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[六级词汇语法] 英语六级考试:词汇综合练习及答案(5)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. The peotry of Ezra Pound is sometimes difficult to understand because it contains so many ________ references.
1 n2 g: ?( I: O8 S5 q+ bA. obscure (重音第二个)
) f5 ~8 d4 f# b0 r* X* H7 r3 ]; P8 HB. acute (cute聪明伶俐boney多骨的bony美丽的可爱的)
( W8 q6 T& U! ^& J+ f' ]! BC. notable重要的显著的(odour气味)
$ b& A) u0 n3 S; hD. objective客观的真实的
9 W! n- b$ V  P  ]; D: e1 x9 |  peotry诗
4 J% N% ], ~( _, c/ Z/ X  references :参考书典故推荐信
' I! y$ z- I% C7 b6 S, n* z: a  reference letter (推荐信)= recommendation letter (推荐信)( @% D' S* }8 K4 `6 z- S
4 C: L" j% a7 [6 Y2 X* [  obscure晦涩的(才华横溢的人饿不死)) [8 w0 O) f" |$ c
  ambiguous模棱两可的晦涩难懂的(我辈中人,吃安毕圭)( r8 f  r7 ^/ S1 {+ S, H/ G' l
  instant dictionary快速字典(文曲星)
( F' M2 b! C4 T  answer:A9 ?3 |! z; c6 N5 B( m; \
2. The major was asked to ________ his speech in order to allow his audience to raise questions.* u$ w6 t. Z4 a) ]/ l* J7 P
A. constrain (只要在选项中就不选)4 V5 Y! }: G8 N* h& x7 R" I
B. conduct指挥(过于简单的词)
' _1 {6 ~( H$ w: A5 m2 QC. condense浓缩使简介(density密度)$ h6 |# C2 K* h$ v2 j
D. converge豫东物体的集聚和汇合思想和思潮的荟萃(verge线条【罗马时】)
6 O3 J# B2 ^8 a0 N  con:前缀代表together
9 X- ^- I  s+ |$ y" B; W  n6 p  自己判断太简单的单词一定不会考
" `$ G" g9 J1 C. a& W  answer:C
$ \" Z- X* |9 l( A3. The morning news says a school bus ________ with a train at the junction and a group of policemen were sent there immediately.
' A+ S6 {; j) Z9 o) ~/ l& P7 ^A. bumped 【bumped against/on运动物体撞静止物体(bump car)】
3 r' Y8 f4 v" `: w# a! z( l. HB. collided 【collide with两个运动的物体相撞两国冲突】$ H6 M' c6 e. s+ ^- r
C. crashed飞机失事砸碎打碎崩溃【关于崩溃的词:crumple、collapse (倒塌)】- k9 g8 S/ _! A* |5 f
D. struck【strick打击、stikingly令人惊讶地】5 e2 c+ k2 q4 y1 p) S$ O
  boost you up
. C) I: q$ L% W. s/ h  a bundle of pundits一捆牛人: P+ i* c  y- o* ]# e7 T3 o6 Y
6 ]3 h3 k) O+ @3 q; Y  two-fisted sportsman全能运动员【two-fisted左右开弓】
% x* z* q- N& G+ P+ [8 m1 y  bite咬着: x% i$ R6 l6 ]; ?& p2 P  P
) x8 C6 x) z. C4 M1 d, i# f6 N+ c/ W$ B  hypnosis催眠& I( I0 ?; {$ C! c* T5 C; R
  bite the bullets咬住子弹(忍受无端痛苦)
, a( I: d# [; q- O  answer:B
& q, D9 r. {( ?: ^* p8 V4. Sometimes patients (分词短语做定语) suffering from severe pain can be helped by "drugs" that aren't really drugs at all ________ sugar pills that contain no active chemical elements.(连词)
: H4 m" k2 x' `' dA. or rather
. i  ~8 o7 |' cB. rather than
+ r) x  I$ A$ x0 @- IC. but rather【no…but rather不是而是】
) D& j; N( m% K4 LD. other than
( X7 _( n. Y/ T& h3 q2 m  severe:严重的
+ M5 ^" X4 _1 E/ p7 Z% e! F  relieve缓解1 A. k( }# V* J0 _2 g! u8 \
  sugar pills糖片4 A& C% k8 `8 ]9 w8 n
  therapy疗法1 z7 e, J+ }( ?8 t+ r' U: v- l
