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[六级词汇语法] 2012年大学英语六级语法:关于more than

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
more than  
0 W% G3 n# t/ H8 `" c  a)接名词,意为“不仅,不止”,有and的意思。
2 L" c' _+ V6 G& [6 G, I6 c  He was more than a scientist, but was a poet.
) r7 j( L: }0 U, d' H9 l- ~+ q  他不仅是为科学家,还是个诗人。
5 [7 B5 _. |# o+ F8 `  b)接数词,意为“...以上”。 + ]1 P$ N. o2 \: U3 G* K
  More than twenty people were injured in the accident. 4 `* t* v9 Q7 a
! ]% H/ N( A, c0 c, X$ G  c)接形容词,意为“非常,十分”。 来自www.Examw.com
  C5 ]4 u) }* r3 M7 B, T  He was more than pleased with her performance. 8 I0 G$ t% t$ E: I8 P
  他对她的表演非常满意。 # M  S6 O- t2 G4 j
, }; j* Z4 C6 L* A  The beauty of the place is more than I can describe. % J2 M* k- m) q$ v$ F" ?
  那地方美得无法形容。 & A0 d( e) C, g$ F
( i% `" e3 O$ z4 G  They decide to do more than talk about the rise of the cheating.

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