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[六级阅读] 2011年12月英语六级阅读突破:管理网站服务年轻人

发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Young people who are often better known for impulsive spending than for saving money.
5 u& e+ V' z* G$ Q
* l( `5 K9 h' t; l5 b8 t6 c) ?! CThe websites offer information and tools to help clients become better money managers and to share their financial experiences with other young people.
: V' Q  @. [* Q% ?0 U8 w9 ^9 C& a6 [% k) h
Alix Scott, 19, is working at a store this summer, saving money to pay for college next year.& l$ c" {. F* W! d

6 L, j8 t/ r( N0 n6 }“I have to save for all my college money because my parents, they can’t afford to co-sign on loans,” she says. “So, I have to rely on my own savings.”1 q' d9 d( b  q( s$ F! w& r  v, o
; [' p0 L+ ?1 q8 c1 G+ x/ u
8 Z) ?' B- F$ y2 a
Online piggy bank
' ]: P3 v' L( u' o
) @: t7 _# K4 W) y4 P( MBut rather than put her money in a local bank, Scott opened an account on SmartyPig, a web-based banking service.
: U# K8 \9 }6 H" F
- P% p7 J- T4 t1 L% i5 i1 N& K“When I do that, I overcome the impulses to just spend the money,” she says.
7 D/ L# o% n3 H! ^7 L2 @' ?: c, C( v: V; z- n6 G, n% I
Michael Ferrari founded SmartyPig with a friend in 2007. After starting a college account for his new baby, Ferrari says he realized the power of saving for a specific goal. Helping other savers stay focused on their goals is the idea behind his online piggy bank.
9 d: L+ s6 r, V5 M% o  r( }) L: f9 S& }
“SmartyPig is really all about helping people to save for specific financial goals. It can be a wedding, a vacation, an i-Phone,” he says.
. [5 g) S: c5 H' P7 e; _% ~+ u. n$ U2 _+ @7 D1 X; p: ^
Ferrari explains how PigySmart works., j/ z& z* j- `" f! W* n

6 D' J7 N3 j! B5 E- v" d" X* `“For example, I’m saving for a vacation," he says. “I want to save $5,000. I want to meet this goal in three years. SmartyPig will actually calculate how much money you need to allocate every month. You don’t have to move it from your existing bank. We’ll actually go in and withdraw those funds on the day you specify every month and we put it into your SmartyPig account, where they’ll actually accrue interest, as well.” 5 k7 \- B5 r1 A- b: W9 P

3 e. a" _9 T1 Y! h4 k2 e( n3 C4 L0 F, F( w2 r
And, Ferrari says, the site also allows depositors to get outside help. 1 |% s3 _# G. c9 {" ?. g" p3 a
1 L: \6 U. J5 m8 n+ P" `
“Perhaps a holiday or a birthday is coming up. Rather than getting a gift, your friends and family can actually contribute to any of your SmartyPig goals .”' G: y: l, t2 _& K3 U1 ~
% ]3 \% v5 e1 Y+ P! _' l
Sharing savings goals online6 k( S" _" P  E- L& U. {
  w" \/ B' R" H
Twenty-two-year-old civil engineering major Khang Nguyen likes being able to share his saving goals with his online community. ! V: {% N' }$ y: k( S
. G1 s. A: r# V$ |& ~/ \4 @% J
“I think it's actually a good thing that they are able to see it,” Nguyen says. “Like, you know a bunch of my friends after they find out about what I do, they always come ask me for financial advice.”  H0 ^- Y/ e$ _( z

% I/ D. W$ q2 [. c/ GOnline banking sites like SmartyPig are attracting a growing number of young depositors, who like the convenience and services. These personal finance websites offer a variety of money management tools which help users track their spending, set up a budget and consolidate their accounts.
1 I% H6 \6 [9 Y# A" O( r) V& u, c1 F  i$ \7 q- B5 Q
And they all have a social media aspect, which appeals to young adults who are already comfortable sharing their personal information online.
4 a3 s+ j. W7 d9 K2 R& C( y6 F. i3 o
8 ^1 Z! _$ a# ^% m“There are all kinds of individuals out there who have their own blogs who are talking about money, creating videos, making info graphics and are talking about money. You just see personal finances information in places that you wouldn’t expect,” says Janet Stauble, spokesperson for the personal finance website, bankrate.com.
; _3 }3 A% {/ ]! X1 {7 |+ p: p' F3 L+ _0 ]
She adds, “It’s not likely that you might go to a friend and say, ‘Hey, I paid off $1000 on my credit card today,’ but people write up blog posts about it and they explain how they did it, how much closer they are to their financial goal, whatever it is.”2 F4 o5 X# g2 N! _1 n- M
" n) K' i* E0 i; r5 ^
As technology continues to evolve, she predicts more people will embrace the emerging electronic banking sites.
7 U- ?: n: M' a5 @' p: G& l  O, G2 s6 m& C3 K
Online partnerships with banks
# H$ _+ a# L, e/ O; {# z! W  i0 D$ g" q' b
Steve Weisman, who lectures about financial issues at Bentley University in Waltham, Massachusetts, says the more innovative these sites are in providing their services, the more successful they will be in doing business alongside traditional banks or in cooperation with them.
& ~. O6 p/ U, E+ B" g9 V! t
/ v  S" h& ^: k. Y! }/ t5 N: S“For instance, SmartyPig, they are not actually a bank, but they are partnered with a bank," Weisman explains. “So what you’re going to see is big banks and little banks that are legitimate financial institutions, but not necessarily the most savvy when it comes to computers or the Internet, they will partner up with other companies that may be doing some of the web material and other assistance, while the actual banking would be done through a bank with which it is connected.”
! O+ m0 }) K" P. W8 ?' l# y7 h0 x: ]* r) z* J) W; c! x# _6 U
That collaboration, he says, will change the way Americans save in the future.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:45 | 显示全部楼层