  remedy解决问题地方法治愈疾病的方法& N. G2 C* k9 E( @$ F
  comedy喜剧, C9 k4 W  t" S+ w
, s& R; g3 B4 F. i2 Y- i( m6 \  or…raher = accurately speaking (用在句中)% e4 o$ A) `! j4 G
  A rather than B宁要A不要B
& O  c2 z9 \+ F) _  if = provided that (如果)
) P- D: h- o! h5 W8 J  all alone (副词)独自独立地
2 o! H  P1 b1 H  all the +形容词比较级(更加越来越)【副词连接副词】
4 @% {* B) ]8 E2 |4 g8 _  e. g. You will be all the better for a holiday./ ^/ T; {0 o& W2 Z/ ~7 N3 i
3 H0 ~) M) C1 u# H7 e  for certain = certianly5 z" [# m8 I: j; L  [
  for all that后面跟从句= despite that尽管虽然
- r$ `/ c* T. Z$ N  in that = because
' W: S1 T8 ]) }  Y# H1 {  let alone至于…更不用说= not to mention that
4 I3 ~2 E9 |3 U" i5 Z6 y  but for = except for ; without莫非要不是
8 Y) g1 v# B) X9 g  u$ K  but that = except that后面跟从句
: }: i+ v% h( T% K. @" r  but then = on the other hand! ]9 N( `  B& C4 |/ ^- X9 ?
  now that既然(用于句首)
+ i6 s# Q) b7 @$ A# ]- ]  answer:C9 t6 c+ q; S1 O0 C8 T! k
5. We are writing to the manager ________ the repairs recently carried out at the above address.(短语) 8 l8 Z# }' Q/ o6 [$ L- ~
A. with the exception of 【exception除了】
9 P, i* [. ?* z! wB. with the purpose of 【purpose以…为目的】
2 i0 L( x  q+ N+ v) |0 |C. with reference to = refer to (提到)' j1 h0 {1 ]5 X6 W) c
D. with a view to【view观点不是风景】
/ r) E3 v4 c1 ?+ Q8 b1 ^  介词+名词+介词只看中间地名词
6 u' a0 |" h" b5 \8 X  prefer更喜欢
) k9 O2 S2 }, d& i! P  preference n倾向
; j+ W% T% O! k7 k, }  right - handed preference
! q* c3 E, c% b5 ^# _: h- b3 [2 g3 x" ~: F

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:45 | 显示全部楼层


</p>6. When I said goodbye to her, she ________ the door.(短语题错题题意不清楚)
- q$ b. N0 r4 d8 W% E/ k- P' ~5 Z, l) F5 l  M
A. saw me at在门口看着我
( I) c" L# O2 j* PB. set me off (set off开始做…动身启程到…)7 F) n5 S/ d; s$ E" @/ {
C. sent me to (人不能用sent打发的意思)【sent Tim to Lejing Tim是一只dog】& w, m+ O# m# B% _
D. showed me to (show sb to the door把某人送到门口)
" H& y- l1 D7 K8 s" J* Z  按照英美国家的礼仪,送客人只送到门口
$ g1 J% J3 ]- q* y  answer:D. \# k0 j/ C% Z/ f# ?
7. In the meantime, the question facing business is whether such research is ________ the costs.(永不再考题型)
7 K: [  p7 s1 B2 q" X$ UA. worth  m) w+ ~# E  T/ M  ]
B. worth of 【sth.(sb.) worth of钱的数目】  u0 {# G, v4 \. [6 L5 f: e
C. worthy7 ^/ E( H- t. Z
D. worthwhile
4 ^) p" T( Q9 y6 ?- g! ]  trustworthiness可信度
3 a3 a6 m/ m* r  trust信任度
1 S& D9 g7 I6 _" Z7 a, f  worthy值得2 M) W0 [3 ]4 N; O( V  N# @2 D$ r
0 g, r. A  d" h. `2 c- Y2 Q  trusetworthy值得信任的8 i4 V1 O/ m! K& I+ g
  credit card信用卡
( m0 L$ _- g8 m; A8 ~5 D  credibility信用2 G. Y9 {! v5 x+ Z
" o& N# c  q2 [) T5 S  be worth something = be worth doing something = be worthy of something = be worthy to be soemthing = be worthy of doing something# N( }7 N) L  Y* b. }' b2 z
