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[六级阅读] 英语六级阅读:科技时代 用Iphone来测量血压

发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  The smartphone is already the Swiss Army knife of the digital age, replacing the need for alarm clocks, GPS units and even digital cameras with the flick of a finger.   智能手机已经是数字时代的瑞士军刀,它用手指轻轻一点,就代替了闹钟、全球定位系统,甚至数码相机。
3 W* T7 \9 g$ Y$ ^* ]  Can it do the same for home medical devices?
8 J9 e7 e  _+ e7 z9 Q* @5 m& x: s  它能跟家庭医疗设备发挥同样的作用吗?' O( ^! X9 D" G( R2 y6 b
  At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, iHealth Labs, a start-up in Mountain View, Calif., has unveiled the iHealth Blood Pressure Dock, an attachment for iOS devices that can measure and record heart rate and blood pressure.
0 V/ l6 K; ]4 k7 I% f" U4 v  在拉斯维加斯举行的国际消费电子展中,加州山景城新创立的公司iHealth Labs上市了个人专用的血压测量器,它是能够测量和记录心率和血压的iOS装置连接器。. J2 L! n' g+ k7 R! c: f
  Dr. Andrew Brandeis, a practicing doctor in San Francisco and a medical consultant and spokesman for iHealth, said that although the device is primarily aimed at people with hypertension or other chronic health conditions, it can also be helpful for anyone trying to live a healthier life.
8 u' l& N4 f% a+ Y  旧金山一名执业医生,同时也是iHealth的医学顾问和发言人Andrew Brandeis教授称,尽管该装置起初是针对患有高血压和其他慢性病的人群,但是它对任何想健康生活的人都有帮助。! I! v6 F' B6 n, F) S
  “I can give someone a pill for their blood pressure, but what I really want to do is educate them about their habits that cause high blood pressure,” he said. “If you can see your blood pressure is going up, you can try to get an idea about what you’re doing that is affecting it. You start to see correlations between your blood pressure and your life.” 6 B4 t( b! \# D5 K/ V3 P+ [

" T* z, a* s1 l3 O3 W. S+ Y. ]  “我可以开药治疗人们的血压,但是我真正想做的是让他们知道造成高血压的习惯。”他说,“如果你看到你的血压升高,你就会明白你所做的事会影响到它。你就开始意识到血压跟生活之间的相互关系。”
4 Q& n! B. p' ]- @0 H* S  The biggest advantage to those who buy iHealth’s blood pressure system instead of a stand-alone machine, which is much cheaper to purchase, is that it will be incorporated into a patient’s daily routine of waking up and checking their cellphone, the company says., T* D1 \0 Z3 {
$ H* @/ E& O+ T  “You charge your device at night and when you wake up, the blood pressure cuff is sitting right there next to it,” he said.
) l/ X0 O5 n8 N' x" W$ u  “晚上你给该装置充电,当你起床时,血压计就在身边。”他说。8 N9 [& V1 S: B2 U- f
  Taking daily readings at home may also offer more accurate and consistent results than those taken at a doctor’s office, he said.
  L1 H( _7 n. L& Q1 z+ i7 r3 w  每天在家测量血压比在医院里测的结果更准确更一致,他说。
& I0 d7 U# W. `1 ~4 t- m5 s3 \  “White coat syndrome is a term used for what happens when patients come in to see the doctor,” he said. “They are stressed out because they hate going to the doctor and their blood pressure is higher. But if you take it at home, before your coffee and e-mail, you get a much more accurate reading.”
$ a+ b  u1 {0 a  “白衣综合症是用来形容病人看到医生的后反应,”他说。“他们非常紧张,因为他们讨厌看病因而他们的血压升高。但是如果在家,在喝咖啡和发邮件前测量血压,你就会得到一个更准确的结果。”
$ K- U4 i+ m/ _& {/ \  Patients can also share their results with a physician, either via e-mail or by showing them the phone or iPad with the data on it during their next doctor visit.
+ o9 R7 l" P9 f) R  病人会把结果通过邮件或在下次会诊时把手机或iPad里的数据给医师看,跟他们分享这些结果。2 a; x0 X; i, o
  Eventually, the company hopes to also release other home health kits, including a blood glucose monitor.
% g% P+ }* i' N! i( M" j) c* E  最后,该公司希望推行其他健康家庭设备,包括一个血糖监控器。9 j: t. j. ?5 G
  “This is a doorway to an entire new ecosystem of self-monitoring and gleaning health information about yourself,” said Dr. Brandeis.# |5 t5 r" g! M: N

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