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[六级词汇语法] 2012年大学英语六级词汇精选练习九

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
11. The ________ of the scientific attitude is that the human mind can suceeed in understanding the universe.
8 g; a3 A  U) e  A) essence+ Z$ [% J9 m6 r2 `1 m) M: U+ Y0 H: F
  B) texture) |' \# {6 h2 |' `- L  j1 d
  C) content% y; ~" X4 b4 ?1 ^' k, ~3 I6 [8 K
  D) threshold9 {8 L( J# C$ L7 K( I& i
  12. The old lady has developed a ________ cough which cannot be cured completely in a short time.' N! l) b: f$ ^" \, t$ K* F* \
  A) perpetual
/ C3 L/ A6 n( C8 }$ s# s. m$ p# m  B) permanent: ^/ g: c5 f: j/ u6 P
  C) chronic
7 W( ~' g6 t8 |5 N5 L$ r& r  D) sustained- n& w  y" i/ f4 \1 ~4 w
  13. What the correspondent sent us is an ________ news report. We can depend on it.5 V  w, |6 R) ~. G
  A) evident" v, s/ @' n% ]) M" U" T) E
  B) authentic1 O+ B/ w- r9 d& u$ R+ M
  C) ultimate( A* n1 t# f' |  g
  D) immediate" g3 b- L% P* S( B3 O
  14. Having had her as a professor and adviser, I can tell you that she is an _______ force who pushes her students to excel far beyond their own expectations.6 v/ `1 d8 U3 e0 _5 Z6 j5 b
  A) inspirational
% d0 B/ r5 i! A/ F  B) educational
3 n7 n7 e. w4 F- m: T# E. a  C) excessive
2 a" k4 g& I0 R6 S+ S4 R  D) instantaneous% ~3 e8 n! U2 W5 G) R+ [8 Z
  15. Some researchers feel that certain people have nervous systems particularly ______ to hot, dry winds. They are what we call weather sensitive people.
3 Q$ r$ a  x. t8 d. L# i8 r& z0 P  A) subjective
% C2 {, h# f7 @5 p* O  B) subordinate
7 q% n+ C3 g& s( k/ F  C) liable) a" h: ?; a( \6 w8 I& \
  D) vulnerable+ R; V& m, t9 n: w; K9 T
11. A 参考译文:科学态度的本质是人类的智力能够成功地理解宇宙的奥秘。
0 i5 O0 [8 y9 {3 w1 y/ _  A) essence 本质
7 o& V+ g$ o7 T: `  B) texture 质地# y. Y) f& |3 N4 X0 _0 X( _5 m
  C) content 内容
+ {: Z, Z& {2 J. _  O  D) threshold 门槛$ C) V+ ?+ [( {" P; f& c8 I
  12. C 参考译文:那位老太太患有慢性咳嗽,短时间内无法完全治愈。
2 ]) \% d! q3 i  A) perpetual 永久的
& A& U& l& P7 B) `) U3 N  B) permanent 永恒的
$ t  e) M0 m1 K9 X5 e  C) chronic 慢性的4 [+ p$ b3 r) g/ n" N( ?
  D) sustained 持续的* ^& r7 U, i  z
  13. B 参考译文:记者发来的是一份可靠的新闻报道,我们可以依赖它。9 z/ R3 x3 I5 r: }) |  i  B( L
  A) evident 明显的3 r! J5 U# i/ s' ]) k+ D' k# ~$ Z$ J. `
  B) authentic 真实的8 U2 @7 @- ]0 J% f0 [; I+ P2 j2 E
  C) ultimate 最终的
6 g0 }8 f: Y7 T9 P& a$ B; c  D) immediate 立即的
( b2 F' f/ n0 T5 _% L" @( e6 |  14. A 参考译文:由于她是我的教授兼指导老师,我可以告诉你,她具有一种鼓舞力量,激发着她的学生超越他们自身的期望的成绩。
" Z6 K5 [4 }: E7 h) T( l  A) inspirational 有鼓舞力量的) [. h& Z3 Q/ ^5 y/ `1 [* f7 `
  B) educational 教育的
5 y9 x8 V: K; h7 D- o. s/ f  C) excessive 过度的
0 L3 \. o; s3 V& Y  D) instantaneous 即刻的1 G  N0 Q; i7 X; {% u' N
  15. D 参考译文:一些研究者认为某些人具有易受干燥热风伤害的神经系统,我们称他们为天气敏感者。2 r% ?5 V3 A3 X
  A) subjective 主观的% [8 A4 p& z% h- r
  B) subordinate 下级的
+ {+ {$ u) l2 @  C) liable 可能的) s2 r2 z- x; d' @# x  [
  D) vulnerable 脆弱的

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