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[六级词汇语法] 2012年大学英语六级词汇精选练习八

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 6. The two most important ________ in making a cake are flour and sugar .
/ t; y5 m3 I2 N/ N# i5 _  A) elements) I% b4 V- q. S; h
  B) components
/ C- C0 t4 f. d2 x4 o5 d0 q9 p  C) ingredients
( s# G, |! H5 o  D) constituents2 M  p, \' q. W$ m5 p. K/ C
  7. Cultural ________ indicates that human beings hand their languages down from one generation to another.
/ |) M7 L5 B& f  A) translation* J. z) l; g9 c# V  F( z# z3 _
  B) transition
9 U0 U$ E! Z' V1 U" J: o/ a  C) transmission* X/ y' H2 r. v; a8 j! ?
  D) transaction1 a% a6 `8 T) J' }4 |
  8. We must look beyond ________ and assumptions and try to discover what is missing.' ?+ v2 O* r+ U
  A) justifications
4 y6 C4 ~3 f) y! t2 t% e  B) illusions
1 ?4 X/ N# }! ^6 N/ M$ N9 G  C) manifestations9 H/ X6 C; L* }0 m. ?1 U3 D0 B
  D) specifications) [0 t5 M  R- `
  9. No one imagined that the apparently ________ businessman was really a criminal.
. r& Z1 h4 t; P2 C  A) respective8 p) u, e7 G& b/ x7 Z5 w0 F4 r
  B) respectable
% T) H* ~- L+ \% K  {8 B1 n# r  C) respectful
! Y" b! u9 o; V* x  D) realistic
8 t' S7 C) ?5 \3 V  10. If nothing is done to protect the environment, millions of spedes that are alive today will have become ________ .8 z2 r9 V7 r9 p4 c( m
  A) deteriorated- x) A/ C) |$ N0 R, p9 f5 ]
  B) degenerated+ e! A* @8 w: {) |- b1 P  o
  C) suppressed* b5 ^, P$ K( C$ z: o
  D) extinct5 X6 X1 t( a9 @" O% j
6. C 参考译文:制作蛋糕时所需的两种最重要的原料是面粉和糖。
$ L/ }1 y3 j- ^6 D8 n' B  A) element 元素: y+ l6 V1 W/ r' c3 {' `7 k1 `
  B) component 部件
9 S. }8 b0 D: n8 a. K9 `  C) ingredient 配料
. L6 M% H4 a) T/ i  D) constituent 成分' ?# y1 Y$ ~! ^% r) E% E  j; {
  7. C 参考译文:文化传播意味着人类将语言代代相传。* r4 m4 }' `+ L5 T& r' n& W8 s
  A) translation 翻译+ I- q, J$ R( G  l- ?5 S/ W* h
  B) transition 过渡
4 a, F: o6 ?; L, Y% H  C) transmission 传播; X% i/ b6 `2 U- H7 p/ _% I
  D) transaction 交易. D3 J2 ?6 X6 D. X2 p
  8. B 参考译文:我们必须看破那些幻觉和设想,努力去发现遗漏的东西。
! I$ V; E1 |- _, |  A) justification 理由
' g* M, N# t* d# s% v' @  B) illusion 幻想
9 i, V% N* _+ ~( N& T% ~( C  C) manifestation 证明9 X; I" u3 j' x* }: z
  D) specification 产品说明
4 E5 U1 Y! b& J  p; Z  9. B 参考译文:没有人想象到这位表面上受人尊敬的商人实际上是个罪犯。4 b" u3 ]/ B# d# w& t
  A) respective 分别的0 U4 w" ~& G+ o/ c
  B) respectable 可尊敬的
& e- U5 L" r7 b! B  C) respectful 尊敬的
3 i8 N' Z$ C" z/ Y7 p+ r0 B0 `  D) realistic 现实的
  K# U, g: j" a1 u3 A. @9 k  10. D 参考译文:如果不采取措施保护环境,数百万的现存物种就会灭绝
9 L" h" @8 n+ j* M  A) deteriorate 恶化
! m) E$ d" x% g1 p8 z8 N6 |: J  B) degenerate 堕落: X( F1 F: W6 E
  C) suppress 压制
# a5 `5 J+ ^0 l2 d7 o9 Q  D) extinct 灭绝

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