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[六级阅读] 六级阅读:你知道哪个国家的人干得最多,休假最少吗

发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  If you're feeling over-worked and in desperate need of a holiday you're not alone - the English are the hardest working nation in Europe, taking the least number of paid and public holidays, according to new research.
; [( Z( r) j4 l  如果你觉得过度劳累,急需休假,那么你并不孤单——一项新的研究表明,英国人是全欧洲干得最多、带薪假和公休假最少的人。
9 Q% [* ~( B8 ]& U, Z4 I  The survey revealed workers in England get a minimum of just 28 days leave, compared to residents in Sweden and Portugal, who are given the most, with 39 days.
5 h0 A3 a% {# z3 E3 b  E9 T  该调查显示,英国工人一年最少只有28天假,相较之下,瑞典人和葡萄牙人的节假日最多,他们最少有39天。4 L' m7 T7 @6 v0 r- {
  The average leave and public holiday entitlement is 34 days across Europe, according to research by Hotels.com. That means UK workers lose out on more than a week away from the office and work at least six days more than their typical continental counterpart." a% D: ]5 X& N6 a5 M4 Z6 Z2 u, j
  酒店预订网站Hotels.com开展的这项研究表明,欧洲年假和公休假的天数平均为34天。这意味着与欧洲其他国家相比,英国人的休假时间起码少了一星期,而工作时间则至少多六天。7 @9 J& W2 v( m5 m$ Y
  Of the 12 nations surveyed, Ireland and Holland are in a similar position with just 29 days, but Denmark, parts of Germany, Portugal and Sweden do the least work, with between 38 and 39 days holiday.
) X( }$ S/ U4 m- r  C  在调查涵盖的12个国家里,爱尔兰和荷兰情况相似,都是29天,而丹麦、德国部分地区、葡萄牙和瑞典的上班族工作最少,节假日有38或39天。5 N6 Y4 l( U# [: I! s4 o# G
  Employees in Holland, England, Ireland and Italy have just 20 days statutory paid annual leave, with additional entitlement at the discretion of employers.
4 x% d5 ^$ X3 y" Y2 ?  荷兰、英国、爱尔兰和意大利的员工只有20天的法定带薪年假,额外休假还得由老板来定夺。9 O. B( R7 e8 }# J% M2 {
  A plethora of annual Bank Holidays also exist across Europe. Portugal, Sweden, Spain and some parts of Germany top the list with 14 days each, including holidays such as 'Freedom Day' (Dia da Liberdade) on April 25 in Portugal and 'Midsummer's Day' on June 25 in Sweden.- z' H8 N' |! X2 g" o2 Y
  在欧洲各国普遍存在法定假日过多的情况。葡萄牙、瑞典、西班牙和德国部分地区各有14天法定假日,高居榜首。这些假日包括葡萄牙的“自由日”(4月25日)和瑞典的“仲夏节”(6月25日)等。% \8 F$ ^! R0 O! X) V( H* k
  In contrast, England has the least number of public holidays - only eight. Our patron saint's day, St George's Day on April 23, is not recognised as a public holiday, unlike Ireland's St. Patrick's Day, whose celebrations on March 17 are famous worldwide.5 f5 ]; v7 V0 ^& i/ O
/ V  L( m2 i7 q/ E4 g  The Danes receive a generous 27 statutory days, despite having the lowest number of Bank Holidays on the calendar. Their holiday allowance puts them ahead of Finland, France, Norway, Portugal and Sweden, who all get 25 days.! {! K9 n/ T% c" Z
  丹麦人尽管日历上标出的法定公休假最少,但他们却享有多达27天的年假,超过了有25天年假的芬兰、法国、挪威、葡萄牙和瑞典。6 w! }% s# i' T; r, x# q) h( c- R
  As well as having fewer Bank Holidays, Britons also work the longest hours in Europe, with the latest figures suggesting employees have put in more than

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