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[六级词汇语法] 2012年大学英语六级词汇精选练习二十七

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
76.They believed that this was not the ____ of their campaign for equality but merely the beginning., K' ?& r% ~- n# ~
  A) climax  d. f- Z! x( y2 r/ o3 Q2 U- ^
  B) summit
2 m: \2 K5 Q0 }( M4 N' Q  C) pitch
: j+ A( c9 ?2 U& P7 j% O: M/ |  D) maximum
* o: ~9 g0 _6 Z  r0 j2 c! X  77.Several guests were waiting in the ____ for the front door to open.1 g+ I2 K$ E2 m. Q  I4 {( k
  A) porch
1 s# W5 _  m5 h# y. y  B) vent) }* p  ?3 R0 H6 A1 |' `
  C) inlet
) B' L, g; T( e  D) entry/ U4 T+ K4 r3 }3 V
  78.As the mountains were covered with a _____ of cloud, we couldn't see their tops.; s# X! |! |: J- R
  A) coating! U6 C6 b$ w+ s1 Y
  B) film( r, i/ B# A& _; h
  C) veil
+ j0 ]9 y9 t2 R" R& O# D  D) shade, U2 ?+ S/ W& f$ \1 M7 i$ l+ s
  79.We couldn't really afford to buy a house so we got it on hire purchase and paid mothly ____.
: t: }* X7 t1 F. t  A) investments
# k; l  P' ?% U8 h  B) requirements/ o6 e8 a4 z! |$ \3 a
  C) arrangements
* F! l3 g1 j( ^! M" e$ U9 w, r  D) installments6 _0 ]% @# a& J0 c6 ~* ^! M5 T
  80.The magician made us think he cut the girl into pieces but it was merely an _____.
& p2 B; P& d; ^/ l+ X  A) illusion: |) X9 e2 ?) h2 Q
  B) impression2 {- B% u, X$ ]/ d1 h
  C) image- A  ]+ `* a9 L1 Z6 ?
  D) illumination
- M. u" ^* T& v. F' g. q76.A 参考译文:他认为这不是他们争取平等运动的高潮,而只是开端而已。' o& f9 t: \. u8 D1 l) l
  A) climax 高潮0 d4 e( d2 b/ Y# U! L
  B) summit 高峰. L; W+ o/ I$ s% A7 s
  C) pitch 高调8 e3 y( L% @  [3 }+ q! t# S
  D) maximum 最大值1 z& o5 T4 h; t5 {# }6 }$ C
  77.A 参考译文:几个客人在走廊里等待前门开。+ W' w$ G9 Q# n4 c$ H4 o
  A) porch 走廊
  m8 `/ v1 I# z0 }4 O  B) vent 通风口$ Q( R8 L2 q% w
  C) inlet 进水口& t$ j1 r: _9 M4 m! H
  D) entry 入口/ L" d: g' c: f0 G
  78.C 参考译文:因为云雾笼罩着群山,所以我们看不到他的山顶。
3 C8 Z% U$ ]: r. @$ K  A) coating 涂层. W5 k: L$ t" r1 q, f
  B) film 薄膜4 |1 Y8 Z& h. W+ V6 b0 s$ C) Y8 Y
  C) veil 面纱$ J+ D$ M% _8 k
  D) shade 阴影
  ?2 c# Z  ^( x  79.D 参考译文:我们买不起房子,所以我们只有买分期付款的房子,按月付钱。3 b% l, V. p4 n0 `, C/ i
  A) investments 投资% M2 E, j. `* F1 M- S
  B) requirements 要求
$ @2 U( u# X9 t& X! V: x5 m  C) arrangements 安排
5 d+ O9 F0 F8 z& N  D) installments 分期付款的一期付款
9 F# _& j: c% @: q5 h% A* `$ A1 f, q  80.A 参考译文:魔术师让我们相信他把那个女孩切成碎片,但实际上只是一个幻觉而已。
5 P0 `! L4 l2 R* K2 t  A) illusion 幻觉3 q, A& s# Z' ]* V, M) T+ Q
  B) impression 印象
" |/ l0 P3 _: v  C) image 意象5 h7 s! F, K7 i3 F
  D) illumination 照明

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