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[六级词汇语法] 2012年12月大学英语六级语法专项练习(26)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
& G6 q5 a' T/ y9 d9 v/ `  M  66. I'd rather you ________ those important documents with you.0 R2 `! k, N& {( w
  A) don't take      B) didn't take      C) won't take      D) not take(B)
! a) M7 y/ m$ g. k+ d# l  67. To call the music of another music-culture "primitive" is ________ one's own standards on a group that does not recognize them.
. s5 Y8 i0 p! }/ i  A) putting      B) emphasizing      C) forcing      D) imposing(D)
& M: L2 k9 w, T* v) l  68. The prisoner has been ________ of many privileges that average citizens enjoy.
" o2 Y0 t9 l0 C! s  A) ensured      B) informed      C) deprived      D) convinced(C)外语学习网4 s& N* z4 [+ ^8 C2 c; Y6 {
  69. Every camera we sell comes with a two-year ________.0 M- w% o" h0 J+ A
  A) guarantee      B) safety      C) confirmation      D) conservation(A)5 k; s* E2 G2 P( j, t& u8 p
  70. While in London, we paid a visit to the hospital founded ________ the nurse Florence Nightingale.
# h7 b3 o: T! A! P. w$ v1 f  A) in line with      B) in favour of      C) in honour of      D) in place of(C)

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