' d! J3 s2 N) H
+ \- V8 @# F- P9 d8 \- s4 X1 R9 G5 @1. impulsive adj. (指人或人的行为)冲动的,易冲动的
4 ?& B& J& T( }0 {1 ?例句:She is impulsive in her actions.
1 v9 z/ x+ Y* g, Y8 g# j她的行为常出于冲动。
$ @5 x; G+ ~& m! ~& E: h: Y. S5 p6 D/ S  A: \, @  Z
2. client n.委托人;顾客, 常客( W( J& x8 c8 Q8 F
例句:She can't come to the telephone; she's serving a client.
, y( c. D$ \& Q0 d, g* y: W6 P她不能来接电话, 她正在接待一位顾客。
. {8 g4 d& W/ ]! b; @6 ^5 q: u8 b& Y1 m/ C4 B/ b. `
3. loan n. 贷款
$ u8 u) q) v; N! ]; Z3 M% e例句:The bank made a loan of ten thousand pounds to the factory.) U8 o8 t9 [1 [1 F( U
银行贷给那家工厂一万英镑。- [% E5 O( P' Y6 g2 U: d; Y, }9 L% G- d

3 t8 {! {* m$ D* M4. overcome vt. 战胜; 克服- \7 D* a5 t/ x% Q5 r* S
例句:He has enough courage to overcome the difficulty.- |  @& D1 R* R
他有足够的勇气来克服这个困难。0 D+ ?7 E! m9 O5 e0 r( Y: p
7 z" ~) p0 l, \  M
5. allocate vt. 分配, 分派
3 q3 \8 s2 W- t2 W+ t1 r例句:You must allocate the money carefully.
9 M* }4 G% e4 w  V* z8 h你们必须谨慎地分配钱。: _0 f0 w" I$ A1 y2 V: k

# c! y  |6 N& J7 `. ~  n7 g7 j6. withdraw v. 取[收]回& G' W/ }: ~$ e6 _1 t6 _$ |  T& D
例句:I'd like to withdraw 1000 dollars from my savings account and put it in my cheque account.# @' H. {' w! b1 C' _8 a% N# h
我想从我的储蓄账户上提取1000美元转到支票账户上。+ b( H4 t/ @% W- k' o4 {( T; y

& Q* Q* h$ |& S7. accrue vi. 增加, 增长% Z5 f$ M; q& n  i/ W
例句:Interest accrues on a bank account.
+ C3 E1 a) u, F7 T6 {. e' P银行账户的利息在增长。8 @6 ]1 ]' u# [5 f2 J

: J' o  L4 T% o1 R6 Y8. graphics n.图样;图案;绘图;图像
$ W+ [0 ~1 {4 f5 `例句:Improved graphics took computer games into a new era.+ ^: A8 m) o# @  A& n0 C
* K; a/ f9 O' V( ^
% R# D" H9 P; a! A# r9. evolve v. 演变; 进化
9 h0 N  V, V4 p8 U, W- @+ h例句:Language is constantly and gradually evolving.! t5 A+ V/ N, L& _; @" l
语言在不断地缓慢发展。) Q4 Z8 ], Y  ~# G$ {" p$ N
2 |1 u3 _# ?7 @2 J5 u
10. legitimate adj. 合情合理的; 合法的1 J2 J8 E8 {  X9 }
例句:Sickness is a legitimate reason for asking for leave.
5 f$ r) _$ H" G1 g) J& I4 V生病是请假的一个正当的理由。
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:46 | 显示全部楼层


短语讲解:3 Y; y% l3 O" W) A8 n% _; s2 m

6 c' @& Z2 w  j$ z1 g% o; P1. Young people who are often better known for impulsive spending than for saving money.4 j; M; d; G- S8 [( c4 ?3 ~2 C

