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[六级词汇语法] 英语六级考试:词汇综合练习及答案(3)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
5. The accident ________ him of his sight and the use of his legs.1 ]( M: Y+ P9 M$ N9 S1 F
  A. excluded include包括clude=shut (关门)包括包含(关在里面) exclude排除排斥拒绝exclusive n exclusive interview独家访问
; H9 w- X* o2 V$ o9 ^  B. disabled disable: make sb. unable to do sth.从身心两方面伤害某人
  h- F( ?0 j- U  C. deprived deprive sb. of sth.剥夺抢夺
/ K/ w8 O) H! ?1 R) x  D. gripped紧紧抓住4 g* O/ C1 G- ]; g
  the disalbled残疾人(只有六级用); W: t$ s9 d5 Q2 Z$ u7 Q
  the disadvantaged弱势群体(美国表示残疾人)$ l. A% [( ]7 O
  the advantaged强势群体" s* q- y" y1 m1 F. |; o
  accident交通事故5 {# K- d6 }4 K; {  s( O$ G5 C# L6 o! j
& |! f' r7 g4 a# e  answer:C
0 v! h1 ~& y" Q5 O4 z
* R% r. _% C; r* H6. On weekends my grandma usually ________ a glass of wine.
- p; s, N) [2 g( a  A. subscribes to同意支付款项★submit to (六级)提交上交递交describe描述★ascribe to归因于归咎于(无名词)
. y) B# [: V6 D$ {2 a. Q  B. engages in engage订婚engage in忙于做某事参加某项活动, F; I* u" j9 m7 r& b8 H
  C. hangs on坚韧坚持(on漂浮在空中)
1 r% s  g/ h7 U/ Q2 Y- j  D. indulges in沉溺于纵情于享受于2 _2 O# d& r! [2 r0 u# x
  葡萄酒只能对酌不能独饮" |/ a0 j4 _& c+ l3 P5 g9 V
  变成名词时,后缀为 - scription$ }" Y( Z9 m" s
  prescribe开药方, }0 g8 c6 b  r* e3 C7 M! {
8 t' J9 R! l: x& k; Z  answer:D" c3 S& Y9 |) [' o+ U! h. |
7. The people living in these apartments have free ________ to that swimming pool.1 [4 L& _; r  Y
  A. access中性词have access to自由进出的权利accession to WTO accession to = have access to (进入某地的权利,美国越长的词越有文化)
. W3 n0 o" A# d0 R  B. excess多余过剩excessive adj exceed超越A match
# C# z/ o; \9 F) @; a  B. A跟B一样的水平A exceed.
8 t6 k# B- S6 b: C9 N' I  B. A超越B.7 l0 ]0 @, V( I5 W( k  ~* Y$ b; }
  C. excursion短途旅行
: d" z$ n0 T" b2 Z  m4 d+ V  D. recreations create娱乐休闲(重新创造)9 n: A! D6 W" y  {& H( I. k
9 N# M. T% K* L; h7 @) [3 j  amusement娱乐2 \4 @7 s/ d: r  h8 {- S, D
  answer:A, b7 y+ R# N" {
) {8 V1 h- x3 c9 N! y6 Z
8. At the party we found that shy girl ________ her mother all the time.5 Z* o$ P" k& N
  A. depending on (depend on不能用于进行时态) independent独立的不依赖的
4 q( E7 B2 D+ n  B. coinciding with (coincide两个以上物体面积轮廓相似,事件同时发生意见一致巧合)" ^* t$ H. `! ?) k: V) @" d
  C. adhering to adhere to粘住;终于坚持;遵守法律法规(adhere to ,comply with ,conform to )
3 j2 ?) S. ]' R  C7 Z/ F. A  D. clinging to抱紧掌握
, n6 Q4 i8 z# D! ^9 ?" Z  answer:D6 C6 N& j8 o: V6 R
  P169 2000.06 66题- @& q6 F( j# Q: S
  When you put up wallpaper, should you ________ the edges or put them next to each other?4 k3 G1 ]; [# k# `$ A
  A. coincide (两边对齐,墙纸有重叠)  J! y$ c. w6 D/ K/ O
  B. extend (拉伸以后贴上去)
/ h) F1 U% O  Y4 C" a- `  C. overlap (over盖住lap贴一张)
! n; t, G0 E  Q# F( o  D. collide (碰撞,2个物体相碰撞)/ Z; C7 P* v+ t3 o$ S- }
0 i7 T2 c8 D* }& E7 ?$ i) h# H; I2 w# U% F
9. When a psychologist does a general experiment about the human mind, he selects people ________ and ask them questions.
1 q8 A# ~+ b: O) |3 Y5 X# x/ U  A. at length (at last finally (六级) 【完整地,全部地(四级)】, y  O  {* g; h9 p
  B. at random = randomly随意地,偶然地【第50题deliberately存心地故意地】
8 V$ j& J3 e+ ?  p  c3 o' [0 L% Y  C. in essence本质上地,实质上地(essential实质的本质的)2 a3 u0 A+ a  w! b1 Y1 X! D
  D. in bulk散装地8 E0 O2 M1 q6 \
/ B1 Z% }9 j2 Z  l6 ^- e/ s4 y6 n  psycho - 有关心理地前缀2 H* T; `$ p- s3 Z4 c" d# a0 ]
  therapy - 疗法
0 Z( I) [9 i6 I+ L  psychotherapy - 精神疗法' q6 D# d: g$ t6 U3 e
  obesity, anxiety, insomnia, hypotension心理紧张(tension紧张)
/ ^) ^) r& {# s  answer:B( l8 {; ~7 u' M' i5 E1 X* b2 m
10. I think she hurt my feelings ________ rather than by accidents as she claimed.: ?6 E) C; Y! e6 z& w8 F, J4 [
  A. virtually2 |' V+ u* _; z$ L" W. u: _
  B. deliberately存心地故意地
. _6 |3 }) w! n* m  C. literally逐字逐句地毫不夸张地liter = language literature文学illiteracy文盲exaggerate夸张
- U9 f, g, f0 d5 P! G5 o  D. appropriately适当地适合地(approximately大约地)
% z4 T2 G9 g3 y: Z* B3 c  rather than句型
9 S+ M9 J* y% Q) ]  by accidents = at random4 f) S! x/ K9 R0 y

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