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[六级阅读] 英语六级辅导:阅读难点关键句200之七(中英对照)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  阅读难点关键句200之七(中英对照)" q5 C! B# I7 V/ i. i
  121. He enjoys the liberties hard won over centuries by the alliance of philosophic genius and political heroism, consecrated by the blood of martyrs (烈士) ; he is provided with comport and leisure by the most productive economy ever known to mankind; science has penetrated the secrets of nature in order to provide him with the marvellous, life like electronic sound and image reproductions he is enjoying.+ V( u" j& g1 t7 u5 Q
  122. Each highbrow did and does congratulate himself on being unique in his unlikeness to other men; and conversely each lowbrow now congratulate himself on being in some mystical way unique in his likeness—on being, so to say, outstandingly average and extraordinarily ordinary.+ R3 Y1 C; G. m2 b
  123. As for the lowbrows’ claim to be specially “human”, I for one have never been able to understand why it should be “inhuman” to use the faculties that distinguish us from pigs and geese and “human” to use those which we share with the lower animals.) \; `: _* l' N/ ]. ?: `, r4 v$ k5 }
  124. There is no disputing, says the proverb, about taste—though, in fact, human beings spend at least half their leisure doing nothing else—and if highbrowism and lowbrowism were exclusively ( as it is certain that they are in great part) matters of individual taste, there would be no more to say about them than what I have said in the preceding lines.5 r6 O' O  M$ n, c* t" t! \
  125. Thus I desire a great deal less pleasure from jazz and thrillers than from the music, let us say, of Beethoven(贝多芬) or the novels, for example, of Dostoievsky; and the sex appeal of the girls on the covers of magazines seems to me less thrilling than the more complicated appeal to a great variety of feelings made by a Rubens, an EI Greco, a Constable, a Seurat.7 l" d% i, o# Z& `
  126. One need only ask first-year university students what music they listen to , how much of it and what it means to them, in order to discover that the phenomenon is universal in America, that it begins in adolescence or a bit before and continues through the college years.
1 A$ _5 [, L" w6 g( V$ c) `  127. They start, like the pharisee in the parable , by thanking God that the are not as other men are, and proceed to paint a picture of those other men, hardly more flattering than that which Swift painted of the Yahoos.. G: E& ?  X5 L9 i1 I' L
  128. Each time the dream was a promise out of our ancient articles of faith, phrases from the constitution, lines from the great anthem of the nation, guarantees from the Bill of Rights, all ending with a vision that they might one day all come true
0 O* N4 S2 {1 X) S9 }3 h! v. W  129. For many the day seemed an adventure, a long outing in the late summer sun—part liberation from home, part Sunday school picnic, part political convention, and part fish fry.
4 d( _! w5 }9 }( v  130. It may not “look to it” at once, since it is looking to so many things, but it will be a long time before it forgets the melodious(悦耳的) and melancholy (忧郁的) voice of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther Jr., crying out his dreams to the multitude(大众).
, Y9 Q& C6 ]+ o% R1 R  U* _  131. Above all , they got over Lincoln’s point that “ the necessity of being ready increase”, for they left no doubt that this was not the climax of their campaign for equality but merely the beginning, that they were going to stay in the streets until they could get equality in the schools, restaurants, houses and employment agencies of the nation, and that, as they demonstrated here today, they had found an effective way to demonstrate for changes in the laws without breaking the law themselves.4 N! P7 j$ Z* s9 ?( x, Y: Q% f* X5 a
  132. Although we apparently have a need for REM sleep, judging from the fact that our bodies automatically compensate for a loss of it, what REM sleep actually does for us is not clear.www.ExamW.CoM3 e# _0 h/ |* ?- F
  133. Coming out while you were poised unsteadily on the icy, springy brush they made difficult shooting and I killed two, missed five, and started back pleased to have found a covey to the house and happy there were so many left to find on another day.
; E) h) o- y( k  134. More important to them, though, is that it gives them some places where they can borrow money at a cost that is usually a good deal less than at the small-loan agency, or the installment house, or indeed most places.
# m+ a1 o/ y( m, s  135. That sex ratio will be favored which maximizes the number of descendants an individual will have and hence the number of gene copies transmitted.
