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[六级词汇语法] 2012年12月大学英语六级词汇专项模拟(5)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年12月大学英语六级词汇专项模拟(5). u( \2 C) ]) R
 61. The suspect ______ that he had not been in the neighbourhood at the time of the crime.
7 V' W0 _# |, D+ ^+ R! ?7 p( O  A) advocated 4 }! |- S8 x* ]! z6 s9 N
  B) alleged & N& D% U2 f& y
  C) addressed 外语学习网$ ]/ e/ ?6 d$ i; ^, h/ h7 l% _
  D) announced
6 ~1 I- Z; r# B0 A, n; T1 F  62. Although the colonists ______ to some extent with the native Americans , the Indians’ influence on American culture and language was not extensive.
/ m0 c4 H+ \* ?! v+ p9 z0 ?/ e8 D7 U" ^  A) migrated
( q; _) h% b- V$ T6 r. E8 _1 F  B) matched , n) x% N  `$ S2 R
  C) mingled ( @- _2 F' B) J
  D) melted 0 L6 q  ]/ n4 A" o+ ]
  注:mingle 混合(六级最爱) 7 }2 n( K2 L1 d+ e  ?" a
  63. E-mail is a convenient, highly democratic informal medium for conveying messages that _______ well to human needs. 4 s4 }( B! p) X; i$ f; m
  A) adheres
: _4 c% B: `6 x+ x4 A, J0 g  B) reflects
4 P( m7 w. G' I+ l& x2 p+ O  C) conforms 7 t1 H2 t( ~% O6 A4 U  B5 I( c" L
  D) satisfies + M3 ]2 W" {. {3 B# `1 F3 q
  注:conform to 表符合 * E: ~/ L6 \' }* i# k
  64. The wings of the bird still ______ after it had been shot down. # O$ B5 u1 p; ~+ [& G4 _
  A) slapped , k/ k& w  y. X3 b
  B) scratched 外语学习网2 E  F1 W4 ~' ?% P$ q
  C) flapped + @( d; O. B6 ^& x7 N
  D) fluctuated
7 @2 W- [% T0 E+ S8 [& ?  注:1. flap 拍动 2. slap 掴耳光
& h! m" h7 A$ D# W  3. scratch 用爪子抓、刮、挠;scratch your head 思考;scowl 皱眉头 4. fluctuate 波动
. o* \  M+ X* i& |- Z& e) X# r  Z  65. The disagreement over trade restrictions could seriously ______ relations between the two countries.
2 L' N/ b! z( i  A) tumble
9 ^/ A$ ?: v; G3 ]+ j+ s  B) jeopardize # A: {, T% a* o1 h
  C) manipulate
5 g; W& |: U  [: a6 I  D) intimidate
- ]* |1 a+ k2 U( b  注:jeopardize 危险

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