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[六级词汇语法] 2012年大学英语六级词汇精选练习二十九

发表于 2012-8-14 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
86.They have decided to ____ physical punishment in all local schools.
, S2 O; O$ _6 m( x0 F  a* q, u  A) put away
4 a1 [( g1 ]7 s5 I6 m  B) break away from
1 y! ^7 |1 {" l  \) |3 ]4 t  C) do away with
$ X8 @% {+ q0 c; R% t4 G3 T  D) pass away- y# O: j) X1 x9 g/ J
  87.Astronauts are ____ all kinds of tests before they are actually sent up in a spacecraft./ C( ~4 Q+ B4 `2 E, F& F3 X8 V
  A) inclined to
& x" B! w1 Z3 w  B) subjected to
& M- S5 K9 n5 _8 a: @3 E3 a2 _  C) prone to2 w/ L, C* x( f8 W' G
  D) bound to/ T; \' ~/ K7 D6 K: R2 v" g
  88.Individual sports are run by over 370 independent governing bodies whose functions usually include ____ rules, holding events, selecting national teams and promoting international links.
9 Q. |! u) D( A2 x9 B3 P) i8 Y  A) drawing on
3 w" x$ ]! K" Y& z9 v  B) drawing in
6 _6 d. V+ J8 }, b0 Q  H, t: y  C) drawing up
7 v7 B! _) G2 {( r# d9 l( d  D) drawing down! |& t7 C6 P" b" m! |" U; A
  89.Up until that time, his interest had focused almost ____ on fully mastering the skills and techniques of his craft.
. a8 D! m$ _' f4 y- u7 V  A) restrictively
" z5 ~  O/ M7 O/ |! w. Q  B) radically
& B0 C6 ^% _( C- {- X1 a1 |  C) inclusively
$ P% u4 U' |: u0 ]: I- C  D) exclusively
: I" Q) ?$ ^9 }3 s. [7 ?. ]  90.All the ceremonies at the 2000 Olympic Games had a unique Australian flavor, ____ of their multicultural communities.8 v' d* p' |) ?, z5 L& S
  A) noticeable9 e% z5 T. M2 h0 P& `. c& i
  B) indicative; @% D9 w3 s6 D& D1 O
  C) conspicuous0 L# C9 a& N5 b: U( r! Z7 p
  D) implicit
1 t# |1 _5 h% Y86.C 参考译文:他们决定在所有地方学校中消除体罚现象。/ ^: }! v) A  M2 T1 U; o; d3 U7 c
  A) put away 使用完毕将某物收起或放入箱子,抽屉等,存款,吃喝
+ t4 {# `4 ^/ ?  B) break away from 脱离,挣脱6 h2 N  N0 k1 ^2 l  {
  C) do away with 废除,消除
) ~; L) n3 n# H9 S, K  D) pass away 去世
6 x- w- C" r0 c5 s2 G  87.B 参考译文:宇航员在进入航天器之前需经过各种各样的测试。
$ I  x/ q4 ]. D  A) inclined to 倾向于,后面接动词
5 [' {8 c; I' t  B) subjected to 使某人经历某事
# D# p4 q6 t! i' ]  C) prone to 有...的可能,易于...,表示易产生某种不好的结果
+ G/ [) w2 o4 U6 ~  D) bound to 将要,一定,表示必定要发生某事,后面接动词. Q/ T0 C" f3 Q9 @
  88.C 参考译文:单项体育运动由370多个独立的管理机构掌管,他们的责任是起草规章制度,举办赛事,选拔国家队,加强国际间的联系。
3 T, C" v! V: o7 Z9 G8 H5 i6 R% V  A) drawing on 利用,接近
- a+ Y4 d8 \% ?2 I" r  T3 K; @  B) drawing in (白昼)渐短,(汽车或火车)到站
% U1 y& B' l( t- B. F  @; u7 G3 W  C) drawing up 起草,拟订
; L$ M2 h% a: b! M  D) drawing down 引来,招致
5 i, e: G5 ?) O  L! r5 d$ K  89.D 参考译文:在那之前,他的兴趣几乎全部集中在全面的掌握手艺的技巧上。
6 K. L$ A9 q5 e4 T- e  A) restrictively 严格地& a+ z  }) T3 e" q/ x( i9 V+ T
  B) radically 极端地,激进地8 y7 }& Y5 Y0 Z& s, P
  C) inclusively 包含地,在内地0 [0 _8 t( D. I) L
  D) exclusively 唯一地
1 |; R" N0 O& ], h& D! J% }  90.B 参考译文:2000年奥运会所有的仪式都带有一种独特的澳大利亚风情,这表明他们是多元文化的社会。5 }  i8 A6 `) ?7 M1 [
  A) noticeable 明显的,易见的% w! {/ ]4 q( A4 C
  B) indicative 表明的,表示的,常与of连用:“表明或暗示某事物”
9 L7 Q/ y/ y  k" f0 i, G  C) conspicuous 明显的惹人注目的,常与for连用:“因某事而引人注目”
- z6 B7 E% ^) e# [8 w0 P  D) implicit 含蓄的,不明确的,常与in连用:“implicit in sth.某事物不明确”

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