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[六级词汇语法] 2012年大学英语六级词汇精选练习十九

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
31.The lady in this strange tale very obviously suffers from a serious mental illness. Her plot8 d7 E9 Z+ ^: S7 f* `
  against a completely innocent old man is a clear sign of________.
) [7 J1 E# ?5 {* O- U  A)impulse, P8 `; K/ |7 N1 c: Q
  B)insanity- f/ J+ {. ~0 P' t5 |8 F, R! u) O' d7 _
  C)inspiration! g# k- V/ C8 ?
1 m$ T1 s2 T: Z, i. o: M. C' N  32.The Prime Minister was followed by five or six _______ when he got off the plane.& P: R8 _! w. J: Y' j- F
! B8 z5 o3 s- \  B)servants9 j- b9 r( T  O3 A
  C)directors- e$ d) @" }) {/ y9 r* P  m
  D)attendants5 \8 }) z3 J8 D6 d- H! y
  33.There is no doubt that the ________ of these goods to the others is easy to see.2 m* l+ W0 f, t7 ]. m6 }4 l: u
  A)prestige5 d/ ^5 f/ g& [3 k! R$ `$ M
  B)superiority5 L, j& K6 P: E2 O1 `8 u
  C)priority! ]& F0 C2 O: `6 K
  D)publicity7 }. m2 t' [$ a4 m1 M6 V
  34.All the guests were invited to attend the wedding ________ and had a very good time.
7 Z6 q8 b- k8 j! B5 D2 z  A)feast6 A" {8 c: T' f& \0 ^" K, u; T
  B)congratulations  o. G3 \$ [# f; r' L8 u9 t
  C)festival) i0 z7 z8 |/ h+ \$ W
) X; L2 E, W2 O0 J 35.Rumours are everywhere, spreading fear, damaging reputations, and turning calm situations into ______ ones.0 n/ S. g8 U! z- Q2 j
  A) turbulent
3 u: {) }! ?8 ~1 a  ?$ H3 U  B) tragic3 _& _; y' V  z5 k: ?( W
  C) vulnerable
: k$ \5 h8 l, @  {8 f1 A  D) suspicious' I3 F  c. t% w. I- L" m8 d

9 K! m" z! O, X# B31.A 参考译文:这本奇异小说里的女士有严重的精神疾病,她对完全无辜的老人实施的阴谋很明显地是一种冲动。
  L2 a0 R  y; x& Z; _4 x  本题为上下义词复现。题干第一句提到suffer from a serious mental illness,指患一种严重的精神疾病,那么后面说介绍的反应自然也应该是这种疾病的反应。/ h4 P( ^; g9 H* [5 R& A
  A)impulse 冲动5 u5 j5 m, E$ g6 R+ _
  B)insanity 疯狂,愚昧
5 l! ^8 Y. ^( \! b* U  Q% ?+ ?& I! j# D  C)inspiration 激动,鼓舞,灵感- W3 Z/ C5 f  m* j- F0 q( J6 w
  D)disposition 性情,气质3 |1 x- z1 r! c6 Q3 x/ v
  32.D 参考译文:首相走下飞机,后面跟着五六个随从。
4 |8 w8 q5 G7 ^6 c6 s  A)laymen 外行,门外汉
" |% |, y+ ^6 _# s& H+ r  B)servants 仆人
2 V8 e4 w1 P/ G: j1 z% E1 M4 p$ q  C)directors 主任,主管,董事,导演
3 e4 U  j4 ~' N! `% W. K& [6 T  D)attendants 侍者,护理人员
' o& T- T0 E; \  33.B 参考译文:毫无疑问,很容易看出来这批货物比其他货物更好。4 s/ j7 o  K7 F3 N; S* N
  A)prestige 威望3 O2 W9 y0 _2 c6 A- o$ X+ g  T8 L
  B)superiority 优势,superiority to表示"比……优越"。- |  B; U# N$ y2 n1 }7 [
  C)priority 优先,重点
4 c0 d+ X: ]& F8 @& A  D)publicity 宣传0 O1 K7 v4 }( r) |  ^% O
  34.A 参考译文: 所有的客人都被邀请参加婚礼,并且度过了愉快的一段时间。8 X5 P0 Q) u% D5 w" E# e1 o  Z2 ]
  A)feast 宴会,表示婚礼宴会等应用feast。
% {6 p! X6 M4 W6 k6 d2 B; B. X/ P  B)congratulations 祝贺
! i0 H' ?2 a3 u' ~  C)festival 节日! S$ u, y6 t6 d1 ?
  D)recreation 消遣,娱乐活动 1 w: X& i9 e9 j6 c! C. G
35. A 参考译文:谣言四起、散布恐怖、诋毁名声,使平静的局面变得动荡混乱。
3 ?8 W0 R: ?, X% n, g; i7 a2 d% W! x, Y  A) turbulent 狂暴的
! g& l" m6 }" Y5 ^" f& K6 V  B) tragic 悲惨的* ^& R& b; ~8 D, \: o
  C) vulnerable 脆弱的
' y5 z& s; }. E: i/ E  D) suspicious 怀疑的

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