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[六级词汇语法] 2012年大学英语六级词汇精选练习二十四

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
61.It was ____ that the restaurant discriminated against black customers.
+ ~6 R- k% a2 A; ]/ I( S' d  A) addicted  u* b* @: M; R$ O
  B) alleged7 C; e% k$ s5 P( D
  C) assaulted! j! R( [  G' L; V6 x
  D) ascribed
! _; g: j. b; B  62.The medicine ____ his pain but did not cure his illness., {$ [( ?  X$ u) J1 {7 {* X$ @
  A) activated4 Z3 g- P' e8 X3 z. D' W
  B) alleviated0 S( n0 A  F$ N, H5 h
  C) mediated
# j1 Z9 b! j6 @+ Y  }1 [, q+ H) i  D) deteriorated3 s3 Y# U# q  Q! U
  63.He is the only person who can ____ in this case, because the other witnesses were killed mysteriously.
/ @& ?. l* w. L3 V# L: ?  A) testify( L& D1 k8 v2 g: t. C9 S+ R4 A" T
  B) charge6 e+ ~0 P; d6 g; _9 |
  C) accuse2 g2 ]( n. e! s
  D) rectify
; Z5 m4 ^# V; z$ |/ `/ j7 ^  64.Professor Hawking is ____ as one of the world's greatest living physicists.3 L; X7 i% l( n
  A) dignified
( d, [& Z( y$ [% \9 v* o! x1 u  B) clarified' E0 ~+ a0 Y# [& K
  C) acknowledged
% q9 x, P% P, X' l  D) illustrated" F: ^# W/ _$ [( b8 O
  65.The financial problem of this company is further ____ by the rise in interest rates./ o& o& G& ~; w8 o* ~( o
  A) increased6 Q4 ]8 l, G6 c% G
  B) strengthened* z1 R: b% W2 u5 r& N  e7 y% `& X
  C) reinforced+ Z3 S8 k$ \0 N1 ?
  D) aggravated
- D1 G! {8 I. Y 61.C 参考译文: 这家餐厅歧视黑人顾客是带有攻击性的行为
7 j  g; \- R2 t3 J  A) addicted 使沉溺, 使上瘾
/ f  d" e: g5 X* c! _* U0 L$ K  B) alleged 宣称, 断言
# i. E9 a; F/ [/ `  C) assaulted 攻击, 袭击6 f5 K. t/ P( Z+ K# S! b
  D) ascribed 归因于, 归咎于: K8 b& L5 y& K/ `, `
  62.B 参考译文: 药物减轻了他的疼痛但是没有治愈他的病
5 C3 j% _: O7 y  A) activated 激活9 j3 C' B) t& F; t  y; J* {
  B) alleviated 使(痛苦等)易于忍受, 减轻+ a, `4 {( ?" I
  C) mediated 间接,居间(调停)- l$ L2 B  B, L( j5 Q
  D) deteriorated 恶化
; r0 e0 v, D; z/ z/ I  63.A 参考译文: 他是唯一一个能给这案子作证的人,因为其他的目击者都被秘密杀害了
7 U5 v  ^; v' C/ F/ ?' A$ U  A) testify 证明, 证实, 作证
$ G6 d. h3 q$ \4 b/ L  B) charge 控诉, 责令, 告诫,收费
7 S9 t: {) I' s  C) accuse 控告, 谴责, 非难
6 O, @  \! g& ]2 G: R+ ^% a, S  D) rectify 矫正, 调整# ^% p8 Y5 V% c5 Q$ `3 o5 i( G7 f4 M
  64.C 参考译文: 霍金教授是世界上公认仍健在的最伟大的物理学家之一; N. x9 Y, _7 J: d
  A) dignified 有威严的, 有品格的
( X6 r" q* i4 i' M) `1 w7 u% i# ~: h  B) clarified 澄清了的3 d$ ~& J! C2 s7 a9 b
  C) acknowledged 公认的9 F/ d# y) Z+ F; P. c5 b/ F: U
  D) illustrated 有插图的,说明的& [+ b9 v; D. {2 R$ T% C
  65.D 参考译文: 这家公司的经济状况由于利率的上升而更加恶化7 ?; ^" m( g0 D" d! j( G
  A) increased 增加的) M& G- E# K! U' X
  B) strengthened 加强的,加固的
. W3 w4 T% k. I' x3 Y9 E& g  C) reinforced 加固的) N- X* Z2 M0 z) h* O+ M
  D) aggravated 恶化的

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