  现在考试所有的worth和worthy只出现在阅读中9 M1 g' m; v2 F5 u: F
  answer:A. `- T" b% J3 Z+ ]& l
8. During the nineteen years of his career, France Battiate has won the ________ of a wide audience outside Italy.
0 J+ W0 t2 X5 N$ U% ZA. enjoyment2 q/ P/ U% B  t- p* P
B. appreciation赢得了别人地欣赏
1 v8 i6 u* g& u" D  y( p) W" i! TC. evaluation对于抽象意义的评估评价(人的评估评价)【assessment (对物品,比如房子多少钱不能用到评估我这个朋友多少钱)评估评价asset企业的不动产财产资产】
1 e4 S: R/ S$ ?( v/ |. U7 c! cD. reputation名声名望【fame (famous的名词) prestige以上均为名声名望】(priviledge特权)
2 K4 R$ I& m' _& C  \4 o2 x- k  tenor男高音(意大利语)
5 H7 O& l; x8 ~  appr开头的单词; s% g) O" X5 u% w, R4 }+ L
  appreciation赢得了别人地欣赏3 D- \3 o; a. x: E! s$ T
8 ^1 R4 c- D  U: J  appropriate
8 v3 B5 D4 W/ {1 L  approximate- t7 B- ]' X8 b4 P
  appreciation1 h7 g5 M  _/ B# S
* D, {# ^) p9 Z# C4 G7 ~1 V9. Although most dreams apparently happen ________, dream activity may be provoked by external influences.(三剑客词汇)
# P% D5 D; t0 Y% s) l. V  ?A. spontaneously自发地自然冲动地【spon】2 ^0 @" r% M- i4 T! v$ j
B. simultaneously同时地adv 【simul】
. ~2 Z& t' p, Q' l. D2 eC. homogeneously同等地同样地同等性质地【semi- - 半homo-= equal homosexual同性恋gene基因-geneous代表性质】
1 z* L/ @3 W1 H9 YD. instantaneously瞬间灿烂地昙花一现地3 U# }/ e+ |0 w4 O7 `7 _
  apparently# {' `7 \0 \7 P4 p0 P1 j8 P3 @
  provocative  h: s; a! i1 }/ o) ~
  provoked激怒激发9 B/ }- O5 u" h& n& {$ ]
* ~9 L: ~# C/ w' p8 s. t  ignite点燃燃起% o! r# k$ `; Z6 W) m2 r" A
  三剑客词汇A% I; I. l3 m* J, J% w* q
  B. C" \2 L; f+ }& ~4 D! V9 H+ d& f
5 {3 m0 C" @1 d8 L# `$ j* w10. He is holding a ________ position in the company and expects to be promoted soon.
1 q* ~1 |7 ~0 ?( R" b3 bA. subordinate初级的附属的次要的$ s  m2 P& m7 y; d
B. succeeding继承成功继续【-ceed = to go (exceed超越是一个宗教词)】; G% R- N* ~8 |8 o6 ~
C. successive继续的连续的(success的形容词)6 H, a4 `8 e# j" N
D. subsequent继续连续(sequence)+ ?1 c* a  U, a# |9 P/ O
  sub suc都代表under! w7 M2 f& Z, c+ J0 ?
$ [$ E( |7 g6 H# ^( \$ w% @1 X. `  subdue压制征服
7 P% C. ]2 t; w. L0 N- ]  sublime庄严的崇高的(lime门框)
( Y, V5 I! ^5 _. v7 V  submarine潜水艇(yellow submarine)
; x/ j' {. w) d2 K  submit - mit = send提交主张1 b- C7 Y/ s  j
  transmit传播transmission n/ L- z2 K0 ^7 L7 j" J9 I+ A
  subscribe签名定购捐助* Z! y2 Q( B- b
  -scribe = write2 M  [$ x: G8 Q. r$ d4 O, |. A1 w
  describe描述(记下来)+ D" S. w9 x* K; o  p$ s
  prescribe处方(拿药前)7 t( S% }' K. R$ K
  substitute代替品代理人(先写下来)  ?0 i! s9 M+ J4 G; U/ @2 ]; T
  subtitle字母7 r8 ^4 X1 O. C( L
  suburb市郊农村【urb城市】6 G6 B  s. t. F  Z
  urban城市6 p9 N' T9 ?. }- T8 V  J% F+ Y) M
  urbanization城市化/ f0 j( g5 S# w/ R
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