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[六级词汇语法] 2012年12月大学英语六级语法专项练习(3)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
. q. a* h) C: ?+ K. U4 w9 w 51. Professor smith and Professor Brown will ________ in giving the class lectures.
. o( L* x. I9 H  {. ?  A) alter     B) change     C) alternate      D) differ(C)
! \( a. x7 k6 R. o% D5 ~  52. Understanding the cultural habits of another nation, especially ________ containing as many different subcultures as the United States, is a complex task.8 c/ ?% T6 j5 ]$ v& F, b7 n
  A) one     B) the one    C) that     D) such(A)
1 h  X9 t/ Y# y7 R0 ^  53. The manager promised to have my complaint ________.考试用书. S6 Q! ]3 T- o% [, P1 h. m$ r
  A) looked through   B) looked into   C) looked over    D) looked after(B): K( @8 m( s$ \* j9 v
  54. You can't be ________ careful in making the decision as it was such a critical case.
/ T3 F: m1 F2 L5 r  A) very   B) quite       C) too       D) so(C)
, m" `( y7 ~& z2 }, {  55. Children are ________ to have some accidents as they grow up.
7 l) I8 z* V  }: j3 @' x& w5 ?  A) obvious     B) indispensable     C) bound     D) doubtless(C)
8 H* o/ r0 T; p答案:51. C 52. A 53. B 54. C 55. C

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