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[六级阅读] 2011年12月六级阅读:女性能否占据富豪榜半边天?

发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Women dominate more and more of the economy, from employment to educational degrees and wage increases.
; S9 I# P& p, O% |' y' G      从就业到教育程度再到工资增长,女性在经济中越来越占据主导地位。
: y% C& B  P( S$ U7 G  D# ?   
: z( g$ J, `$ N3 k      Now, they're starting to gain ground in one of the last hold-outs of male dominance: rich lists. 6 |) \- r2 o- b0 Q) h+ j4 O
+ O1 t& f6 X% n& c+ x! v      |, U( d$ a4 o; e( P# r
      Britain's Sunday Times Rich List of the 1,000 richest people in the U.K. included a record number of women ─ 105. That's up from 99 in 2010. All of the women have fortunes of $114 million or more.- O: d: J* f* s. f( o% I
      Associated Press伯特瑞利(Kirsty Bertarelli)英国《星期日泰晤士报》富豪榜列出的英国1000位最富有者中,女性人数达到创纪录的105位。这一数字高于2010年时的99位。所有的上榜女性都拥有不少于1.14亿美元的财富。 9 K) ]3 U" g0 W5 e% l+ ]5 {  N
    - ~: o0 J$ p& }' J8 `
      At first glance, this is a sign of the growing economic power of women and women-owned businesses. Among those topping the list of rich women are Dame Mary Perkins, the co-founder of Specsavers, and Britain's sixth richest woman worth $1.88 billion, J.K. Rowling, the empress of all things Harry Potter.
$ C2 H0 X' ^8 a- t4 j  n2 H" _      初看上去,这显示了女性以及她们所拥有企业的经济力量不断壮大。位居英国最富女性排行榜前列的有眼镜连锁店Specsavers的创始人之一玛丽•波金斯以及《哈利•波特》系列小说的作者J•K•罗琳,后者以18.8亿美元的个人财富在英国女性富豪排行榜上名列第六。
) n; j/ S( A  L! v0 |- G   
: q) t8 A2 U: |- n) J% d      Yet women still only account for 10% of the rich. And most of their wealth came from divorce, marriage or inheritance. The richest woman in the U.K. is Kirsty Bertarelli, a songwriter and former Miss U.K whose husband founded the Serono biotech company.: D$ I% h0 T' V0 j4 `
       但女性依然只占英国最富有1000人的10%。而且她们的财富大多来自离婚、结婚或继承。英国最富有的女性是曾当选过英国小姐的歌曲作家伯特瑞利她丈夫创办了生物科技公司Serono。     Ranking number two is Charlene de Carvalho, the Heinken beer heiress with $6.8 billion. Lady Green, wife of retail magnate Philip Green, ranks third, also with $6.8 billion.
( e* `6 i: P$ b- G0 |      在英国女性富豪榜上排名第二的是喜力啤酒的继承人卡瓦略其个人财富为68亿美元。零售业大亨菲利普•格林的妻子雷迪•格林位列第三,其个人财富也是68亿美元。
! t: b8 V, d, p; b   
7 z! `2 \# z+ r7 m' m5 U2 X      Divorcees round out most of the rest of the list ─ from Slavicia Ecclestone, the former wife of the Formula One boss Bernie Ecclestone, to Irana Abramovich, the ex of Roman Abramovich, who has 155 million pounds. ; W1 P% q% C1 r* A
  g. Q0 d. k  V. }; h7 q; E    ! k' Z5 F; Z2 t( |; r9 a
      An article in the London Telegraph explains that one reason for the rise in rich U.K. women is that London has become the 'divorce capital of the world,' since a series of court rulings granted large awards to the wives of rich foreign citizens living in London. ?. b; o9 ?& |1 p; I; _: S0 z
) e9 ?  X9 w# A- f    3 Z1 n) Z- e2 F3 X7 h5 E0 m
      Still, the pattern is fairly similar in the U.S., where the number of self-made women on the Forbes list also remains at about 10%, with the vast majority of the other rich women making their wealth from inheritance, divorce or spouses.
8 @+ R+ z  V! k& b7 V' u      不过,这种情况与美国很类似,在美国的《福布斯》女性富豪榜上,靠自我奋斗致富的女性约占总上榜人数的10%,其余大多数上榜妇女也是靠继承、离婚和结婚获得财富的。  
% ~1 {/ B0 ^3 K0 K. R" l, \. d/ S  O+ p- O  Y1 {7 U& T
      Do you think women will ever outnumber men on the rich lists? Why not?8 Y- r$ O: _% \% A8 N

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