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[六级词汇语法] 2012年大学英语六级词汇精选练习十一

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
21. The prisoner was ______ of his civil liberty for three years.
: q7 A& n7 ]3 g, _5 E. o  A) discharged
9 p  d- z* m& g) p" S  B) derived
" ~) h4 y2 v# t# R' W  C) deprived
7 C- ?0 |& [4 B; b( I  D) dispatched" ?/ J0 ]- P/ J7 _2 B1 G
  22. Small farms and the lack of modern technology have ______ agricultural production.
2 [& S, m- p1 ?. \$ q  P  A) blundered" E6 p1 e0 f  X( K' H& L  |0 [
  B) tangled
) b0 C) [% Q0 s* d+ a  C) bewildered
5 }1 `% N0 V# X' Q9 k: ]+ D  D) hampered6 g5 ?2 J- T: R* {: V6 H" Q: o! _' Q
  23. The Japanese scientists have found that scents ______ efficiency and reduce stress among office workers.' N: _$ }/ m: b) W1 d
  A) enhance% S2 P/ }  h$ s
  B) amplilf2 y/ B7 E2 Q! Q
  C) foster
9 K. d# A6 z( l2 A% {  g  D) magnify
' v' J2 O3 `- }. X  24. All the students have to ______to the rules and regulations of the school.
* q2 `' k" r3 i* i7 H  E# P  A) confirm0 t4 I* k0 |- G  ~2 O  s: J1 ^
  B) confront
! L1 }( V- L. |$ S1 P- T1 ~8 J  C) confine
9 [) @% X9 K* a  D) conform' A+ u3 U: r  n) W1 ~' e4 h
 25. He ______ his head, wondering how to solve the problem.
5 U" T. z3 C0 z# r9 Y1 p  A) scrapped* P& E" d7 q$ b1 c
  B) screwed( i: [. Q5 C, K( [: W0 R: ^* }
  C) scraped
3 x0 S& t+ b$ s" p. x  D) scratched9 R4 i+ Z( V0 U+ n
 21. C 参考译文:那个罪犯被剥夺了三年的公民自由权。: ~6 C& Q. s8 h& M$ ~' M
  A) discharge 释放; x1 z) V! u9 f0 L3 g- {+ S( O
  B) derive 派生* z4 m  e! l" }
  C) deprive 迷惑0 ~$ ~$ _8 P$ E& R# _
  D) dispatch 派遣' ?, A4 S& `  l/ k( m) W1 b
  22. D 参考译文:农场规模小和现代技术的缺乏束缚了农业生产。6 p5 ~0 _8 z& d$ S2 ?. g
  A) blunder 做错,办错
# o; @7 [4 j# o6 J( U* {% g  B) tangle 使陷入
% U) n8 h: I; \9 E7 e) Y8 C  C) bewilder 迷惑; Y+ V" ~; W: k% F5 c( u
  D) hamper 阻碍
8 ?: o. p( y/ I" z( h  23. A 参考译文:日本科学家已经发现,香味能提高办公室工作人员的工作效率能减缓压力。
% o' @$ |+ s3 \9 }% E" Z! i3 ~  A) enhance 提高& K9 }' i! A  d% p: m/ M
  B) amplify 扩大/ k: G4 @( `! n% b3 E" z
  C) foster 培养8 n6 {' L# t* c- U- e. Y& c
  D) magnify 放大" W4 U1 S' v2 E+ |7 r$ y$ b+ w' y, c
  24. D 参考译文:所有学生都必须遵守校纪校规。  l( j- {; ~6 k
  A) confirm 确定4 M1 y& Q8 H5 Y! x' u* D# a( a
  B) confront 对抗# R  x/ C) `' ?- s5 L( h0 D
  C) confine 限制& ~+ l7 t/ a2 p
  D) conform 遵循
- V* x1 j0 t7 \% `0 q- p4 v! \25. D 参考译文:他挠着脑袋,思索着如何解决这个问题。
. H8 [* c1 q! b3 C9 C  A) scrap 打斗5 Z6 K7 u( X# t9 ^/ s* k" _
  B) screw 旋,拧: o5 i  x* ]0 Z& h9 o6 |2 X& o
  C) scrap 刮擦
! y0 |( ]6 Q4 `5 K- v" C' C  D) scratch 抓、擦

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