上飞机  seaplane; hydroplane 6 z8 X. g$ S+ e  l) A( v; j6 O
反潜巡逻机  anti-submarine patrol aircraft - k0 i' [7 f" g# V- J
教练机  trainer aircraft; trainer . S$ G0 L3 s. j! e  e
垂直起落飞机  vertical take-off and landing
/ A: x! I/ ]! j4 E  Z, l0 f无尾飞机  tailless aircraft - c! |& E$ ^( K! B6 {6 G
隐形轰炸机  stealth bomber 2 z# I( m8 Y5 W' J7 u
可变翼机  adjustable wing plane : u9 ^. x% I7 _; [
动力滑翔机  power glider & |" g' `& W/ ]1 d& M' u* V6 [  @
扫雷直升机  mine-sweeping helicopter 3 Z) K+ B$ I. J! ?; q1 A! ^' h( a
旋翼  rotor
* R: c/ F& v% x机身  fuselage
1 _2 l6 v: O6 T  u3 T抗扭螺旋桨  anti-torque tail rotor $ l  R* T/ ?$ J$ s0 C
航空炸弹  aerobomb
% z$ D4 O# |6 D8 c5 f4 g, Q% {9 f钢珠弹  bomb with steel balls; container bomb unit
/ X! D1 C+ i' j1 Z2 M5 C7 ^化学炸弹  chemical bomb . U- ^" [5 a& X* H" H
主战坦克  capital tank
0 q# k; H6 g. C重型坦克  heavy tank
3 ~2 K( [! ~% T/ q$ Y9 |- K中型坦克  medium tank $ S7 M" d/ K" L9 b$ u" @
轻型坦克  light tank
  H+ {* {7 R# u8 a8 `  m水陆两用坦克  amphibious tank
: J  x- i5 {* u) Z5 f喷火坦克  flame-throwing tank
! b5 l( F+ N: V$ H架桥坦克  bridge tank
4 j) x' ]: {+ s3 m扫雷坦克  mine-sweeping tank
3 F& b; A, C/ _坦克推土机  tankdozer . k1 z; I7 r0 x" N$ A+ w) u- U- X& k
侦察坦克  reconnaissance tank
2 Z4 L/ g6 \% T2 o( {无炮塔坦克  turretless tank , `/ w# W  z9 I, m" ~* s
坦克牵引车  recovery tank 5 `0 \& E$ y& k
坦克修理后送车  repair-service tank # J- i" ?3 D. K) w8 b) _) P4 Y
反坦克障碍物  anti-tank obstacle : q8 j: F" u. H6 }2 v6 H
桩寨  pile stockade 9 y( B! a) P( _/ ?
鹿寨  abatis . m4 |9 U$ S: y5 e& V
反坦克断崖  anti-tank ditch * c; [- J$ M( h% j0 f
反坦克崖壁  anti-tank precipice . E& g5 m4 c5 c0 }
反坦克三角锥  anti-tank pyramids # l9 e0 ~, W: [5 @1 P3 B
炮手  gunner 4 L$ O; w) z) z* @( l
坦克兵  tank soldier

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