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[六级词汇语法] 2012年12月大学英语六级高频词汇记忆(19)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
- k- D8 [1 h; t; G* X( X2 _- C1. contrive v. 谋划;图谋;设法想到
$ b  t8 a$ j. a- o. G+ K  Z  contrive to do sth. 设法做某事;(不顾困难地)促成某事8 R& e* l( {0 t$ X. G) J  y
  manage to do sth 也表示设法做某事,说的时候已经成功做到,而contrive to do sth 通常说的时候还没有实行。
4 L, D  g/ N% S  It was said that Osama bin Laden contrived to attack four cities of America before he died.
  P9 A3 K' v: D  D  据说本拉登死前计划袭击美国四个城市。+ o, V$ l. q/ L' y% @
2. converge v. 会合;聚集 (meet at a common point)
' {7 ?* Q8 x4 N8 r) i  converge on 集中于
- e8 ^- A+ D$ g1 l' D& I  The two rivers converge here.来自www.Examw.com
& {5 a9 m, t( }6 B' v/ X  两条河流在此相交。& ]2 Q/ _- O  ^7 K, U7 z% g- J
3. cordial a. 热情的
- v& j( A3 N6 W! f0 W0 S  cordial的近义词还有passionate,hospitable,enthusiastic等。
6 F2 r! w' r) M/ f6 m4 J6 K8 f  The president received a cordial welcome on his visit in Canada.( ~5 b4 g, {& b/ `& v3 W
  总统在加拿大访问期间受到了热烈的欢迎。% z# u4 J% {# j+ |3 U
4. corrupt a./v. 腐败的;腐蚀;堕落
/ z' h, L# R) z( o; _9 f) u  The corrupt officials will be punished one day!
  V& y7 y# Z: D% P% ~; v  那些腐败的官员总有一天会受到惩罚!
8 X6 d3 G$ O2 z9 }) U0 q1 h: E/ ]  词汇扩展:跟腐败相关的词汇~ corruption n. 贪污 bribe v. 行贿 accept /take bribe 受贿1 A7 O! W9 @% t+ X4 F
5. cozy a. 舒适的
6 J2 ?' X. W4 ?% s  cozy是美式拼法,cosy是英式拼法,二者意思一样,它的同义词是comfortable。
: e' C3 i' }% j) P8 R1 ]  I don’t want to leave the cozy room.

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