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[六级词汇语法] 2012年12月大学英语六级语法专项练习(17)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  W- b' _6 D% L, J& U! J/ o 51. Many people, if not most, ________ literary taste as an elegant accomplishment, by acquiring which they will complete themselves, and make themselves finally fit as members of a correct society.9 S/ M$ _8 l- o) D. V; l; V- f
  A) look on      B) look down      C) look in      D) look into(A)中华考试网(www.Examw。com)2 }% N+ P7 E; Z4 Y% ^$ n
  52. What a good listener is able to do is to process what he hears on the basis of the context ________.
1 E: v/ U2 B: G  A) it occurring in      B) occurred in it      C) occurring in it      D) it occurs in(A)
! l; [* B$ O7 y/ J  53. The car accident was ________ to the driver's violation of the traffic regulations.
/ e% \# W6 }2 s4 \& K  A) assigned      B) contributed      C) attributed      D) transferred(C)1 o5 C4 [, c- F( l. I" N
  54. She is a very ________ student. She's always talking about travelling to outer space.
3 N$ q& M( o# }% q& U4 }" _1 R  A) imaginary      B) imaginative      C) imaginable      D) imagining(B); R- O2 [2 ?$ }  }6 b2 T% \
  55. His lectures on Roman history would do credit ________ a real expert.
% N6 s- F5 B. ?3 Q5 z* |  A) in      B) to      C) of      D) with(B)

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