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[六级阅读] 六级阅读精选文:远方无止尽,知足常乐

发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
人是个贪心的动物,总是不满足于当下拥有,总在向往着更远的、更好的!其实,追求并没有错,只是在匆匆的人生中,不要让那颗贪婪的心吞噬了你拥有的快乐!知足常乐!: Y6 Z8 }4 G7 P5 Z& d6 V( m
      Many people believe that they will be happy once they arrive at some specific goal they set for themselves. However, more often than not, once you arrive "there" you will still feel dissatisfied, and move your "there" vision to yet another point in the future., U3 }- a$ L: I+ s1 i
8 q* E$ W! l$ o1 Y7 @      By always chasing after another "there," you are never really appreciating what you already have right "here." It is important for human beings to keep soberminded about the age-old drive to look beyond the place where you now stand. On one hand, your life is enhanced by your dreams and aspirations. On the other hand, these drives can pull you farther and farther from your enjoyment of your life right now. By learning the lessons of gratitude and abundance, you can bring yourself closer to fulfilling the challenge of living in the present.
9 k# k3 _$ B- ~2 ~$ i0 E      由于你总是疲于追逐一个又一个的彼岸,你从未真正欣赏、珍惜你已经拥有的一切。不安于现状的欲望人皆有之,由来已久,但重要的是要对它保持清醒的头脑。一方面,你的生活因为梦想和渴望而更加精彩。另一方面,这些欲望又使你越来越不懂得珍惜和享受现在拥有的生活。假如你能懂得感恩,学会知足,你就接近实现生活在现实中提出的要求。, {+ Q  `$ ^. d' \0 g
      Abundance One of the most common human fears is scarcity. Many people are afraid of not having enough of what they need or want, and so they are always striving to get to a point when they would finally have enough.
$ q& j9 Q: T- c" u      知足常乐贫穷是人类最普遍的恐惧之一。许多人担心自己的所需所求不够,所以他们总是孜孜以求有朝一日能心满意足,别无他求。5 r( \7 o3 ]' D
      Alan and Linda always dreamed of living "the good life." Both from poor working-class families, they married young and set out to fulfill their mutual goal of becoming wealthy. They both worked very hard for years, amassing a small fortune, so they could move from their two-bedroom home to a palatial seven-bedroom home in the most upscale neighborhood. They focused their energies on accumulating all the things they believed signified abundance: membership in the local exclusive country club, luxury cars, designer clothing, and high-class society friends. No matter how much they accumulated.
' m; a- |7 M4 _( S5 G      艾伦和琳达都来自贫苦的工人家庭,都一直梦想着过上"好日子"。他们早早地成了家,然后就开始为他们共同的致富目标奋斗。他们拼命工作了好几年,终于积攒了一笔钱,从两居室搬到了一套坐落在最高档街区的富丽堂皇的七居室大房子。此后,他们费尽心思去积聚那些他们认为是代表富足的东西:当地惟一的一家乡村俱乐部的会员资格、豪华汽车、名牌服装,以及上流社会的朋友。3 F8 }  g; h! }3 o, a0 r5 a& b8 h
      However, it never seemed to be enough. They were unable to erase the deep fear of scarcity both had acquired in childhood. They needed to learn the lesson of abundance. Then the stock market crashed in 1987, and Alan and Linda lost a considerable amount of money. A bizarre but costly lawsuit depleted another huge portion of their savings. One thing led to another, and they found themselves in a financial disaster. Assets needed to be sold, and eventually they lost the country club membership, the cars, and the house. It took several years and much hard work for Alan and Linda to land on their feet, and though they now live a life far from extravagant, they have taken stock of their lives and feel quite blessed. Only now, as they assess what they have left -- a solid, loving marriage, their health, a dependable income, and good friends -- do they realize that true abundance comes not from amassing, but rather from appreciating.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:45 | 显示全部楼层


</p>      Scarcity consciousness arises as a result of the "hole-in-the-soul syndrome." This is when we attempt to fill the gaps in our inner lives with things from the outside world. But like puzzle pieces, you can't fit something in where it does not naturally belong. No amount of external objects, affection, love, or attention can ever fill an inner void. We already have enough, so we should revel in our own interior abundance., J* S6 G, T9 a3 I; c' [
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