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[六级词汇语法] 2012年大学英语六级词汇精选练习三

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 11.There is much I enjoy about the changing seasons, but my favorite time is the ______ from fall to winter., z' s4 h9 D% v, R' [; H( ~5 u
  A) transmission; o+ g' y( I& @9 V
  B) transformation
3 w9 K, K9 t' H. H  C) transition  G- F7 ], Q% Z6 b
  D) transfer! D8 `- ]5 A& v0 ~
  12.I think we need to see an investment ______ before we make an expensive mistake.. |4 a1 b. U! s$ `. f
  A) guide
/ z' K; W7 Y9 M" n6 M6 h+ c  B) entrepreneur
6 _( W7 J" D! {- ~! |( Q% q  C) consultant
) n/ }2 n) z( J8 v, Y+ n+ Q  D) assessor% y9 E# _1 L' k9 H
13.The ______ on this apartment expires in a year's time.6 Z) ?: H/ h$ Z$ j9 V7 Q7 Q( W# n
  A) treaty4 v( P5 \; T! E8 Q2 f- _
  B) lease5 d# C$ K5 s% a  o
  C) engagement
. i* d+ P& Z! K) c# H1 ]# H  D) subsidy
( k! j# a. W1 _! j* o+ f0 U# D; ~  14.The elderly Russians find it hard to live on their state ______." t+ G; Z' c1 g8 k3 b& {
  A) pensions2 E4 R- j/ ]9 w, N
  B) earnings% `) F( X/ `+ D+ i0 T4 o/ K
  C) salaries: W" S7 G, F+ S& o
  D) donations( B1 W' t) ^0 K! u$ O* b( o
  15.There is supposed to be a safety ______ which makes it impossible for trains to collide.
; K9 F# P$ F$ T- ^  A) appliance( Q5 e3 E  k; U" q" |/ d  X
  B) accessory. J9 J! P$ O! E) r9 e  q0 ?
  C) machine
/ Z4 C' E6 r3 [  D) mechanism
6 f: Z8 X% A# B1 L( K' m: C) A2 w$ Y- J+ i
  答案:, ^4 w4 B8 y: l# f0 p
   11. C 参考译文:我很喜欢四季的交替,但我最喜欢秋冬之交的时节。
1 Y3 Y5 c+ w2 `! {) ]  y& W2 |  A) transmission 传播
9 Y1 q7 x- w" i  {* r  B) transformation 变形# o. j( ?7 e: G
  C) transition 过渡; p- ^, q" W- c
  D) transfer 转移
. Q% m- S  P/ Z: F+ m; J  12. C 参考译文:为了避免犯代价惨重的错误,我认为我们有必要咨询一下投资顾问。+ ]; m; J& p( h5 r8 Y- {
  A) guide 指南
. _: K! l  a  ^" |2 e4 C  B) entrepreneur 企业家- i7 \% M" _; q
  C) consultant 顾问
* T, i) i1 y4 O+ M! _4 z  D) assessor 估价员
  v6 Y$ b# u' |% ?13.B 参考译文:这套公寓的租约一年到期。
) ~( k& C( }) {  A) treaty 条约" [' i2 `0 w" T( D* x& y
  B) lease 租期
' p3 _5 O& d2 t3 ?8 ~' ]8 U  C) engagement 订婚
* v* Z) P/ {( F; F' E# T  D) subsidy 补助, a' z1 V5 n3 P% r
  14.A 参考译文:俄罗斯的老年人觉得只靠国家发给的养老金生活非常困难。
9 F% d1 N4 O. f) O# V  A) pension 退休金. t& ?' j6 `8 k9 I- T- q$ p
  B) earning 收入9 v4 Z( g$ k- _- ~- B
  C) salary 薪水" Q/ w2 V- Y# m" {
  D) donation 捐款
5 M/ D% R  h" ^7 z8 ?6 M: r  15.D 参考译文:据推测那儿有一种安全机械装置保证火车不相撞。  x9 }  f, x! a- ~9 ^
  A) appliance 器具
1 j) @. g% i$ N7 X; [  B) accessory 附件
1 z/ L/ {5 P$ D: _- K5 w2 H  C) machine 机器
, k2 b+ z/ J% y/ n- H, U  D) mechanism 机制

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