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[六级词汇语法] 2012年12月大学英语六级语法专项练习(10)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
' Q, l, {* V* @: y7 L5 }; }  56. Since they betrayed us, they have no hope of convincing ________ their sincerity.: x# @* {- G3 H' Q1 A" o
  A) with        B) for        C) in        D) of(B)$ O5 I4 W2 U; @
  57. They assured us that ________ was waiting for they were there to share it.转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]' L' p# c6 r. j, }
  A) what        B) whatever        C) it        D) whoever(B)9 T+ R! ~9 O5 M: F' p; o, N
  58. ________ exposure to dirty air can cause people suffer from some diseases.
0 v/ L( w2 g1 T  A) Raised        B) Prolonged        C) Expanded        D) Enlarged(C)& q. X2 a1 T* I  H2 e
  59. ________ about one of the most rapidly changing countries in a ceaselessly changing world is not all easy.: V8 n% l2 K7 d- O
  A) Being informed        B) To be informing
+ _# Z+ T2 V5 Q9 B0 }* h2 P  C) Have in formed        D) Informed(B)
' Q+ y. k! W, H* g  60. Though you stay in the sea for weeks, you will not ________ contact with the outside world.
8 J2 N) B! c1 A7 _) \: c; i  A) lose        B) fall        C) miss        D) fail(D)  q3 w) z! U- S- b3 m4 j8 G! F8 c
答案:56. B 57. B 58. C 59. B 60. D

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