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[六级词汇语法] 2012年大学英语六级词汇精选练习十

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 16. Hurricanes are killer winds, and their ________ power lies in the physical damage they can do.
- i+ T: I# C" S! w" B/ ]3 d  A) cumulative3 D  j$ M3 w$ W" |9 d$ W0 p: r) t
  B) destructive
/ Q* d1 M* e+ n5 S- |  C) turbulent
% [, Y, u# v  w7 P  D) prevalent) E; ~+ [$ S. U
  17. In some countries, students are expected to be quiet and ________ in the classroom.8 D- k+ p3 X3 [0 f5 f$ r
  A) skeptical2 u! O' O% T7 B7 v/ C' K
  B) faithful
6 z6 w' W6 m$ \- W) r9 k  C) obedient
9 y  G; T/ Y2 d  D) subsidiary
2 _. L7 P$ l7 P18. In spite of the ______economic forecasts, manufacturing output has risen slightly.+ W0 c( h8 F; s% Z: [5 P
  A) gloomy
+ m5 }9 {& E$ R, d  B) miserable
" T- S2 z8 U( Z  f  C) shadowy
5 c4 O6 U( S6 u6 U& r7 X/ q5 d  D) obscure
2 p% u1 y, E, ?* t; j; c) X) t4 ~  19. Body paint or face paint is used mostly by men in preliterate societies in order to attract good health or to _______ disease.6 T$ S! _3 t6 r6 c: q) ?# r
  A) set aside/ a" S' [5 d. c& n  D* Z7 x5 {
  B) ward off6 o) L& l; L7 J7 D5 g: \
  C) shrug off4 g7 E4 k# h% D+ B) j) A3 r
  D) give away
, j# G' ~7 X- p% ~  20. The international situation has been growing _____difficult for the last few years.
( K; S- ]- l2 J( {0 D  A) invariably
, S% d0 F& v  n& \& P. t+ q  B) presumably1 l! B7 I5 o& R$ w& ]; l% }
  C) increasingly7 ]& _- H. c* @2 ?3 y  p* p
  D) dominantly
. Z+ `' f0 ~- T: _16. B 参考译文:飓风是具有杀伤力的风,其破坏性的力量在于其能够造成的物质损坏。+ w9 a# c4 f, j. `
  A) cumulative 积累的
" \) j/ ]8 k/ s* `5 k3 j& N  B) destructive 毁灭性的
# D" ]8 P( O8 ^! c# ]( V( J  C) turbulent 凶猛的
0 R4 u" r/ V4 \: l' M$ J6 o5 Y  r1 V  D) prevalent 普遍的8 b" P2 r' }7 Z7 _7 }
  17. C 参考译文:在某些国家,要求学生在教室里安静、听话。2 G6 k$ K. e" D; j# @; F$ y
  A) skeptical 怀疑
# Q2 f" c0 x0 h2 ~9 j5 |, k  B) faithful 忠诚的
6 R0 N' _- [/ @7 [# `0 l  C) obedient 服从的
7 Q/ ~" G2 M6 }& o  D) subsidiary 附属的
" S" A" k2 n. r6 K( g5 w18. A 参考译文:尽管经济发展前景不容乐观,但制造业的产量却稍有增加。- V  r& q6 b6 n' f' x7 o
  A) gloomy 低迷的
  c$ [  I* ~1 S/ y" U; w  B) miserable 痛苦的
0 Z* H" c( B8 K# c9 k$ Y& L/ F  C) shadowy 阴影的
( w7 h* m7 }  h. b" J. ~' T- a# c  D) obscure 模糊的
3 I& T6 U+ v  Q* |$ |0 C. O  19. B 参考译文:在史前社会,主要是男人纹身或纹面以追求健康或防止疾病。
4 U4 U& @2 l" o! h  A) set aside 拔出( e/ C* \7 n% o7 T7 m# _
  B) ward off 防止( r0 R6 S( M. Z; W" A( D
  C) shrug off 对...满不在乎
# j; r3 P* E5 j  D) give away 泄露
! A2 e: r; K! ~, K+ y5 E1 z  20. C 参考译文:最近几年里,国际形势日益严峻。+ I' b4 D* d: s9 S" d; A# G
  A) invariably 不变的
3 P# L% n. }: ?0 m  B) presumably 大概
" z: k$ Z9 A7 z" Q  C) increasingly 越来越
4 p' Z8 w  Q) z6 E- h4 w  D) dominantly 支配地

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