+ E3 M* p5 C& \& t  136. Temporary shortages do occur, but Simon and other boomsters(兴旺论者) argue that as long as government doesn’t interfere—by mandating (指令) conservation or setting price controls (价格) —people will find alternative (代用品).4 P# E: |5 x5 b$ q, `2 s4 U/ ]
  137. He seldom ignores that many potential votes, and it did not escape the notice of congressmen that these Negro organizations, some of which had almost as much trouble getting out a crowd as the Washington Senators several years ago, were now capable of organizing the largest demonstrating throng (群众) ever gathered at one spot in the District of Columbia..2 p3 E: m* j  A9 ]4 H5 x
  138. Towards the end of the century there was still considerable argument over whether books should be used for information or treated respectfully, and over whether the reading of material such as newspapers was in some way mentally weakening.. Q1 J" D7 `$ D: G5 x& y! ]
  139. However, whatever its virtues, the old shared literacy culture had gone and was replaced by the printed mass media(宣传工具)on the one hand and by books and magazines for a specialized readership on the other.; C2 F( G! k8 {3 C7 W- |
  140. By the end of the century students were being recommended to adopt attitudes to books and to use skills in reading them which were inappropriate, if not impossible, for the oral reader.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:45 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  第七部分(121-140句译文)
+ g9 n1 ^9 m1 q# B6 F9 u  121、他享受着数世纪来哲学天才和政治英雄们联合取得的自由,这是被烈士的鲜血神圣化了的自由;着人类有史以来最发达的经济提供的舒适与休闲;科学解开了自然的奥秘,使他能享受神奇逼真的音响和影像效果。
- ]" {; M4 f" a  122、每个有学问的人庆幸着自己与其他人的不一般;反过来没有学问的人则正庆幸着自己说不清的与别人的相似性——对于存在,这么说吧,杰出的大众化和非凡的普通。, j/ i0 j0 q0 O7 a/ c) i5 e% b
/ `$ ~* l1 j) T. R5 }7 _6 V9 W  124、谚语中说对于口味来说,是没有争议的——尽管在事实上,人类一—至少在一半的休闲时间里什么也不做——并且如果阳春白雪和下里巴人对于个人口味的问题是排外(这一点在很大程度上是肯定的),那么对于他们来说,除了我在前面讲的,就没什么说的了。
+ O' V7 x: L: ~  L: k  125、因此我从爵士乐和刺激性事物中找到的乐趣需比音乐里的少得多,比如说,贝多芬的或者是Dostoievsky的小说;杂志封面上的性感女郎比Rubens,Greco,Constablet Seurat所创造的精细复杂的情感对于我来说要逊色得多。
! {% z# X) H$ [" A& ?/ N  126、只要问问大学一年级的学生他们听什么音乐,那对他们有多重要或者说意味着什么,就可以发现在美国是个普遍现象,它开始于青春期或更早的时候但会延续整个大学时代。www.Examw.com
; z: Y/ s. F# Z1 g& P  127、像寓言中的古法利赛人一样,他们感谢上帝——他们与普通人不一样,去画那些人的图画,几乎比Swift画的人形兽还要好看。; T3 c( A5 `/ z, p2 v' V
' g9 Z, f9 G( Y9 R# l  129、对于许多人来说,这一天像冒险活动,在盛夏和阳光下长时间等着——有的是从家里出来轻松,有的是学校周日野炊,有的是政治会议,有的烤鱼吃。3 ~( N$ w$ @( N* q" `( ~( g: j  \4 p
  130、也许不能注意到它,因为在注意着许多事情,但是很长时间后也很难忘记Rev、Dr、Martin、Luther.Jr.,用悦耳忧郁的声音向大众呼喊出他的梦想。! b& B2 }& z6 _4 A4 \
; Y1 u5 E6 k' Y- @8 Q  132、从我们的身体能够自动地对损失作出补偿这个事来看,尽管我们明显地需要REM Crapid eye movement睡眠,但REM睡眠对我们的身体有什么作用还不清楚。$ T: i4 ?, p# c$ U. W2 B0 S
  133、(我)出来的时候在冰冷多刺的灌木丛里不太安稳地待着,他们打得很困难,我打到了两只、跑了五只,回来的时候我看到房子边还有一群,很高兴它们留下来的下次好打。# a( p- z  F! O9 S& h
  134、对于他们来说更重要的是,给他们提供了一个以一定代价借钱的地方,这比小型的借贷公司,分期付款行或者其他地方要便宜得多。# ]$ O, H" K& `, E& |$ p
4 {2 ^, }& n  t# E5 _  136、当代短缺确实出现,但西蒙和其他兴旺论者认为只要政府不干预——通过消费指令或者价格控制——人们总能找到替代品。
- e- N9 u8 s; e& R  137、他很少忽略许多潜在的选票,许多黑人组织也没有逃过议员们的眼睛,几年前还像高级议员一样很难冲出人群的黑人组织现在已经能够组织哥伦比亚区最大的群众集会了。
( w' a3 `2 @7 J: y9 P  138、直到这个世纪末还是有大量的这样的争论,书籍是否应该作为信息来认真对待,还是有些像报纸之类的阅读材料已经在精神上有某种程度地减弱了。# Y+ R) e" Z$ m! F. k
$ T" R8 ]' h+ k( c1 @  140、到这个世纪末,学生们被介绍对书籍要采用“拿来主义”,阅读时也要采用技巧,可能的话,对于朗读者来说是不太适合的。
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