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[六级阅读] 2011年12月英语六级阅读:战胜疲惫方法II

发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
3. Unplug Before You Unravel
8 v" _( n, ?" Z- H& {2 R; X8 L    3. 解决问题之前先疏通  G) y2 ~. y9 Z: l* g3 y1 e
Being constantly logged on is a huge risk  factor 佛如 burnout .“The influx of information via email and the imperative to respond ASAP, 24/7 is a prime cause of burnout,” she says. “That’s why a day a week of being unplugged can help save your sanity, your creativity,  and your capacity to show up in a loving way in your relationships.” If you can’t log off for a whole day, at least try going offline for a few hours daily — and no, when you’re asleep doesn’t count!( H8 @  M: y% A: U% o
不断地开机工作是变得筋疲力尽一个巨大的风险因素。“大量信息涌入电子邮件和对尽快做出回应的命令,24/7是导致精疲力竭的主要因素。”她说。“这就是为什么每周每天进行疏通可以帮助你保持头脑清醒,创造力和在人际关系中展现出可爱的一面的能力。”如果你一整天都不能注销,那么至少尝试每天几个小时处于脱机状态——而且不包括你睡觉的时时间! www.examw.com4 v& y4 b$ u  E1 _9 h2 N2 R

( y# f$ W2 M* s1 N* {  y4 x4. Don’t Ignore It  G9 T/ O* D; C' W1 P
4. 不要忽视它0 f; N: e  R- h! r& \2 p, m
No matter which of these tricks you’re trying — or even if you’re looking for a new position altogether — just be sure you put a priority on getting better. “Untreated burnout leads to physical illness, compromised relationships, a deep feeling of emptiness, a good chance of using drugs or alcohol to reduce your pain, and a decided decrement in performance,” says Borysenko. On an airplane they say to put your oxygen  mask on before you help those around you. Treating burnout and keeping yourself healthy is like putting on that mask, giving you the energy you need to be productive at work and happy at home.
5 c# @) T0 y& S- M+ v. `+ h& u无论你采用什么方式,或即使你完全在寻找一个新的职位,只要确考试用书保你的重点是要变得更好。“未治疗的精疲力竭引起身体疾病,受损的人际关系,深度的空虚感,更有可能滥用毒品或酒精来减少痛苦,和表现的明显下降。”Borysenko说。在飞机上,他们告诉你先戴上氧气罩再去帮助周围的人。治疗精疲力竭和保持自身健康就如戴上那个面罩,给你提供工作效率和在家保持快乐的能量。

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