) Z0 f9 [' }+ Ybe known for因…而众所周知
) h* `- T) H+ c$ `4 c0 V例句:The islanders are known for their hospitality.
0 V* x! K: K& _0 p  e2 @岛上的居民以好客闻名。
+ g# G% q+ ]4 P9 k+ r5 k4 y
1 Y* b9 e: j" f2. The websites offer information and tools to help clients become better money managers and to share their financial experiences with other young people." J' h0 u" ]2 W% z
, l! z) ~: {% ]% B2 n5 \* T- O
share with与…分享
* j, J/ \+ ]1 @( j/ Q' A$ N4 L0 `例句:It helps to share your sorrow with someone else.4 q9 o! _( |9 t$ j
7 p' Q  n1 j8 J
! u5 A! ?5 c- ?3 E3. Alix Scott, 19, is working at a store this summer, saving money to pay for college next year.9 U& S* m' ]* k" {% X
6 j! m5 M, T. s& ~0 E( }
pay for为…付钱
# G3 p( E! O6 S. J1 |1 G例句:I have to pay 150 dollars for the sewing machine.
6 j  s3 v$ D4 {/ f! q, o% S: i% y! m我得花150美元买这台缝纫机。4 p: n! \- h. }! z$ A
  X: W" J; G! m  l
4. “I have to save for all my college money because my parents, they can’t afford to co-sign on loans,” she says. “So, I have to rely on my own savings.”8 r( `2 G( Y7 t5 ]5 |" J
& Q* T; X, Z3 {8 G/ Z  R+ J8 Z
save for为…积蓄〔储存〕…# U, C) |0 Q5 m1 k9 C6 B; g3 `' k
例句:I'm saving for a new car.) g) j! m. y1 t; E/ n7 [) y0 n
/ j! v" {) t) E2 {rely on信赖, 依赖,依靠
5 Q0 L2 \0 P  r' D4 A例句:Don't rely on going abroad for our holiday—we may not be able to afford it.- K/ x7 ]8 P; I; h( y0 ?
不要指望去国外度假, 我们可能负担不起费用。& Z1 h, i/ m% c* n% b$ x
  T4 Z: F# I+ h0 [1 {
5. But rather than put her money in a local bank, Scott opened an account on SmartyPig, a web-based banking service.
! X2 L/ F8 ]* j0 Z* {
' i2 v% T: ~0 Z3 }7 X% n- V# Drather than (要)…而不…, 与其…倒不如…' G' V: Z) I5 h3 s" ~/ z6 |
例句:They thus increased their annual grain production rather than diminished it.6 B2 U9 w5 {8 d. a' F+ x/ A
% q# f/ j) \3 k8 e) C/ h! K0 t! s3 o  p8 C" Z
6. Helping other savers stay focused on their goals is the idea behind his online piggy bank.
2 c& o/ S1 i4 G- L3 h
& O, K, T  S2 L% l/ ]focus on集中于,致力于1 i: l7 ~4 _& N9 R& M( w" T
例句:He focused his mind on his lessons.. y0 G1 K# h7 f( ?0 N# ~0 g8 Q, u
7 U- B# |3 E9 T# r) I! w, K/ `! \% ^* A* e* j% l& e
7. Perhaps a holiday or a birthday is coming up. Rather than getting a gift, your friends and family can actually contribute to any of your SmartyPig goals .+ s2 h7 t' [* {. A4 X. Z& `

% q) F  }+ y0 M2 x% b& \, I5 ]come up开始;发生2 u( P; T3 h  y
例句:I'll let him know if anything comes up.+ ^, J! P( O& _, Z# w$ Y
如有什么事,我会告诉他的。 * H$ Q9 N& ~( x8 ~5 P
contribute to捐助;帮助
8 K- T$ ~% S1 k" b; a$ J例句:How much did you contribute to the relief fund?
! c  s  N8 o0 k3 K% q你为那笔救济金捐了多少?
: z' E4 t4 v9 n2 Y& \2 ^" n
8 C. e) c) \, h. c8. Like, you know a bunch of my friends after they find out about what I do, they always come ask me for financial advice.
- ?1 N5 B: N4 B% x( E
8 Y! b% h  i# e# Ufind out发现, 看穿, 揭发
4 n6 H0 G* j2 L8 a/ o% Z例句:We soon found out that he was a secret agent.) T+ E6 _  B" j. o. {* q
+ z, {% o8 _+ a8 d' R# Y% a0 a1 e# K3 g( W4 [+ f* u
9. And they all have a social media aspect, which appeals to young adults who are already comfortable sharing their personal information online.. y" @7 U" @2 q2 ~( c- d4 n. i8 J
! W9 h0 ]8 T+ j: b4 f- Tappeal to对…有吸引力
: A/ H) a2 n8 h5 s8 \+ @例句:This job rather appeals to me.
8 `" W1 G  d/ d9 h5 J7 _9 M" ?  l这工作对我有吸引力。
: {3 A" Z4 \! E! b  y
6 p: z/ K" n# X; Y10. She adds, “It’s not likely that you might go to a friend and say, ‘Hey, I paid off $1000 on my credit card today,’ but people write up blog posts about it and they explain how they did it, how much closer they are to their financial goal, whatever it is.”
0 t; `7 l1 Z' r) e# {6 [
- }* Z3 h* e+ s# G8 T8 b9 \) opay off付清, 还清8 D, _3 W3 B7 L1 E' k
例句:You must pay off your old loan before you can obtain a new one./ l& X) j1 e+ L8 U# B4 l2 k
你必须还清旧账, 然后才能再借款。
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