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[六级词汇语法] 2012年12月大学英语六级语法专项练习(24)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2 u6 R7 V% i8 u( M. Q8 u3 g 56. Before he started work, I asked the builder to give me an ________ of the cost of repairing the roof.2 s0 a4 Y# Y: Z3 h* q  ], Y8 l+ B
  A) assessment      B) estimate      C) announcement      D) evaluation(B)9 w- {, J, z. E  z
  57. We often advise him not to drink more wine ________ is good for his health.www.ExamW.CoM
6 i# x8 i% G5 Q# S1 W% C3 j  A) as      B) than      C) that      D) but(B)
/ I9 h$ q* E& |0 U7 {  58. When Jack was eighteen he ________ going around with a strange set of people and staying out very late.
$ G3 l$ L4 j, b/ n  A) took to      B) took for      C) took up      D) took on(A)
$ j/ S/ p1 t* ]! s: P  59. Although not an economist himself, Dr. Smith has long been a severe critic of the government's ________ policies.3 l: Y) v2 j$ c( w# v# w' T
  A) economical      B) economy      C) economic      D) economics(C)
1 b" W$ E. \$ ^# W5 p% t  60. We grow all our own fruit and vegetables, ________ saves money, of course.$ j  o# g0 L& ~: _- j7 f; b" C
  A) which      B) as      C) that      D) what(A)

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