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[六级词汇语法] 2012年大学英语六级词汇精选练习三十三

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 106.____ that the demand for power continues to rise at the current rate,it will not be long before traditional sources become inadequate. / e! N8 j9 x. j6 `5 A6 C$ N/ J; J
  A) Concerning
/ ]$ H' G5 ?4 Y- Y  B) Ascertaining
% D  e: o! Q& b8 P/ n* R& M' D  C) Assuming
) k1 ~1 [* W8 R, j; K  D) Regarding 6 I/ A9 H  J7 R; Q
 106.Her jewelry ____ under the spotlights and she became the dominant figure at the ball. 5 v& X$ v0 X( E7 ]: k
  A) glared
0 [- M0 N; T, ~# z! x8 f  B) glittered * R' U$ Z, D, n( [& k
  C) blazed
/ H1 ]6 I3 Z3 J5 _! @! e+ s  D) dazzled 1 b# v  E& ~4 r' m0 p1 B! G
  107.Connie was told that if she worked too hard,her health would ____.
( a: }& z4 k0 o; {  A) deteriorate
7 ?1 E  B, ^( l  B) degrade ' R: ]" q0 a  g: l
  C) descend
" J* |1 v& O* O; M  D) decay
# {. i" ]" s! H- w7 M) O  108.We find that some birds ____ twice a year between hot and cold countries. 7 `4 _# e8 q9 H* y" c' I1 S9 N
  A) transfer 1 U4 J: L' j! j% |8 }
  B) commute 0 ^1 [6 m2 N* E/ A, H+ N
  C) migrate
0 b# F& |; Q! X) A* I( Z9 x  D) emigrate 0 Q; }# R6 G$ l& ~3 z
  109.As visiting scholars,they willingly ____ to the customs of the country they live in. . R5 @9 E5 s8 j1 y$ R9 X
  A) submit
) E0 S# h* H  `1 {% h  B) conform # G  o# U" ?9 w1 Q$ J
  C) subject $ D# k& w" p" S" U1 f; k; I
  D) commit
2 \# d; n& o* Z( K: g  110.More than 85 percent of French Canada’s population speaks French as a mother tongue and ____ to the Roman Catholic faith. 0 ]4 U, f. t9 Y- V. e
  A) caters $ P0 F. S: S# F3 N6 [2 D
  B) adheres ) L( C+ ~. j8 W6 F9 Z
  C) ascribes
7 p6 y) T* s# B% K! k  D) subscribes 6 s& A# u) X" q2 d
' C. K2 k2 |+ z1 }! M$ B
 106.参考译文:假设对电的需求以当前的速度继续增长,不久这些传统的资源就不够了。 * I7 s# ~! i; \3 h, S: X6 `
  A) Concerning 涉及,关系到
% e5 x3 ~( U; o, @  B) Ascertaining 确定,探知 * K' N$ J8 G+ M6 W3 ~. c
  C) Assuming 假定,设想,采取,呈现
8 p' c! N4 ~" j7 S) @  D) Regarding 看待,当作,重视,尊敬 9 d6 ^) L7 z) a% A/ V6 ^: J) C. P
106.B 参考译文:她的珠宝首饰在聚光灯下闪闪发光,让她在舞会上大出风头。 % g0 i5 j  g+ g3 m! t, G* h
  A) glared 闪耀,发出刺眼的强光,如The sun glared out of the blue sky(太阳在蓝天上发出强烈的光),也可表示怒气冲冲的瞪着某人,如glare at sb. ' ^6 k3 U. s  x8 |6 C. D" Q
  B) glittered 闪闪发光,闪烁,常指珠宝,星光等的闪光
2 S# k! ?! C; y" \+ D$ ?  C) blazed 燃烧,发光,发出。。的光辉
3 H( t0 o1 X) x( ~; V, t/ F$ A) M  D) dazzled 使目眩,使眼花,使视线变得模糊,尤指被强光把眼睛弄花的,如The bright light of the car dazzled me(这汽车的灯光使我目眩)
: w" y- I  \; P( }  107.A 参考译文:Connie被告知如果工作太努力,她的健康就会越来越糟。 % o( d  g$ N+ J1 a1 Q1 {
  A) deteriorate 恶化 ; u5 Q# Z% T, F" ?- P( w/ ?6 W
  B) degrade 使堕落,使受屈辱,降低品格(身价,价值等)如You degrade yourself when you tell a lie(说谎会贬低自己的身份)
3 x, c, e6 @. Z3 T  C) descend 下降,下来 $ k# G9 P, N3 Q# T, \5 D9 g. c
  D) decay 使腐朽,使腐烂,使衰退 " F" K1 d) q" v$ e2 b0 z
  108.C 参考译文:我们发现一些鸟一年之中在天寒和天暖的国家之间迁徙两次。
# Q5 K- j# u4 F  A) transfer 移交,转移,调任
0 y. c0 k: j7 ^' F# u# P  B) commute 往来,尤其指经常乘车往来于工作地点和住所之间
) Z% r! X# y- _  C) migrate 迁徙(鸟类岁季节而定期迁移,鱼类的洄游) : N, [% w1 d" L: d
  D) emigrate 英文解释为to leave one’s own country in order to go and live in another country,看出主要指人移居国外
* i) O! y- `. {2 u  109.B 参考译文:作为访问学者,他们愿意遵守所在国的传统习俗。 ! j+ z8 T3 i4 [, s6 e/ N
  A) submit 常与to连用“服从,顺从,使降服”,如refuse to submit to an unjust decision(拒绝服从不公正的决定),还表示“提出,提交”,如I submitted my papers to the examiner(我把试卷交给主考官)
" Y1 f# }3 s4 P: t: k" ~2 i  B) conform 与to或with连用,表示“符合,顺应”,如conform to the customs of society(遵守社会习俗) 9 F0 h4 X$ l5 w$ v  j* G
  C) subject 常与to连用“受统治,受支配” " A: |5 Y7 a5 u; J. y* H
  D) commit 委托,与to连用,表示“致力于,约束或强制”,如They were committed to follow orders(他们对命令全力以赴)
% M' a" O+ z: Y  P7 b  110.B 参考译文:85%以上的法裔加拿大人以法语作为他们的母语,并信奉天主教。
, [  B/ A) {0 l3 \* d: S/ k, i2 _5 a) j  A) caters 与to或for连用,迎合,投合,如cater for the need of the customers(迎合顾客的需求)
( l5 m9 R8 ?: H! Q  m  F, R8 e( s; V  B) adheres 与to连用,坚持,拥护,追随 ( s7 }/ ]0 K9 H% ^/ Q
  C) ascribes 与to连用,归纳于某一具体原因,来源或根源,如ascribed the poor harvest to drought(把欠收归咎于干旱)

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:45 | 显示全部楼层


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