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[六级阅读] 2011年六级考试阅读理解强化篇十八

发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Type-A Personality and Heart Disease - O8 C6 f: |( s# _- [; t/ z
  If you're a classic "Type A" personality -- hard-driving, impatient, competitive, intense, easily irritated – you are far more likely than a calm, laid-back "Type B" to suffer a heart attack, right? 1 ?8 l2 K8 O- `' `/ D( Z$ _6 C
  Wrong, says a Massachusetts General Hospital psychiatrist who has studied more than 200 heart patients awaiting disgnostic tests and found virtually no correlation between classic Type A personalities and subsequent heart disease.
0 j4 c5 T1 a7 D, i4 ?$ N6 h( O  What does appear to be a predictor of serious heart trouble, says Dr. Joel E.Dimsdale, director of the MGH Stress Physiology Laboratory, is a chronic inability to deal constructively with anger and hostility.
! w. |0 _5 z$ p8 f  I" L  He is now doing a study on anger and heart disease. The original insight that people could be classified into Type A and Type B personalities and that Type A's were more heart-attack prone grew out of research at the framingham Heart Study laboratories in the late 1970s.
5 N/ K, L" O# w9 O1 Q% A  Since the early studies, the A-B issue has been getting weaker. A large prospective study last year showed the A-B behavior distinction was not associated with coronary artery disease. Now researchers are thinking in terms of "anger in " vs. "anger out" as the latest area of concern.
: \" D7 W6 w8 }0 S1 s7 ~  Behavioral epidemiologist Elaine Eaker at the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute in Bethesda, one of the nation's foremost scholars of correlations between behavior and heart disease, agrees in principle.
- J! W' U; q3 d2 q& p  Since holding anger inside may lead to heart trouble and since acting it out by having temper tantrums is highly antisocial, Faker says researchers now advocate maturely "discussing" anger – either with the person who makes you angry or with a friend -- as the most constructive method of dealing with explosive feelings.' H6 m+ j+ {& a$ H
  Since the early Type A studies, researchers have been attempting to fine-tune the ways in which they can identify a person as Type A or Type B, not an easy task since people often deny or are actually unaware of some facets of their personalities and hence cannot be asked point-blank if they are angry or impatient by nature.
' y! l% n7 \* }  Dimsdale used both pencil-and-paper questionnaires and a "semistructured" interview technique to identify Type A personalities among heart patients. In the interview, he explained, "you ask questions slowly and sometimes even in a stammer and then see how rapidly the person will finish the sentence for you." People who rush to answer are usually highly impatient and impatience has long been considered a major component of Type A behavior.
( V" O! L! Z$ X9 e( A, c% t  Yet, no matter whether he used the self-report questionnaires or the more subtle interview technique, people identified as Type A's did not fare worse than the others.
6 r& N) ]6 L0 M- s: D8 t
, q8 i% o/ z, N: zlaid-back a.松弛的,悠闲的,懒散的; I3 ^) \% [% A' k! n
irritate vt.1.使恼怒,使烦躁 2.使(身体某部分)不适,使疼痛  i7 Z; l- y( |/ @! m5 N: d
psychiatrist n.精神科医生,精神病专家
/ }- j8 z: n7 u: U' j. M) `. y9 C
$ F1 K! n" E- r! {% xdiagnose vt.诊断,判断

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:45 | 显示全部楼层


diagnostic a.诊断的,用于诊断的
9 K* x0 `% T, l+ L[联想词]    syndrome n.综合病症,综合病状
! K% E2 P, @% T3 w prescription n.1.处方,药方 2.开处方,开药方( R3 I" \) s9 u
pharmacy n. 1.药房,药店 2.药剂学,配药</p>correlate vt.使相互关联 vi.相关,关联- S8 T/ f# O1 I5 s
correlation n.相互关系;联系5 M& h2 p# Z- z
physiology n.1.生理学 2.生理,生理机能- F+ o1 R9 S& g4 V# d* N* k
physiological a.生理学的
% r: L: g& r& Z* mchronic a.1.慢性的,久病的 2.长久的,不断的 3.积习难改的) g; t( }4 L9 P' _, w
hostility n.1.敌对,敌意,对抗 2.抵制,反对 3.交战,战争/ ?3 t7 ]! b7 K
[联想词]    hospitality n.友好款待,好客
$ y) V  Q6 }% G. |( Q3 w3 w' K; c               hostage n.人质7 z' a+ K1 @$ A8 z! i/ i/ {
               boycott vt.抵制,拒绝参与8 I. y2 U) T1 k( z
artery n.1.动脉 2.干线,要道
( @# ?& C* o5 e# ?3 g[联想词]    intersection n.道路交叉口,交点6 A- N+ D0 _: J4 j0 ~) k
               junction n.联结点,会合点,交叉口,枢纽
% a* W5 R3 G" [& G1 c* Hprone a.1.易于…的,很可能的 2.俯卧的
9 Z  L- \% e% G' H/ G[联想词]    apt a.1.易于…的,有(做某事的)倾向的 2.恰当的,适宜的 3.聪明的
8 P) Z1 }/ R1 n7 Hprospective a.预期的,未来的,可能的- f( k: `1 W5 S3 L/ F2 I
epidemic n.流行,流传,感染 a.流行性的,流传极广的; H- n3 m. l( F/ A' _7 ~; F
epidemiologist n.流行病学家0 J+ M* n5 |1 c+ Q
formost a.首要的,最佳的/ Q3 ^+ B& \( I8 }, h  H5 {
[联想词]    optimum n.最合适的,最优的,最佳的
) f6 N( Q% B/ p1 @( {$ Gtantrum n.发脾气! @) U+ L7 g3 N$ p6 `# v* |9 g
questionnaire n.问卷,征求意见表: a6 z0 \+ S  ]- v
identify vt.1.认出,鉴定 2.把…等同于 vi.认同5 W( M+ L& k$ y% w4 w! O! ~
indentification n.1.身份证明 2.鉴定,验明,认出 3.认同" b' @- A9 T6 H3 k
stammer n.结巴,口吃  ~! }, Q; B% a. p
subtle a.1.微妙的,难于捉摸的 2.诡秘的,狡诈的 3.隐约的
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